Friday, July 08, 2005
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: Celina, Texas, United States
I am a sophomore Junior SENIOR at Celina High School, grasping at the straws of friendship while balancing delicately the pressure of homework, crazed teachers that hate me, making the decision of what I want to do with the rest of my life, and 24 hours of Band a day. It makes me yearn for the days of being a dirty freshman
Previous Posts
- I look so good
- Oh Boy, Tea!!
- Happy Screw England Day
- This may not be your thing
- We can roleplay if you want
- I guess this means I'll have to start using more f...
- Whoa
- Dry Paint and Other Short Stories 3RD EDITION!!
- Quotes from the Crypt
- This is your blog!!
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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne
Look at all the pretty links!
- Because she can
- Bigfoot's big blog about birds
- Sun Gods Wear Fanny Packs?
- New Mournful Miserables
- Who cares about politics?
- What is wisdom to a fool?
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-1
- Album: OAP, The Medicine Show
- Album: BETA Convention '05
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-2
- Cool Site for Catholics!
- Fugly Fun
3 cheeses walk into a bar...
Ya'll come back and see us now, you hear!

What the fuck is wrong with you?! I don't need that on my screen!
But I guess you finally got the rating you wanted.
Does this mean we can't check your blog at school anymore?
Brian?....whats the matter with your mouth, have you been eating rotten eggs....Andrew?....what's the matter with YOU I don't need or want that on my screen. Please send me a comment telling me that you've posted mostly naked men on your blog....Are you going to be working on the library next week?
Uhm....uh?......okay?....hmn....... bye..........
Tara, why do your two comments have an entirely different tone to them. Is one of you "Band Member Tara" and the other "Drum Major Tara"?
Actually, I have not eaten eggs recently at all. I'm helping Andrew achieve his ideal rating. The damn internet quiz told us we needed to use more profanity on our blogs.
And having a shirt off only qualifies as nudity if the subject is female.
A male's naked chest is not nudity. That's like an exposed face, or arms, or feet.
Leah, love the new picture. I posted this to get a reaction, and it isn't, upon further analysis, all that bad. I posted it in a small size, and I put the rating under it so you would know why I was posting it. And don't think that I went cruising the internet for naked men, either. I found this site from one of Becky's pictures, and they just happened to have this in a rotation of random pictures. I thought it was just the thing I needed to give my blog an R rating for awhile. No, I will not upkeep this rating, so check the blog at school. If you really want some bad nudity, go to oogle.blogspot.com (Auburn knows what I'm talking about). And rest easily knowing that no more crap like this will ever make it to the blog. I think they might be British, which explains the outdoor almost full nudity. If anyone's eyes burned out, I'm sorry. The post will rotate out in 5 days. Yes, it is like the pic I put on Julia's blog. I like the new persona, Tara.
yes, nobody should visit oogle. Auburn and I found it one day while looking through blogs in BCIS. It is an Austrian guy that has all these naked pictures of men.
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