The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Fortune telling stolen stuff + News all for the low, low price of 29.95-or whatever your ISP charges you for internet access --This link made me think "Who better to speak out against Bush than Clinton!" Since he is such a sterling example of presidential perfection. This was the front page article on my Yahoo! homepage, even Yahoo only posts pro left wing articles. Fact: The left side of the body was associated with femininity in pagan practices. When Christianity came along, the Christians tried to spin the sacredness of the female to the pagan religions as demonic in Christianity. (The original sin, etc.) To this day, we see the effects of early Chirstians putting a negative connotation with things associated with women. For example, when an idea or person isn't agreed with, they/it are said to be out in left field. The left being the negative side because it used to correspond to women. So this just proves that Democrats are associated with evil, because they are the left wing pollitical party.
Now for the fortune telling stolen stuff, stolen from your very own Asian Black Market supply woman Sexy J over at a website where you play the timeless childhood favorte--MASH!
It turns out I'm going to end up being an anesthesiologist married to Julia, living in a shack, with a Nissan 350Z, 295 kids, in Alabama. results courtesy of


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