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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Holy flip-flopping fuzzy logic, Batman! Its the Liberals

Ok, this is the kind of thing that gives me stomach ulcers, and things like it should be stopped. Some teacher in a high school had a bulletin board in her classroom. This board was to display things that the class wanted to display, a kind of everything board. Among other things on the board there was a list of all the presidents of the US thusfar. Of course the list is going to stop with George W. Bush because he's the current president, right. Well thats wrong according to some liberal-ass lefty's. There was a group of students protesting because John Kerry, a presidential candidate was not on the list of current US presidents. But wait, there's more! In response to the protestors, of which there were not that many, the principal fired the teacher on the grounds that she was causing a disruption in the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can anyone beleive this! Apparently, because of ignorant liberal minded people, one is no longer allowed the freedom to STATE FACTin our great nation. I can't believe it; something like this is beyond my comprehension. I'd love to talk to that principal. OMG. This is what the democrats would do to our country-even though they're the ones who believe in more individual rights essentially. Let freedom ring? Not if Kerry is ever elected. I can't find the story on the web yet, I've only heard it on the radio. Here is a great, truly neutral artical about how elections should be, and some of the problems with the voting population currently, its a good read And good news if your computer has been affected by spyware! It is now illegal for company's to use spyware technologies and they cac incur hefty federal fines. And while I'm giving the local news report, I might as well say that Rodney Dangerfield died today at the age of 82. I still can't believe what happened to that poor teacher...


Blogger antoinette said...

i totally agree- that teacher should not have been fired i mean what would have happened if republicans had been upset with the picture of bill clinton probably nothing because the principal is probably some liberal freak but oh well, by the way im a sophomore too and it does kinda suck.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I know, right

11:14 PM  

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