The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

In too deep

I'm in deep th is time. I missed band today for no really good reason, and I know Mr. R is gonna be pissed that I missed:-). Then, after school, I was drinking in the band hall and forgot to dispose of the evidence. When Mr. W confronted me, I tried to get someone to lie for me, but they just dug me in deeper--that good ol' saxophone instinct kicked in--and so Mr. W caught me trying to lie about drinking in the band hall and not even sneaking the can out. This is not good because he will tell Mr. R who is on a rampage and is mad at me because I didn't know that it wasn't ok to pay our uniform cleaning fee on Friday instead of Wednesday and that it wasn't ok to have my name on a list of people that owe money--even if it was something they charged at the beginning of the month and was waiting on the invoice to see how much they owed--Mr. R has also gotten mad at me because I forget to take my trash one time as I was rushing to the bathroom to vomit up what was formerly contained in said trash. All this combined with his hatred of the saxophone section, keen eye for humiliating me at every opportunity, his anger at me for missing rehearsal, and the stress he is under because we suck so much, makes the prognosis seem pretty bleak.


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