The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from goldfinger288.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


So, here we are again. Tomorrow is band camp. (by the way, happy birthday, Lori--I know I couldn't get anything to you before tomorrow) I still have all of the scores for teh stands tunes to copy as well as the calendar. As we speak, I am avoiding packing because I am still trying to convince myself that it can't be happening again.


Blogger Brian said...

Wow, we really must be one of the only bands in Texas that goes away and actually camps for band camp. I mean, that's what the name implies, right? Band Camp. A camp in which band stuff is done. Like leadership camp except with everyone (of one gender) in one room.

8:18 PM  

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Monday, July 25, 2005


I'm not sure when they did this, but blogger finally updated the number of posts that I have made. This is supposedly #489.


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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bloody Discharge

So, I've been away from the computer for a whole week--I almost feel like I have a life. Of course, I look at what I've been doing, and I realize that I don't.

On Martes y Miercoles, the officers and I had our training.

On Thursday, I took a day to catch up on my beauty sleep

On Friday, I kidnapped Brian from the Band Hall and we went and bought stuff for the Freshmen's bundles. Upon returning to the band hall, we painted towels and stayed at the parents night out thing until midnight. Its a good thing it was the last one, because I don't know if Brian could handle another.

On Saturday, I tried a green tea frappuccino (sooo good) and went with my sister and her boyfriend to Belk (that department store in Mckinney). In Belk, this woman asked my opinion of her outfit because she was going to this western party. I told her that she didn't look good in ruffles and I picked her out an outfit. She liked what I picked out and gave me $20 for my services. I would've stayed at Belk all day to see if anyone else needed a personal consultant, but I had to go to Jenny's party.

At Jenny's we had some fun with craft paint, and I was assaulted and they all put red paint in my hair. Even though it looked mighty spiffy, I was hard to get out (I had to wash it out in the pool, so it looked like I was bleeding). All night I was shedding red flakes. I spent the night and we had wild massages while watching movies. All the boy scout boyfriends who couldn't be bothered to attend this birthday bash really missed out :-) Happy birthday to Jenny, again.

I had to work today, and I made about 1700 trips up and down these rickety stairs while cutting tiny tiles that would shatter when they hit the tile saw and pelt my face.

I'm sorry for anyone who has tried to reach me in the past couple of days, my phone has been sorta dead (it really has pretty crappy battery life) and I have been actually busy.

If somebody doesn't pick some stands tunes, there is going to be some mass murding at the band hall.

I am proud to report that after 2 showers, I no longer have red in my ears, on my scalp, in my nose, smeared on my skin, or coming out my butt.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

HI melanie, and penny says hi too. Hope you've had a great summer.

Andrew......what did you get for the bundles? I would have loved to see the hair, but I know it's hard getting that stuff out. My cat once had blue paint smeared on her by my nieces when she was younger. Her tongue was blue for weeks.

10:52 AM  
Blogger xavier said...

i managed to get all the paint off my skin with some severe loofa-ing but there's still yellow in my hair. I went to get my haircut today and Matt, my hair dude, laughed at me. =)

7:51 PM  

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Desert Island

If I went to a desert island, I would bring these 5 things...

1: My can of AXE relapse
2: My Backstreet Boys CD
3: Mr. Weatherman
4: My Saxophone T-shirt
5: My copy of "Of Mice and Men"

...and I'd leave them there and go home.

Good Lord! I have a copy of "Of Mice and Men"

What would you bring to a deserted island and leave there?


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

If I went to a desert island, I would bring these 5 things...

1: My uniform
2: All the copies of Steinbeck's and Dickens's works I could find
3: playground equipment
4: an unnamed person
5: My 'When the Legends Die' journal that Mrs. Hill never collected. I never had to do anymore journals.

...and I'd leave them there and go home.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

My biological father is already on an island (Japan) so I don't have to worry about that....

5:59 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

A tale of two cities was a good book

8:25 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

you have to be specific

12:41 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Hmmm... this is going to take a while...

If I went to a desert island, I would bring these 5 things...

1: My tuxedo shirt (starched)
2: Undaunted Courage (and other wonderful summer reading classics)
3: Anything remotely related to John Steinbeck
4: Every band memeber that doesn't know score order
5: Fire Ants (and other itchy biting things)

...and I'd leave them there and go home.

Odd, I'm the only person who wouldn't bring another person.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Then, if I could send one more thing anywhere else in the universe but right here, it would be the saxophone section (minus Andrew and CJ).

10:48 PM  
Blogger crias said...

1. George W. Bush
2. Dick Cheney
3. Rick Santorum
4. Tom DeLay
5. Mr. Weatherman


(And meanwhile, I'll be on bripanties' desert island! YEAGH!)

2:36 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

1. All the gay guys in the world
2. Mr. Weatherman (fits in with the first one too)
3. All tight redneck jeans for guys
4. My brothers gamecube
5. My brothers ability to wistle (if possible)

...and I'd leave them there and go home.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

i was desperately trying to come up with an interesting logo, and it takes 4 triangles to make the diamond, but there are only 3 letters I could use, unless I stuck in a B for band

7:13 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

People in band that don't know score order count as people, Brian (even if they shouldn't)

7:14 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

"Well, now I feel sheepish".
I can't believe I didn't realize that I had actually put that in there, even though I'm fairly sure I was present when I typed it.
Maybe I was thinking it was still an accomplishment to not single anyone out?
I don't know.
I'll formally retract my previous statement if you so desire.

9:43 PM  

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Le super cool Shelf

How many mythology books can you find on the shelf?


Blogger Brian said...

I'm going to say 25-30.
Is that a "Mythology for Dummies" book on the second shelf (from the bottom)?

1:18 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Why yes, it is

1:53 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

there are exactly 20, but I'm not finished putting books up there yet

1:55 AM  

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Krazy Shrunken Head Face meets My Hair first thing in the morning


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

I'm back, I've got medication, its great

10:19 PM  

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Saturday, July 16, 2005

You were the one who introduced the bosoms, I was just asking if you'd like them to heave.

While millions of Harry Potter fans have finished their books and are now analyzing the sequence of names to break the nonexistant code of how the story is going to end up, I have just purchased my copy at the most ghetto Kroger in the world (that would be the one in Mckinney, for anyone that was thinking of the one in Malakoff {if there even is one there}). My dad got into a fight with the people @ Kroger over the price of Splenda, and I have officially disowned my family.

I don't regret not going to a release party, but if I had, I definately would've dressed up as Hedwig.

Other news: Cain is home, and Ruby Tuesday isn't tooooo bad of a restaurant.

I have miraculously survived another trip to the McKinney Movies 14. This will be the third time in a 5 week period that I have not only attended the theatre, but went with my family. I hope I don't get cancer from being around hordes of ugly people in a crappy movie theatre. I saw Wedding Crashers, and besides being mildly inappropriate to be viewed with my family, it was pretty funny. (the funniest parts where the ones with the crazy girl from the previews)

Nudity +++ (Maybe a little too much, there were quite a few exposed breasts as well as some very mild male showing of skin )

Children ++ (Funny, bratty rich kids, oh yes)

Asians + (talk of how the "rules" were bent for an Asian girl, thus showing their superiority)

Brits + (Wealthy new england families are close enough)

Crazies + (Crazy, old, swearing, shotgun toting women not to mention the weird, clingy girl with the maniacal laugh. Take my money, please!)

Detracting Points: Some of the subject matter made me slightly uncomfortable because I was sitting in between my parents as the grappled over popcorn.

Rating: 9.5, unless your with your parents and a really loud person in front of you who reminded you of the most stereotypical hillbilly, in which case it was a 7


Blogger Andrew said...

I finished at about 12:00 today, but I didn't get any sleep and went up to the band hall to see if anyone showed up for Tara's workouts. I'm a slow reader

10:23 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

We just got our copy today. That is to say Becky picked up "her copy" that "she" reserved at Barnes and Nobles. It was only in her name becuase it would be stupid to have a book reserved for "Christensen Family".
Anyway, I haven't even started it yet because I haven't finished re-reading Order of the Pheonix yet. I'm a slower reader than Andrew.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Of whom's bosoms are you speaking?

10:33 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Its a quote from "Alex & Emma", but I was referring to the bosoms in "Wedding Crashers"

1:56 AM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Movies 14 in Mckinney isn't so bad. I go there all the time....don't be mean to my theater.

7:59 PM  

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I wonder what happens..

I know its against all of my friends' religions to be posting of Harry Potter day, but I'm afraid to get in touch with anyone otherwise, because they might claw my eyes out becasues I interrupted their reading. I'm going to go scrounge around random grocery stores, because they always have HP in stock. Oh, yes, I'm like the only person that I know that didn't pre-order. I guess I can't even call myself a fan, I can't even pour my shrinking potion into a buret.


Blogger xavier said...

i didn't pre-order either andrew. But not for lack of wanting to. i didnt know where i was going to be so o well but we stopped at some random b&n in memphis this morning and got one =)lol

7:26 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I got your call, sorry that I didn't throw you a party, I was at dinner with my family

9:13 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

y didn't you call me back?!?!

9:16 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

cuz I just got the message as I sat down to type the comment

9:33 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

You may be the only people who didn't pre-order, but I'm willing to bet we're the only people who pre-ordered and didn't pick it up because we were 100 miles away from the location of said pre-order. Or something like that. We still don't have it yet, but I've seen somebody else's copy. Oooooooo.

5:23 AM  

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Sometimes you just run out of cheese

I was making dinner tonight, and when I went to get cheese out of the refridgerator, there was none. Its strange when you realize that you've run out of cheese. Especially if you have several different types of cheese to begin with. Then you have to worry about when your going to get more cheese, becasue when your at the store, your so used to always having cheese that you never remember to pick up more. And there are so many types of cheese that one always feels the need to try new cheeses, but at the end of the day you always come home with the same old sharp cheddar cheese.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

maybe you should play cheese cheese cheese to bring back the cheese like the rain dance to bring back the rain

10:37 PM  

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Christian Rap in July


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Happy Little Freshmen eat Dublin Mudslide (the finest ice cream around)



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Christian Rock and the new Celina Band Logo


Blogger Brian said...

I think you've struck gold here. Solid gold.

5:23 AM  

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Which logo do you like better?


Blogger Angel said...

the first one

9:29 AM  

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Catching Up

It is so weird to check all the blogs that you want to link to but don't have the patience or sidebar space. You go and all of a sudden your in the middle of a long stream of thought that you wish you could be a part of, but you don't check that blog regularly enough and you don't know about whom the online aliases are referring to. Its at times like these that you just have to start talking about tuna salad.


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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Never Leave your Chemistry Lab without it

Click on the picture to learn about how fireworks work.


Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

AH! Brings back memory of high school, stealing chemicals from the chem lab to make our own fireworks, and the big flash still stands before my eyes...


12:22 AM  
Blogger xavier said...

a little birdie told me that u should have a party for your friend who will be returning home saturday *COUGH*

damn there's no anonymous comments =P

1:23 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

tell me where the spare key to your house is, and I'll throw a homecoming party in your house and freak out your parents

7:11 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

my daddy's home so just knock on the door. it'll be like late afternoon saturday when we get back so if he should be there if he's not call my cell and I'll tell you how to get in. lOl and i don't know anything about this...

8:40 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ill try and work the periodic table into the themes of freshmen and marching band

9:51 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I don't know if I can organize a party this last minute. I thought that it was earlier in the week. Maybe I'll come over and cook. Call me and we can do something

9:52 PM  

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Never Leave Home Without It, Kids

IT IS ALMOST COMPLETE!!! Today Brian and I finished going through all of the library stuff that was thrown in boxes and put every stray peice of anything in its place. Everything is ready to be filed and everything is right with the world. If anyone is ever feeling like the summer boredome is taking over, come up to the band hall--I'm sure we can find something to break the monotony.

I'm now taking T-shirt ideas for everything from Robotics to OAP to Freshman band kids.


Blogger Brian said...

Just FYI, I knew who wrote all those poems you posted on Becky's blog, and I knew it before I scrolled down and saw Leah's comment. I just haven't been to Becky's blog in a week or something.

3:17 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

loser i get home saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

You know, that picture never showed up before. This is the first time I'm seeing it. And I agree, no one should leave home without it. Unless, of course, they already know.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

I'm on pain medication so keep that in mind.....hahaha, we could have a picture of the drum major jumping off the podium at a stupid freshman and breaking her ankle in the process.....hahaha....that's not funny, oh well....hahaha...drugs are good

10:39 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

sorry about that....freshmen orientation is going to be fun, and probably taught on drugs once again

10:49 PM  

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The First Step is Admitting It

Julia, you have a problem. Everytime I try to fly, I fall. Without my wings, I feel so small. No.
Everytime I post a comment on your blog, it gets sent back by way of the Mailer Daemon to my email address saying that it could not be delivered.


Blogger Andrew said...

i actually joined their street team, JONAS

1:24 AM  

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Breaking the Band Hall with a breadallelogram of pizza.

From 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, I was up at the band hall (with maybe a 2 hour lunch break). Tons of stuff I got done, mm hmm. One of the things I got done was looking at teen girl squad. Brian and I (and when I say "I", its only because this is my blog, but it was really Brian and I'm banking on the overlook of parenthetical phrases by the masses.) discovered that at the end of almost every teen girl squad, there is a hidden link to further video clips. Sometimes its on to "O" and/or "!" of the "It's Over!", and once it was on a gravestone. They lend a whole other layer to the videos.
I saw fantastic 4--and it was pretty decent, I must say. It had some good irony and it wasn't tooooo cheesy. Lets break it down

Nudity +
Children +
Brits -
Dominant Asians -
Crazy +
Redeeming Factors: The plot was succinct and the symbolism was obvious. It reminded me of the Superman movie where he gives up his powers, but then gets them back for the greater good of mankind and Lois (not to mention the fact that he was bleeding every 5 minutes). The left room for a sequal. They used nudity in a comical way, so that makes up for the Brits.
Overall Rating: 8

"I don't know if anyone has heard about that new Harry Potter book" said the boy sarcastically. I am more excited about this one than the stupid pheonix one. That one was probably my least favorite.

What about my AP test, you say? Well, I (being the quiet, reserved, and humble person that I am) will reserve any comment on the subject until further notice.


Blogger Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said...

Subject: Earthquake survival - something different. Please! Read and re-post, do not reply, RE-POST!!!!!!!!


It is an EXTRACT FROM DOUG COPP'S ARTICLE ON THE: "TRIANGLE OF LIFE," edited by Larry Linn for MAA Safety Committee brief on 4/13/04

My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team.

The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake. I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries.

I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years...There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using my method of the "triangle of life." The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under their desk. Every child was crushed to the thickness of their bones.

They could have survived by lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't know at the time that the children were told to hide under something.

Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them. This space is what I call the "triangle of life". The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. (Crush).

The less the object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the triangles" you see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building. They are everywhere.


1) Most everyone who simply "ducks and covers" WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.

2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position. You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.

3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake. If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created. Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.

4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on the back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.

5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or large chair.

6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is killed.How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!

7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different "moment of frequency" (they swing separately from the main part of the building). The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place.

The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads- horribly mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged.

Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety, even when the rest of the building is not damaged.

8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible. It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.

9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles.

They were all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or lying next to their vehicles.Everyone killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall directly across them.

10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact. Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.

Spread this word and save someone's life... Please!

2:18 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

The children I was thinking of were the ones that The Thing scared on the bridge i think

2:00 PM  

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Do you have something in your nose?

I'm sure that everyone whose anyone in my little bloggy world already knows, but Rent the movie comes out November 11th, so I'm looking forward to it.

I saw Bewitched today. It has probably deserved some of the bad reviews it has recieved. Will Farell did some of his tired bits taht reminded me of *gasp* Old School, Anchorman, and even Night at the Roxbury. Nicole Kidman and Will had some funny moments together, but, all in all, I didn't feel a sense of closure at the end of the movie. Too many things seemed disjointed and unrealistic (granted it is a movie about a witch), and some loose ends were left dangling. A lot just didn't make sense. One redeaming factor was the use of 3 different people that were on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

No nudity
a brief appearance of ugly children
2 british people (I guess Nicole can count as British in this argument)
A crazy (Endora)
No Asians, but there was some Asian inspired decor in one of the homes that could be construed as recognition of Asian superiority.
RATING: Funny moments, but it still gets a 5.


Blogger Catherine said...

i am also looking forward to rent o and i hope you have been practicing cause the trumpets are going to rock your socks off

7:56 PM  

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Weather Thingy and Stuff

I dont really think that I will miss the vocab essays
This is going to be the most interesting 2 days the earth may have ever seen. Today we are going to have a 100% chance of: torrential rain, thunder, lightning, hail, flash floods, brush fires, locust invasion, lime jello raining from the sky, random atmospheric depressurization, inability to transmit radio signals, a hazy and dismal sky, 0% visibility, extremely humid conditions, hazardous road conditions, and surgery being very frightening. Then, tomorrow will be bleak as far as weather with very dry air and not much else. I suggest you stay indoors today and put of all activity until tomorrow.
Lime jello raining from the sky is a widely unknown weather phenomenon. As many know, its no big deal when other flavors of jello rain from the sky, but when it is lime, this indicates a dangerous acid buildup. This contains more acid than acid rain and is extremely destructive and painful. In its more rare forms, it has been recorded as containing pieces of banana. The long terms effect of the bananas are still unknown, but new discoveries are made daily.


Blogger Andrew said...

Yes, I did. This was one of Brian's favorites, actually. I remember his names. I usually did mine in the morning before band.

12:10 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

i went late, left early, and threw away a bunch of crap

1:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

what audio clip?

12:48 AM  

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Friday, July 08, 2005

Nanashi and the Raindrops

Went to the band hall
So many music copies
Throw them in the trash

Snow Caps is ready
The many, many pages
So hard to memorize it

New officer groups
Lots of freshman band members
Sonic is so bad

There was lots of crap
That was in the choir room
Organized stands tunes

Mr. Rutherford
Is back at the band hall, now
We now pic stands tunes.
Hey! Baby!, Fight Song
Pretty fly (for a white guy)
You can call my Al


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...


10:43 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

nameless and raindrops....are YOU on my medication?

10:48 PM  

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Nobody who looks this creepy and crappy can write good poetry. I don't even know how he could eat without getting his beard in his mouth. I'm not qualified by any means to critique poetry, but I defy anyone to find a good peom by Walt Whitman

Thither as I look I see each result and glory retracing itself and
'nestling close, always obligated,
Thither hours, months, years—thither trades, compacts, establish-
ments, even the most minute,
Thither every-day life, speech, utensils, politics, persons, estates;
Thither we also, I with my leaves and songs, trustful, admirant,
As a father to his father going takes his children along with him.


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My Most Nude Post

This one's for Parris...and Keyes and John.

What rating is your journal?

brought to you by Quizilla


Blogger Brian said...

What the fuck is wrong with you?! I don't need that on my screen!

12:04 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

But I guess you finally got the rating you wanted.
Does this mean we can't check your blog at school anymore?

12:12 PM  
Blogger Hornists' Nest said...

Brian?....whats the matter with your mouth, have you been eating rotten eggs....Andrew?....what's the matter with YOU I don't need or want that on my screen. Please send me a comment telling me that you've posted mostly naked men on your blog....Are you going to be working on the library next week?

7:04 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Uhm....uh?......okay?....hmn....... bye..........

7:05 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Tara, why do your two comments have an entirely different tone to them. Is one of you "Band Member Tara" and the other "Drum Major Tara"?
Actually, I have not eaten eggs recently at all. I'm helping Andrew achieve his ideal rating. The damn internet quiz told us we needed to use more profanity on our blogs.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

And having a shirt off only qualifies as nudity if the subject is female.
A male's naked chest is not nudity. That's like an exposed face, or arms, or feet.

10:02 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Leah, love the new picture. I posted this to get a reaction, and it isn't, upon further analysis, all that bad. I posted it in a small size, and I put the rating under it so you would know why I was posting it. And don't think that I went cruising the internet for naked men, either. I found this site from one of Becky's pictures, and they just happened to have this in a rotation of random pictures. I thought it was just the thing I needed to give my blog an R rating for awhile. No, I will not upkeep this rating, so check the blog at school. If you really want some bad nudity, go to (Auburn knows what I'm talking about). And rest easily knowing that no more crap like this will ever make it to the blog. I think they might be British, which explains the outdoor almost full nudity. If anyone's eyes burned out, I'm sorry. The post will rotate out in 5 days. Yes, it is like the pic I put on Julia's blog. I like the new persona, Tara.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

yes, nobody should visit oogle. Auburn and I found it one day while looking through blogs in BCIS. It is an Austrian guy that has all these naked pictures of men.

12:09 AM  

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I look so good

The new TEEN GIRL SQUAD is hererrr!! I never knew that ointment could be so functional and funny.


Blogger Brian said...

Quite good
Quite good

I think the added thing at the end added an extra goodness to it.
"d n'd greg" and the "2 handed plus 3 broad sword"

12:07 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I'm not sure what your talking about.

11:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

When it get's to the end and there's the end, let's call it a slide, stick your cursor on the words in the middle and click. There's more at the end.

12:57 AM  

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh Boy, Tea!!

You know what, a tea party might not be such a bad idea. And I can say this because I find the persona of the stereotypical heterosexual male to be widely undesirable and disturbing on a vast number of social, psychological, physical, and behavioral levels, hench my membership in the band. We'd have to go to the store and stock up on pretentious food and floral fabric. It will be a jolly good time. We can do it before the next parent's night out, because high tea should be served @ 4. This should give us time to eat, drink, be merry and make it to the band hall by 5:30 we'll have to invite hyacinth AND gardenia. and we'll have to reassign ourselves old british lady names. I knew that I posted about Batman!!! ITs overall rating was 11. I apologize for any typos in this post in particular because I am typing it without the aid of my spectacles.


Blogger Andrew said...


7:42 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Nice....a tea party sounds like uncannily delightful time. Well, make sure you have cherries there, so people can politely spit seeds at each other and do tricks with their tongues and the stems.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Hyacinth, I went to your site, its quite empty, you can't just comment, you post. Explain why you have transformed from Brian to an old british the way, "to err is quite necessary," I don't precisely remember, but, to correct is quite necessary, I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

PS - Andrew suggested that we all sit down and write drill together, and I know chuckle maliciously imagining the probable scenario that Andrew described.

4:37 PM  

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Happy Screw England Day

Another wonderful year of America mocking its foundation has passed, and I felt obligated to post, even if I wore my England shirt all day. I think I have a *mancrush on Brian Bell from Weezer.

*mancrush: a mild obsession a heterosexual male has with another hetero male that is not of a sexual nature (but there are worse alternatives if you were forced into a gay sex act)


Blogger Andrew said...

more often than not....its hotter than a lot of good ways.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Arabian niiiiiiiiiights
'Neath Arabian moooooooooons!

1:43 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

something about dunes

12:27 AM  

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This may not be your thing

But read it anyway!! This is hillarious (read the whole thing or you might die)

An excerpt from a passage on how to serve high tea:

So, you've got the time free, the open space to sit, the lovely atmosphere, the things you need to make and drink cups of tea, and snacks to munch on. The last element is...your guests. The key to this whole enterprise is relaxation and conversation. You've made an ambience that is conducive to Zen-tastic discourse, so enjoy it along with your company. Perhaps you would like five or six guests, perhaps only one. Heck, perhaps the most pleasant company is just yourself.
In any event, once the guests arrive, think Lewis Carroll -- read some poetry, catch up on old times, do a little dance, play a word game, or simply talk. You can start like this:

You: "Why, Terry, speaking of tea…did you know that tea is the second most poop-u-lahhh beverage on the planet?" [which is true, by the way]

Guest: "Why, Bushrod, I certainly did not. My goodness. What, pray tell (rolling the ‘r' in ‘pray') is the most poop-u-lahhh beverage on the planet?"

You: "Well, my good [man or lady (predetermined)]…it is woo-tah, of course!"

Then you both guffah gutterally: "Mmm-hoh, hoh, hoh," or giggle: "Tee-hee-hee" depending on your preference, and sip your tea.

After all, that's what you did all of this for in the first place. Don't forget that. So sit back and enjoy these relaxing moments brought to you by your friends at SYW.



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Monday, July 04, 2005

We can roleplay if you want

Okay, read all my new posts to see why I am reposting this about seeing batman begins

It has everything that a film should

British People
Crazy People
Superior Asians
and they even rebuild the manor in the end
This was the greatest batman eveeerrrrrr!!! I am buying 10,000 copies to pass out on the street and door to door to non-beleivers!
Alfred kicks ass!


Blogger Brian said...

Then I'm going to need to go see it with you to see what makes it so better than the Michael Keaton ones.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

By the way, I saw your other post, commented on the one right before it, got back to comment on it (the Batman one) and found it missing. I thought my computer had just fucked up.
(There, I helped with your rating)

1:23 PM  

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I guess this means I'll have to start using more fucking profanity and/or fucking pornographic images

What rating is your journal?

brought to you by Quizilla

I can still be a decent horror film, but I'm no Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Blogger Brian said...

It's mainly the lack of nudity that makes our blogs PG-13. And the fact that we don't throw in pointless obscenities - all of our obscenities have an intended purpose.

1:26 PM  

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Ok, does anybody remember my post about Batman Begins? I know that Parris saw the post, and I know that I posted it, but its gone. Is it just my computer? Somebody help! I'm losing my posts


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Friday, July 01, 2005

Dry Paint and Other Short Stories 3RD EDITION!!

Its been awhile! I've been working with my father so I can fund my summer existence. I hate the smell of paint.

Things I Hate About Being Human
Taling to people in clothing stores (esp. in the mall)
Being keenly aware of insects (I think all insects have it out for the human race)
Weird nipples (humans have the weirdest looking nipples of any animal)
Shaving (anywhere)

Movies Currently (or near currently) in Theaters that are Remakes
The Longest Yard (Prison Comedy?)
The Honeymooners (now with an entirely black cast)
Bewitched (remake about a remake)
The Bad News Bears (Did that have to be made in the first place?)
The Dukes of Hazzard (Ditto, but with the added crappiness of Jessica Simpson)
War of the Worlds (You know how I feel about that)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Tim Burton + Johnny Depp - Gene Wilder + British kid from Finding Neverland / Pasty complexion x Bh = acceptable remake)
Herbie: Fully Loaded (Kill me now) (After Parent Trap and Mean Girls, she really can't top herself)
You can never really enjoy these movies because you know what happens

from David Letterman:

Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear At A July Fourth Barbecue
10. "Beef is great, but squirrel's so much cheaper"
9. "Take a photo of me lighting this cigar with an M-80"
8. "To give it a little 'kick,' I put charcoal starter in the punch"
7. "Oh God, Letterman's shirtless again"
6. I'd like to tell you why scientology is so important to me"
5. "Hey look, it's Earnest Borgnine--oh, sorry lady"
4. "All right, detainees, line up over here for your gitmo-style powdered baked beans"
3. "I'm afraid the only fireworks tonight are between me and your wife"
2. "My hot dog has a knuckle"
1. "I don't think that's mayonnaise in the cole slaw"

Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Batman
10. Always complaining about his "rubber suit rash"
9. When you mention Superman, he rolls his eyes and mutters, "pantywaist"
8. His teen son drove to the prom in the Batmobile
7. Is re-roofing his house to fix loose shingles and grappling hook damage
6. Who's banging on his door at 4 AM but an angry, knocked-up Catwoman
5. Introduces his parents--Carl and Linda Batman
4. You hear him on the phone asking J. Crew if they carry seersucker cowls
3. On Thanksgiving, you see green lantern holding a JELL-O mold
2. When he goes on vacation, asks if you'll water his plants and grease his bat pole (that sounds a little suspicious--greasing the bat pole, what could that be implying)
1. He's a recluse in a weird outfit with a young sidekick ( Sorry, that's a sign your neighbor is Michael Jackson)

Top Ten Signs You've Got A Bad Summer Job
10. You have a 40-hour week schedule, but you only work Monday and Tuesday
9. You greet customers by saying, "Hi, welcome to Kenny's Rotting Shellfish Shack"
8. Interviewer asks if you know how to type, take dictation and dispose of a body
7. Donald Trump hired you as apprentice in charge of checking hairpiece for ticks
6. Sign in bathroom reads: Employees must wash manager
5. Asked if your sense of taste has been destroyed by the asbestos yet
4. You're posing for "before" photos for diet plans, dermatologists, and plastic surgery
3. The commissary's chowder is made form broiled wite-out
2. Employer contacts you daily via satellite phone from undisclosed location in mountainous region of Afghanistan
1. Eight hours a day, Russell Crowe throws stuff at you.

Top Ten Ways George Bush Can Regain His Popularity
10. Dip into social security fund to give every American free HBO
9. Use diplomacy to bring peace to Brad, Jen and Angelina
8. Try fixing Iraq, creating some jobs, reducing the deficit and maybe capturing Osama
7. Figure out a way for the Yankees to win a game
6. Replace his "country simpleton" persona with more lovable "hillbilly idiot" image
5. Use weekly radio address to give Americans a Van Halen twofer
4. Get Saddam to switch to boxers
3. Ditch the librarian and make Eva Longoria First Lady
2. Resign
1. Jump on Oprah's couch while professing his love for Katie Holmes

The Formula for Any Great Film
Nudity (Doesn't have to be full, just something simple like removing a shirt)
Children (but not nude children)(Good Morning Vietnam was good in spite of the nude children)
Recognition of the superiority of the Japanese
British People (optional, but great)
A funny, crazy person (a must)(crazy describing their demeanor, not pshyco killer crazy)

Surefire Ways to Make Money in a Bathroom
Sell Chewable Toothbrushes
Sell Tampons and/or Condoms
Play a guitar for tips
Pretend to be a blind bathroom attendant
Pick people's pocket at the urinal (you need less skill as people are paying less attention to their surroundings, the pants are generally looser on the person, and it's hard for them to stop what they are doing if they catch you, giving you a head start)
Stare at people in the stall until they pay you to stop
Purposely buy all the tampons in the little dispenser, then pretend to have the only one left and sell it to the highest bidder

Movie Review: War of the Worlds
It really wasn't bad. There were some parts that did not make any sense. For example, at one point he meets up with someone who is apparently a friend, but then leaves her behind (I didn't get her purpose). What happens with the son seems a little odd, too. The martians look like big, cute crickets--not very imposing. They cut out the roles of the narrator's brother and the curate as well as the use of the black smoke. Tom Cruise's performance as a father during the attack on the world by martians is a little unbelievable. Morgan Freeman's godlike voice boomed and made me jump both times he spoke. The arrival of the Martians is also different from the book. All in all, the movie has retained absolutely no pollitical statement from the book, and much of the book was changed for the movie. Oh yeah, and their escape wagon was pretty crappy, too. Rating from 1(crap)-10(must buy it when it comes out on DVD): 6.5


Blogger Brian said...

When I bought my copy for English from Half-Price Books, the cashier guy started talking to me about the movie and how much it was going to suck because they aren't following the book at all. I'm assuming he was right. Let me guess, like so many other movies, they stole the title and the basic gist of the plot that makes the title make sense. In this case, martians did attack the Earth and were wiped out in the end by diseases, correct? I haven't seen it, but despite it's inaccuracies, it does not look bad.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

It wasn't too crappy, and if it was on sale, I might buy it on DVD. You are very correct, Brian. I think that there might have been a better person for Tom Cruise's role.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

The rumor is that Tom Cruise paid Katy Holmes (that is her name, right?) $8,000,000 to marry him because he was trying to save face after being caught in bed with a prominent rock the rock star's wife! So if he is gay, maybe that is why Nicole wouldn't say why they split--and maybe that's why they adopted.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

and War of the Worlds did fulfill the provisions of my list.

9:58 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

I'm with Julia, I didn't know about the nipples, but oh well...
I want to go see War of the Worlds, even if it was semi-crappy, I love sci-fi
You should hide a camera in the bathroom pointed at you when you try that stuff...its probably a lot better than paint

11:01 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

The book was a little difficult to follow, and we did all fall asleep several times while reading it, but with Andrew reading it to us, it worked rather well. It was like a bedtime story, and we all fell asleep at the end. Especially Jennifer.
I do want to see the movie. But I'm all alone. I can't go to the movies by myself for two reasons. 1) I don't have a car or a liscence yet & 2) Going to the movies alone is both stupid and sad.
This is why the summer bothers me. I enjoy the not being in school part, but the sitting around doing nothing, or working all the time part really isn't terribly appealing.
Andrew, we never did go see Monster in Law after leadership camp. What happened?
Honestly, if it weren't for the Parents' Night Out things, I don't think I'd actually be in contact with anyone over the summer.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Brian, call me and we'll see War of the Worlds. I did make up the lists myself. The hardest thing about the book was the loooong sentences. I liked the crappy movie that we watched in English. Another thing that made the movie bad was that I knew what was going to happen.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I honestly think that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will not quite be able to be as good as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory because of the lack of Gene Wilder. That and the Oompa Loompas look quite freaky in their silver foilish jump suits. What happened to the orange faces, white overalls, and green hair?
Of course, Johnny Depp would probably be quite suitable for the scene when they're in the boat going through the tunnel. Creepy.
My mom made us watch The Bad News Bears, and I think it should have had a spot on Becky's "Worst Movies" list instead of Zoolander.
I also did not think, as you know, that this Batman movie would be able to top, or even compare to the others (the first 2) because of the lack of Michael Keaton. The other 2 that he wasn't in weren't nearly as good as the first 2.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I also posted a comment in response to Becky! I said that there probably wasn't much mental activity taking place when the originals where made, but that is also gone. Leah, were you responding to my post about Batman? Can you verify its existence? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

With regard to War of the Worlds, yes, knowing the ending before it happens takes some of the fun out of the movie, unless it's a movie of a book you really like (e.g. I'm never upset that I know how the HP movies turn out).
But then again, they had to know when they started making War of the Worlds that everyone on Earth, whether they had read it or not, knew that the aliens died from diseases. That ending has been talked about too much and used in too many other things to be a surprise to anyone. So that already takes some thrill out of the movie because the book wasn't that great to begin with, and taking away the "surprise" of the ending doesn't help it any.
I still want to see it, though, if only to get out of the house with other people aside from the Parents' Night Out things.

11:17 AM  

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