The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Sunday, October 31, 2004

I'll trick your treat. Don't ask me for candy, you don't know me!

Last night I fell asleep directly after talking to Parris, and this morning, I awoke to her phone call--so my night was bookended by Parris. I got up expecting a lazy day at home watching TV, but noooo, we have to do productive things. The Cowboys won today against Detroit, woohooo! Maybe this will give them some confidence so they'll quite sucking for awhile. Today was national clean-up day at the Hill residence. I cleaned so much I thought I wouldn't ever be able to clean again. Then we had to go over to my sisters house, again. She her rat son, Alex, his friend Sam and his parents went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood, so my mom and I passed out candy to the other kids that made the rounds. I brought some glow necklaces from our booth on Saturday to hand out, too. So I had so much fun giving out candy to little kids...I can't escape the little people! Be it parties or festivals or Halloween, they're everywhere. I didn't do a single fun or festive thing for Halloween. I really think that its a stupid holiday, and I have never really liked trick or treating. There are some crazy people that go out and beg for candy. There were some candy whores that were my age. It was a little awkward answering the door and handing out candy to some 15 year old with an overabundance of Halloween spirit. Alas, despite my distaste for the holiday, I have a few H-day pics to please the masses. So please enjoy.


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