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31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Monday, October 18, 2004

Such a wild weekend

This weekend was miserable. Let's brake it down, shall we?
Friday was homecoming against Prosper. We added the gayest visuals to the production number and to the closer of our show! We didn't screw up too badly that night, though. It was kinda awful, we had to stand out on the field forever while they did the Homecoming court. They didn't even decorate the band stand when they decorated every other one of they stands, so some parents made us decorate it like petulant children. Mr. Rutherford got mad at me for taking my Shako off during pregame whenever they announced that there would be a moment of silence because he thought that they called for the national anthem. It turned out that I was right and it made me feel good that for once he yelled at me unjustly and then APOLOGIZED! I couldn't believe my ears, it was like a freakin' chorus of angels. He still gets mad at me for not playing some sixteenth note run in the opener that I really do play. He has been so pissy for the last couple of weeks and he just needs to take 10,000 mg of Chill twice a day or as directed by a physician. Before the game, I ate at Lucy's with some other people and I swear that it is the crappiest restaurant in the whole of Celina.
Saturday, can you feel the feel of it? I couldn't. (elementary school play flashback, Brian knows what I'm talking about) On Saturday, I was awakened from my slumber to accompany my mother to the airport. I then went with my father to Taco Cabana for breakfast and Home Depot. We spent at least 45 minutes looking for the right sand paper to attach to his orbital sander. We came home and slept for quite awhile. Then we took my dog, Jesse, the Siberian husky and had her put to sleep; she had lost control of her bodily functions and wouldn't eat or drink and could hardly move. She was 14 years old; it was time. So now I only have two dogs: Tucker who ish Billy and that filthy rat dog, Winston. Maybe we'll get a female German Shepard and name it Annette. I like that name for a German Shepard-think about it. After that we went back into McKinney to Best Buy, we got some CD's and I got Zoolander on DVD. I love reward zone, for everything I buy at best buy, I get points, I have about $70 in certificates now. Then we went into Dallas to eat at some steak place. The food was so rich it almost made me sick, but it was good. That night I had a little bit of a sore throat but couldn't find any cough drops. I fell asleep and had quite a pleasant dream
On Sunday I woke up unable to breath through my nose or swallow. You know how when your nose is stopped up and so your mouth is open all night so you don't die, but then your mouth gets all dry and your throat gets even more scratchy. So I got up and went and turned off every fan in the house and turned on the heater because it was 58 degrees and maybe a little warmer outside. My dad went and got me some cough drops. I sat in front of the television, and between falling asleep and watching different sporting events I probably watched the equivalent of one whole game. I ached too much and when I tried to get to my computer to make a post, I fell short at my bed. I sucked on cough drops and drank orange juice all day. Then I went cooked dinner and watched the 5th ALCS game-Yankees @ Red Sox. The Yankees one 3 games and the Sox two, including this game I'm talking about. Will the Sox go to the world series? Will the curse be broken? Probably not, but what can I say, I'm an optimist. I was probably conscious for about 3 hours on Sunday, and was debating whether or not to come on Monday, but I thought Mr. R would kill me if I missed rehearsal. I then went to bed, forgetting to get anything ready for Monday and felt like crap all night. I again had some very abstract, yet strangely erotic dream. I guess it has something to do with my immune system fighting off disease.
Today, Monday, I woke up and felt a little better, so I decided to go to school. I died on the mile. And I know its just a mile and a lot of people run much more each day and I'm out of shape and a bad officer and lazy and overweight and completely repulsive, but its hard for me. I went through the day with a runny nose and unable to taste anything and I felt strangely guilty about not posting anything(and since I have so may readers...) so I made a mini post in BCIS. Now I'm sitting here doing the minimum amount of schoolwork and posting to catch myself up for all the missed time over the weekend. I can't wait until we march on Thursday so all this will finally be over with. I hate English. It went from being my favorite class for as long as I can remember to my least favorite class this year. While I don't enjoy being second in the class, I also don't like to work that hard- a vicious "either, or" as Lady Marguerite Blackeny would say. I love The Scarlet Pimpernell, its one of my favorite books, I suggest any of you reading this pick up a copy.


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