Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Welcome to my Life
Just another manic...Friday?
Friday, October 29, 2004
Band and Van Helsing--A fatal combination? You decide; tonight at eleven
Thursday, October 28, 2004
It Had to Happen Sometime
- Andrew said...
You tell 'em Leah
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I cant hold off the hungry readers
Album: Goodies
Song: Goodies
Lyrics :
♫ [Ciara]My Goodies, My Goodies, My Goodies, Not my goodies!
[Verse 1: Petey Pablo]I got a sick reputation for handlin broads
All I need is me a few seconds or more.
And in my rap Tell valet to bring my 'Lac
And I ain't comin back So you can put a car right there.
I'm the truthAnd ain't got nothin' to prove.
An you can ask anybody
Cuz they seen me do it.
Barracades, I run right through 'em
I'm used to 'em.
Throw all the dirt you want it's no use.
You still won't have a pinup in a fabulous room
On her back pickin' out baskets of fruit. (I love you boo)
Yeah freak and Petey love you too.
Ha Ha You know how I do..
[Hook: Ciara]You may look at me and think that I'm Just a young girl
But I'm not just a young girl.
Baby this is what I'm lookin' for:
Sexy, independent, down to spend it type that's gettin' his dough
I'm not bein too dramatic that's the way I gotta have it.
[Chorus: Ciara]I bet you want the goodies.
Bet you thought about it.
Got you all hot and bothered.
Mayb' cuz I talk about it.
Lookin for the goodies Keep on lookin' cuz they stay in the jar
Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh Oh-oh
[Verse 2: Ciara]Just because you drive a Benz
I'm not goin home with you.
You won't get no nookie or the cookies I'm no rookie.
And still I'm Sexy, independent I ain't wit' it so you already know.
I'm not bein too dramatic that's the way I gotta have it
You think you're slick
Tryna hit
But I'm not dumbI
'm not bein too dramatic it's just how I gotta have it
[Verse 3: Petey Pablo]So damn hot but so young.
Still got milk on ya tongue
Slow down lil one
And you ain't got it all
Hey shawty
You think you bad but you ain't bad I'll show you what bad is.
Bad is when you capable of beatin' the baddest.
I been workin' at it since I came to this planet
And I ain't quite there yet but I'm gettin' better at it.
Matter of fact, Lemme tell it to you one mo' again
All I got to do is tell a girl who I am (Petey!)
Ain't naa chick in here dat I can't have
Bada boom bada bam ba bam!
[Verse 4: Ciara]You're insinuating that I'm hot
But these goodies boy are not
Just for any of the many men that's tryna get on top.
No you can't call me later
And I don't want your number.
I'm not changin' stories
Just respect the play I'm callin'.
[Chorus (2X)]Uh...Yeah...Uh...Yeah Uh Uh Uh ♫
Fortune telling stolen stuff + News all for the low, low price of 29.95-or whatever your ISP charges you for internet access
Overview: Hopefully, you didn't tax yourself too much yesterday, because here's an energetic day especially designed to bring out the spontaneous, enthusiastic side of your personality. Even more than usual, that is.
Today you are a force to be reckoned with. Your good will toward others is inescapable! But who would want to get away from a big, furry teddy bear hug of love like you? Hah! Hah! Laughable, that idea.
This was my horoscope today--doesn't it make you feel good about me? This is perfect model of my personality.
Don't make me grovel
4 Robots and a Wedding
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Its the last one!!
Monday, October 18, 2004
Such a wild weekend
Friday was homecoming against Prosper. We added the gayest visuals to the production number and to the closer of our show! We didn't screw up too badly that night, though. It was kinda awful, we had to stand out on the field forever while they did the Homecoming court. They didn't even decorate the band stand when they decorated every other one of they stands, so some parents made us decorate it like petulant children. Mr. Rutherford got mad at me for taking my Shako off during pregame whenever they announced that there would be a moment of silence because he thought that they called for the national anthem. It turned out that I was right and it made me feel good that for once he yelled at me unjustly and then APOLOGIZED! I couldn't believe my ears, it was like a freakin' chorus of angels. He still gets mad at me for not playing some sixteenth note run in the opener that I really do play. He has been so pissy for the last couple of weeks and he just needs to take 10,000 mg of Chill twice a day or as directed by a physician. Before the game, I ate at Lucy's with some other people and I swear that it is the crappiest restaurant in the whole of Celina.
Saturday, can you feel the feel of it? I couldn't. (elementary school play flashback, Brian knows what I'm talking about) On Saturday, I was awakened from my slumber to accompany my mother to the airport. I then went with my father to Taco Cabana for breakfast and Home Depot. We spent at least 45 minutes looking for the right sand paper to attach to his orbital sander. We came home and slept for quite awhile. Then we took my dog, Jesse, the Siberian husky and had her put to sleep; she had lost control of her bodily functions and wouldn't eat or drink and could hardly move. She was 14 years old; it was time. So now I only have two dogs: Tucker who ish Billy and that filthy rat dog, Winston. Maybe we'll get a female German Shepard and name it Annette. I like that name for a German Shepard-think about it. After that we went back into McKinney to Best Buy, we got some CD's and I got Zoolander on DVD. I love reward zone, for everything I buy at best buy, I get points, I have about $70 in certificates now. Then we went into Dallas to eat at some steak place. The food was so rich it almost made me sick, but it was good. That night I had a little bit of a sore throat but couldn't find any cough drops. I fell asleep and had quite a pleasant dream
Today, Monday, I woke up and felt a little better, so I decided to go to school. I died on the mile. And I know its just a mile and a lot of people run much more each day and I'm out of shape and a bad officer and lazy and overweight and completely repulsive, but its hard for me. I went through the day with a runny nose and unable to taste anything and I felt strangely guilty about not posting anything(and since I have so may readers...) so I made a mini post in BCIS. Now I'm sitting here doing the minimum amount of schoolwork and posting to catch myself up for all the missed time over the weekend. I can't wait until we march on Thursday so all this will finally be over with. I hate English. It went from being my favorite class for as long as I can remember to my least favorite class this year. While I don't enjoy being second in the class, I also don't like to work that hard- a vicious "either, or" as Lady Marguerite Blackeny would say. I love The Scarlet Pimpernell, its one of my favorite books, I suggest any of you reading this pick up a copy.
The illness has set in
- Andrew said...
I believe that you are mistaken. Genie vs. King Triton, Jafaar vs. Ursala, Aladdin vs. a Mermaid, and Prince Eric vs. Jasmine, Aladdin is the superior film--just look at the gross sales.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Fun, Fun for everyone!
...Here is another favorite video, but be warned, its a big lengthy...
...Ok, this one is pretty funny too...
...This one's great for all you prohibitionists out there...
...I need some rest...
...I think I have a test tomorrow...
...I hate homecoming...
...I love Aladdin and Ms. Congeniality...
...I need an MP3 Player...
...and some cash would be nice...
...In fact, any contributions to the "I need money" fund would be appreciated...
...Make checks payable to Andrew or Linda Hill...
...I accept money orders...
...I do not, however, accept credit cards...
...only because I don't have a credit card reader...
...so the card would be useless to me...
...I could just use it as if it was mine...
...but then I'd be arrested for identity theft or something...
...maybe I should get a card reader...
...I like playing saxophone...
...Mr. Rutherford finally gave me my memory pin...
...Its about time, too...
...I think he's about to lose it...
...his mind, not the memory pin..
...just thought I'd clarify...
...maybe Argyle will mysteriously drop out of the competition on Wednesday...
..."I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch"..
...I like shrimp, too...
...I like them a lot!...
...I don't think I've ever realized nor given serious thought to the fact that I really love shrimp, perplexing...
...T-shirts are ordered for robotics club, there gonna be awsome...
...I wonder if I should go to mall day...
...Vimbe vyote vya mungu wetu, na mfalme wetu!...
...Vimbe vyote vya mungu wetu, na mfalme wetu!...
...All men watu wote
All creatures viumbe vyote
Everybody awawe yote
Praise the Lord sifu mungu...
...I began writing this post at 9:00 and have been continually adding to it ever since...
..."I grow tired of wasting time!"...
...I shall require rest soon, I need to be up bright and early, so fare ye well, my bonnie young girl, we are bound for rio grande!............
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Celina meets Milan
- Fanny said...
I remember Half Price books, so that's what you meant by that magazine! Lol!
Donning the Black
The presidents discuss the queers
In too deep
Bushy Cleans Up
100 Visitors, Oh Yes
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
What could be a better representation of one's true self than the results of a internet test?
Your score is unique, however, so keep reading.
Sense of Humor ----
Violent Tendencies --------- (the dashes measure my score)
Bravery ----------------------------
Observational Skills ------------------------------
Self-Confidence ----------------
The subject is brave, however, and shows real strength in that department. Courageousness is a large part of untelligence.
Finally, the subject displayed a pathetic and useless (seriously bad) sense of humor,(I disagree with this) a nearly satanic lack of morality,(;-)) and a hot-shot level of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals. "(I must have made a mistake on one of my answers for them to think I'm this unfunny! I think I'm hillarious :-)
Here is another one : This is a personality test
You are a Mentor!-(Submissive Extroverted Abstract Thinker)
You are a MENTOR. Some would call you the most powerful and influential of all people. Those people are wrong.
The reality is that you DON'T really WANT to impose personal views or beliefs on others. Yet you are extroverted and intelligent, and you like to get involved. So you help others with the pursuit of knowledge.
You're the reason that people say teachers are also students. You are as much a learner as a master, and this satisfies you.
You won't die a lonely death, but towards the end you'll grow introspective, wondering if your life meant anything. This will last for decades, and you'll die after your spouse.
Compared to 14,958,611 other test takers...
44% are more Submissive than you.
35% are more Dominant than you.
21% are just as Submissive as you.
52% are more Introverted than you.
30% are more Extroverted than you.
18% are just as Extroverted as you.
0% are more Abstract than you.
99% are more Concrete than you.
1% are just as Abstract as you.
0% are more Thinking than you.
99% are more Feeling than you.
1% are just as Thinking as you.
Some interesting facts about The Personality Test...
14,958,611 people have taken the test.
Of those, 63% were female and 37% were male.
The most common personality type is Dreamer at 12% of test takers.
The least common is Businessman at only 3%.
Women prefer Einstein. Men do, too. (I prefer Shakespeare- it was a test question)
Women would prefer to sell their bodies as opposed to their soul. Men would, too. (another test question)
And Finally, a test to show my "dateability"-this one is a tie with the personality one for my favorite. I think most would disagree with the results of this one.
That's higher than the Worldwide Dateability Average of 62%!
95% less dateable than you — 2% like you(you hear that, there's not that many as awesomely datable as I) — 3% more dateable than you
Some interesting statistics...
Women are LESS dateable than men.
Women average 62% dateable. Men average 63%.
10% would date their own clone.(I wouldn't-even if it were a female clone)
22% want to be on reality TV.(I don't)
And 36% have bad teeth.(...)
These are hilarious tests; they make me feel good about myself
Monday, October 11, 2004
Scary Stolen Stuff
I enjoy stealing stuff from Chris Fisher's blog. So that's why I have my "stolen stuff" collection of posts. You can see all the gay, liberal hilarity at his blog http://www.thescarletleft.blogspot.com!
Swing Low New Mexico
Today was so much fun
Sunday, October 10, 2004
The first morning after
I could not bring myself to post yesterday, i was simply too tired. I had to get up at 3:30 to be ready to leave at 4:00 to go to the band hall. We did a lot better at Birdville than at Mesquite marching contest, but we still aren't great. We got second overall in class AA, beat only by Argyle-but they beat us by over 100 points. It looks like I wont have pictures from this contest, but I am getting some from Mesquite and we can pretend som e of them were taken a Birdville. The next portion of this post will be spent venting and will be in code starting now: OMMFFG, My Gumby's are all out and the window is locked behind me. I cannot take any more red pills and the worst of all is the yellow pill. I'm beginning to hate yellow pills.The yp is a bb that has dl and doesn't know what atf is. It makes me rain blue and hang with posterity. The first in the history line repeats itself. Maybe on of my friends will be able to figure out the code, as it is indicative of my personality...
- Fanny said...
Andrew, I'm sorry man, but on Saturday we kept asking you what was wrong I even tried to hound it out of you but you just wouldn't budge! So unless you say what's wrong now, all **** is gonna break loose! I'm sorry your "gumby's" didn't invite you but if you just would've told us what was wrong things would have been so much better.
- Andrew said...
I didn't mean for everyone to get there panties in a bunch over my post. I just wanted to vent without it coming back to bite me in the ass. I just typed a bunch of jibberish. I wasn't hinting at anything and I'm not mad at anybody for not inviting me anywhere. Saturday wasn't a big deal--we were all tired and I can stand to sit somewhere different for one stupid meal at IHOP. I wasn't trying to be a martyre and whine and complain, and I'm sorry if that came accross as offensive.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Marching again!
- Andrew said...
I know, right
Confusing stolen stuff
It is a riddle from our chemistry teacher, Mr. Carey.
"Don't pick up anything in the lab.There is a mirror in the back of the lab."*read between the lines*" I can't make heads or tails of it.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Funny Stolen Stuff
III- Thou Shalt Write Witty Away Messages
Student asked, but God, how will I show everyone that I am funny? And God said unto him, thou shall write witty away messages. God said to student, you shall never just say you are in the shower, you shall say you are getting wet and wild…in the shower. You shall never say you are at class, you shall say you are sleeping…in class. God said, if you do not write witty away messages, I shall smite you. Blessed are the funny, for they will get many girls to be their friends but never hook up with them. And it was good.
Holy flip-flopping fuzzy logic, Batman! Its the Liberals
- antoinette said...
i totally agree- that teacher should not have been fired i mean what would have happened if republicans had been upset with the picture of bill clinton probably nothing because the principal is probably some liberal freak but oh well, by the way im a sophomore too and it does kinda suck.
- Andrew said...
I know, right
Monday, October 04, 2004
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Good Crap and Bad Crap
I'm watching the premier of Desperate Houswives on ABC. I wish that Alias was on, but this show is kinda funny in a "this is nothing like real life" sorta way.
Let's see, I have an Element quiz in Chemistry, A TAKS quiz in Algebra, An AP World History Test, and I completely forgot about my English homework until this very moment,CRAP! I have to work, fast...
Saturday, October 02, 2004
- Andrew said...
Oh, yes. . .Oh, yes!
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