Wednesday, July 13, 2005
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: Celina, Texas, United States
I am a sophomore Junior SENIOR at Celina High School, grasping at the straws of friendship while balancing delicately the pressure of homework, crazed teachers that hate me, making the decision of what I want to do with the rest of my life, and 24 hours of Band a day. It makes me yearn for the days of being a dirty freshman
Previous Posts
- Never Leave Home Without It, Kids
- The First Step is Admitting It
- Breaking the Band Hall with a breadallelogram of p...
- Do you have something in your nose?
- The Weather Thingy and Stuff
- Nanashi and the Raindrops
- My Most Nude Post
- I look so good
- Oh Boy, Tea!!
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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne
Look at all the pretty links!
- Because she can
- Bigfoot's big blog about birds
- Sun Gods Wear Fanny Packs?
- New Mournful Miserables
- Who cares about politics?
- What is wisdom to a fool?
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-1
- Album: OAP, The Medicine Show
- Album: BETA Convention '05
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-2
- Cool Site for Catholics!
- Fugly Fun
3 cheeses walk into a bar...
Ya'll come back and see us now, you hear!

AH! Brings back memory of high school, stealing chemicals from the chem lab to make our own fireworks, and the big flash still stands before my eyes...
a little birdie told me that u should have a party for your friend who will be returning home saturday *COUGH*
damn there's no anonymous comments =P
tell me where the spare key to your house is, and I'll throw a homecoming party in your house and freak out your parents
my daddy's home so just knock on the door. it'll be like late afternoon saturday when we get back so if he should be there if he's not call my cell and I'll tell you how to get in. lOl and i don't know anything about this...
Ill try and work the periodic table into the themes of freshmen and marching band
I don't know if I can organize a party this last minute. I thought that it was earlier in the week. Maybe I'll come over and cook. Call me and we can do something
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