The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from goldfinger288.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Two Days Ago...

...I went by the Junior High, and on their marquee, they had Happy Christmas written.


Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, that was me. That was all me, and Katie. I put it all up, and Katie and I decided it should say happy instead of merry because it sounds better and it's the way everyone else in the world says it. Hope you liked it.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Okay, I hadn't read your previous "happy christmas" post when I last commented. What the hell's wrong with happy christmas. It's a nice change from the normal boring festive nature the holidays tend to take. Sorry for offending you.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I'm not offended, I was only kidding earlier. I don't give a damn what people want to say to express their holiday spirit.

12:54 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Its only natural that Americans should say it differently than the rest of the world. Were so stubborn, and we don't even use the metric system, which is clearly superior.

12:55 AM  
Blogger Brian said...


1:08 PM  

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Here's to the good ol' days

I just added a link to The Medicine Show pics on my sidebar. For all of you in that play, I really suggest you check it out. You can go back and remember when One Act Play was fun.


Blogger Sarah said...

Well, I'm VERY glad that I'm "the coolest girl in Krum". You're a year older than I, so I've surely at LEAST seen you at band or (if you ever particpated) UIL events. But either way, you seem like a very intelligent and insightful person, and for that reason alone, I would like to get to know you a littler better. (I would most definitely give you a picture of myself, but I'm retarded when it comes to the scanner and what not, and I have no earthly idea how to scan pictures onto my computer. But, I'll figure out SOME time. And when I do, I'll hit you up and send you some pics.)


2:51 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Nice pics

3:53 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

To Brian: Thank you
To Julia: You know you love that costume!!

1:04 AM  

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Its just, for the first time, I feel Wicked!

Somebody save me, I think I'm turning green!! Here are the lyrics to What Is This Feeling? from the Wicked soundtrack. Did you know that they have a DVD of Wicked? I typed all this myself, by the way.

(spoken) Dearest darlingest Momsie and Popsical:

(spoken) My dear Father:

There's been some confusion
Over rooming here at Shiz:

But of course, I'll care for Nessa:

But of course, I'll rise above it:

For I know that's how you'd want me to
Yes, there's been some confusion
For you see, my room-mate is:

Unusually and exceedingly peculiar
And altogether quite impossible to describe:


What is this feeling?
So sudden and new?

I felt it the moment
I laid eyes on you:

My pulse is rushing:

My head is reeling:

My face is flushing:

What is this feeling?
Fervid as a flame,
Does it have a name?
Yes!: Loathing
Unadulterated loathing

For your face

Your voice

Your clothing

Let's just say - I loathe it all
Ev'ry little trait, however smal
lMakes my very flesh begin to crawl
With simple utter loathing
There's a strange exhilaration
In such total detestationI
t's so pure and strong!
Though I do admit it came on fast
Still I do believe that it can last
And I will be loathing
Loathing you
My whole life long!

Dear Galinda, you are just too good
How do you stand it?
I don't think I could!
She's a terror! She's a Tartar!
We don't mean to show a bias,
But Galinda, you're a martyr!

Well: these things are sent to try us!

Poor Galinda, forced to reside
With someone so disgusticified
We all just want to tell you:
We're all on your side!
We share your:

What is this feeling Loathing
So sudden and new? Unadulterated loathing
I felt the moment For her face, her voice
I laid eyes on you Her clothing
My pulse is rushing Let's just say:
My head is reeling We loathe it all!
Oh, what is this feeling? Ev'ry little trait however small
Does it have a name? Makes our very flesh
Yes: Begin to crawl
Ahhh... Ahhh...


There's a strange
exhilaration Loathing
In such total
detestation Loathing
So pure, so strong Loathing

So strong!

Though I do admit it came on fast
Still I do believe that it can last ALL
And I will be loathing Loathing
For forever loathing Loathing Truly deeply
loathing you Loathing you
My whole
Life long! Loathing

God, Its hard to type in columns!


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If you have enough money to help one country, you should have enough to help every other country in the world.

Its like being able to eat in school only if you brought enough for the whole class. This is the article. The UN had the nerve to call the U.S. "stingy." they're saying that we don't provide enough aid to Asian Tsunami victims. Bush defended us by saying how much money we do provide. Sometimes America has to take care of the Americans! We can't give all our money away to other countries. Especially since Asia gets all of our money anyway from all the US imports from them. The budget office is going to have to struggle to come up with the funds for this emergency relief. Why are we are expected to help every country with their financial problems? What about Europe? There have plenty of money and their currency is stronger than the dollar. England isn't battling a huge defecit. On the subject of currency, I believe that people quit investing in the dollar in case Kerry won the election. Now that Bush is in office again, I think the value of the US Dollar will rebound.


Blogger Sarah said...

Hello hello, again. Yes, I was in band, but this year I decided to home school. Next year I plan on going back to high school, but I felt a need to "take a break". hah I just bought myself a clarinet though, and my friends are taking some extra clarinet run-offs from school so I can try to stay up to par. I don't know, we'll see how much my playing pays off next year in band.


7:45 PM  

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Quake May Have Made Earth Wobble

The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth's rotation -- shortening days by a fraction of a second -- and caused the planet to wobble on its axis, U.S. scientists say. So next time your late to band, you can say that you couldn't help it because days are now shorter!


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An aerial view shows tsunami-damaged Meulaboh town, West Aceh, Indonesia, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004. Officials have recovered 3,400 bodies in the village so far, but they said they expect to find at least 10,000 died here from Sunday's 9.0 magnitude underwater earthquake and massive tidal waves. (AP Photo/ANTARA)
 Posted by Hello


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I've witnessed its highs and lows, and I am, without hope or agenda, hopelessly stricken.


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Sunday, December 26, 2004

Overstepping Boundaries

I seem to be rather bullish when it comes to boundaries today. I seem to have no sense of when enough is enough or what is appropriate. Maybe I just have cabin fever; I need to go somewhere. I saw A Series of Unfortunate Events today. It was very clever, and I would not mind seeing it again. For your diversion: Check the sidebar for new links.


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Overstepping Boundaries

I seem to be rather bullish when it comes to boundaries today. I seem to have no sense of when enough is enough or what is appropriate. Maybe I just have cabin fever; I need to go somewhere. I saw A Series of Unfortunate Events today. It was very clever, and I would not mind seeing it again. For your diversion:


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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Its Masturbating! (No, I'm not talking about me)

Today I watched every episode of "I Love the 8o's" on VH1 and finally found, in the 1980 episode, that Turning Japanese is referring to masturbation. It makes sense if you listen to the lyrics (The guy likes to look at her picture when no one is around.). And the squinty faces one makes...


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More fun than a Red Rider BB Gun

Today is Christmas, folks, and tomorrow it will be gone. I hope everyone got what they wanted or something good (or at least a decent amount of cash). I had the most boring christmas I've had in awhile. I could not muster even the most fake excitement for any of my gifts. I think I have lost the ability to feel emotions. I got two sweatshirts, a t-shirt, a button down shirt, cooking oil, a cashmere sweater, another button down shirt (both button downs are the uggliest color of green) a package of loose leaf tea, a Santoku Knife, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, WHITE CHICKS, CASTAWAY, A CHRISTMAS STORY, a matching pen and pencil (just the thing I need, how nice.)(no kidding), a pack each of underwear, socks, and white t-shirts, a tie, some shoes, pajama pants, an Apple ipod mini (coming after Christmas), some stuff that is still a surprise that's coming later, and the Wicked soundtrack. The red items are cool gifts, the others I would have rather had the cash equivalent. I don't know how good the other stuff will be. Drop me a comment and tell me what you got for Christmas. My parents must think that I like ugly clothes and sweatshirts and UT.


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Come take my poll in the sidebar, you lazy readers.


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Christmas in Dixie

I know that I've already made a Christmas Eve post, but I felt it necessary to make another one and tehnically, its Christmas day. I feel that there is not much more to be said, but I wanted to put in some pretty Christmas colors!!!! Microsoft will have to sell a striped version of Windows in Europe. I think Christmas is very special, and after watching Mr. Holland's Opus, I'm feeling a wave of sentiment. I hope everyone who is interested has taken a look at the OAP pictures. I will be posting pics from eighth grade OAP soon. I feel that this year will be a good year for Christmas. On a completely unrelated note, by lip balm has frozen and now I can't use it. Its all crunchy and it breaks apart when I try to put it on. I hope everyone has watched Nightmare Before Chirstmas at least once this holiday season. Happy Christmas! (I hate people who say that)


Blogger Sarah said...

Hello, my name is Sarah. I was just "blog-surfing" and you said that you were from Celina and it blows my mind because I'm from Krum, which is pretty damn close to you. No need to respond if you don't desire to, but I just thought that was a crazy finding. Merry Christmas to you.
P.S. Even if you don't have a drive to leave a comment on my blog, do it anyway, just so I'll know you at least saw this. lol :)

1:26 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Damn Brits!! I've been so devoid of occupation this week that I've been going to bed at like 8:30 and getting up around 11:00. I just can't take anymore rest. I have had enough sleep to last me a couple of months.

7:06 PM  

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So Sad

I watched MR HOLLAND"S OPUS...again. And I cried at the end...agian...


Blogger Andrew said...

I wept on the inside

6:51 PM  

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this is an audio post - click to play


Blogger Andrew said...

For Julia :-)

1:26 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I still don't know because someone (*cough*Tiffany*cough*)won't clue us in. Maybe a helpful reader knows the true meaning of Turning Japanese and will tell us.

7:08 PM  

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My 1st Audio Post

this is an audio post - click to play(I know its crappy) this is for you, Parris


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Friday, December 24, 2004

White Becomes Brown

Yes, its true. All the beautiful white snow the recent weather persuasions left behind has turned mostly into the disgusting color of shit brown due to melting and sanding and salting. So our white Christmas will only have white splotches. We finally finished our shopping today. We had to run to Best Buy and the manager was keeping it open past the closing time and was rushing people along. It was amazing the amount of people running in for a last minute gift. I was pretty tired because I stayed awake on the phone until 2:35 am after having talked for 248 minutes and 41 seconds to Parris. Then I went to to Town East Mall in Mesquite (Go marching festivals!) and I feared for my life. There were a lot of rather shady looking figures fighting over discounted items at Sears. 'Tis Christmas Eve and I wish all of ya'll an exceedingly merry Christmas I hope you all get what you want and let us hope that Cain isn't too drunk to remember that its Christmas.


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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Its Alive!!

I've done it at last! I've published an album of the rest of the one act play pics from last year. So check them out here and relive the glory days. If you want to see the rest of the OAP pics, I'm adding all the links to all my picture albums to the sidebar.

P.S. I'm sorry if I'm too lazy to type a description for everything, but I figure ya'll will know what the pics are about.


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172,796...172,975...172,974...172,974... Posted by Hello


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But aren't we all a little bloodthirsty around Christmas? Posted by Hello


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It makes me feel stupid

I don't know how to strikethrough text


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Freezing Cold in the Crotch of the Country

Yes, that's right, there is snow in Texas. How is it possible to drop below freezing after having been in the upper 70's just the day before? That's Texas for you. If you don't like to be bored with your weather patterns, then move here. Cain called me to say that it isn't even snowing in Virginia were she is. She got mad at me because I wasn't playing in the snow. At least Christmas in the crotch of the country will be improved by the fact that it might be a white Christmas after all. Or maybe


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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Texas de Brazil

Today I stuffed my entrails full of masticated cow!!! I went with my dad (the king of procrastinating) to get Christmas gifts for my mother. I had to guide him through the mall so we could get out of there in a timely manner. After we went shopping, we went to lunch with one of his contractors. This contractor throws an anual Xmas party for all his workers at Texas de Brazil. This is an all you can eat grilled meat restaurant. They come by your table with barely cooked meat on a spit and slice it onto your. So everyone probably overdosed on beef before the day was through. I didn't have to eat dinner, I had so much meat.


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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Its Tuesday and I'm locked up...

What a fun day. I went to Subway and that was about it. Oh, and my mom is mow taking care of her ex-husband. But don't tell her I told you. He is legally blind and can't take care of himself, so my mother and my sister (he is her she's really my half sister) are helping to take care of him-its really kind of sad. We took him to Sam's to buy some vitamins in bulk, what fun. I forgot, I also got the form that I have to send in to Austin so my parents can get the stuff to give me a parent-taught drivers ed course. I'm glad we finally got it done, I've only been fifteen for EIGHT AND A HALF MONTHS!!!


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Monday, December 20, 2004

Deep in the heart of Texas

I went to San Antonio on Sunday. They have really cheap gas. I went to see my great-grandfather. My dad and I drove down there and back in the same day. It was pretty boring. I had to hunt for good radio stations. We ate at Taco Cabana. My dad made me listen to old, bad, christmas music on the way back. We ate at the New Braunfels Smokehouse, it, unlike anything else, was good.


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Party, Party, Party

The band party was friday! Its was kinda stupid, but it was stil fun. I love the Santa Clause 2! The reindeer are funny, ha, ha, ha, ha. Fun, dip, not to be confused with fun dip. Go driedle--or however you spell it.


Blogger Andrew said...

oh, yeah. I forgot to mention MM Weatherman & Co. I'm not quite sure why we can't have balloons at a party we organized and paid for. Especially since we were not being loud or disturbing in any fashion. I just think he didn't have enough love in his childhood. . . or balloons.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Those reindeer were awesome and you know it!!!

1:54 PM  

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Friday, December 17, 2004

do not attack the little thing. Posted by Hello


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Jenny is taking a picture of me taking a pictue of Jenny taking a picture of me. Posted by Hello


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When Alison becomes a teacher in 9 yrs, this is what she'll look like Posted by Hello


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Its Alison practicing for her new role as Count Olaf from the new movie "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events." Posted by Hello


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Jenny looks like she's recovering from a novacaine injection Posted by Hello


Blogger Andrew said...

OH, MY! Is that jewelry that jenny is wearing with her uniform...for shame!

1:17 PM  

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Its Perfect Posted by Hello


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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fun with chemicals and Wal-Mart

Today I had my chemistry exam!!! "Yeah heat calculations," said the young man, his voice dripping with sarcasm. But Mr. Carey is cool, and the test wasn't too bad. Since the seniors didn't do a play this year, I got to leave early. Parris, my mom, and I went to: Subway, Wal-Mart, Kohls, Office Depot, Starbucks, and to my nephew's elementary school to see all the littluns sing Christmas carols...what fun. I've just finished bagging all my gifts for tomorrow. I was short on dinero, so I had to resort to baked goods for gifts. I hope people like them. I have to go study for world history. ITS THE LAST TEST!!!!


Blogger Andrew said...

Oops, I forgot. Ill have my mom make some and I'll...leave it on your doorstep...or in your trash can outside...or maybe Ill call you and bring it by when your home. When are you home? Like, never?

3:41 PM  

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Oh, no--not this again.

Ohio Recount Resembles Florida in 2000

In a scene reminiscent of Florida circa 2000, two teams of Republican and Democratic election workers held punch-card ballots up to the light Wednesday and whispered back and forth as they tried to divine the voters' intent from a few hanging chads.

Observers for the presidential campaigns of John Kerry, President Bush and Green Party candidate David Cobb kept watch from chairs a few feet away.
The scene is being repeated statewide this week in a recount in the state that put Bush over the top in the election last month.
Officially, Bush beat Kerry by 119,000 votes in Ohio, but two third-party candidates collected the required $113,600 for a recount they claim will show serious irregularities. The Kerry campaign is supporting the recount, though it has acknowledged it will not change the outcome.


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Two unfortunate events

The UN has cut its help programs for Sudan because two workers were killed.


A bomb near a Shi'ite shrine killed eight people and a fierce attack on Iran by a minister fueled fears of sectarian strife when campaigning began on Wednesday for Iraq's first election since Saddam Hussein's fall.


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Funny News

One popular item for holiday shoppers is the "lap pillow," with skin-colored polyurethene calves folded under soft thighs -- a comfy cushion for napping, reading or watching television.
The 9,429 yen ($90) pillow, which comes with one red and one black skirt, went on sale in late November and maker Trane Co Ltd says shipments have reached 3,000 in just a few weeks.

"I'm perfectly happy to bare my skin if it will help save animals' skins," Pamela Anderson said in a statement.

Turkey leftovers will take on a whole new use after a Minnesota company finishes construction of a power plant fired by the birds' droppings.
It may not be the total answer to relieving the United States' addiction to foreign oil, but the plant will burn 90 percent turkey dung and create clean power for 55,000 homes.
Three poultry litter plants have already been built in England, but the Benson, Minnesota-based facility will be the first large-scale plant of its type in the U.S. and the largest in the world


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Two unrelated things

Children who make regular visits to an indoor pool may develop damage to a type of lung cell that helps prevent airway inflammation, a new study suggests.
The researchers speculate that repeated exposure to chlorine byproducts in the air around indoor pools may harm these respiratory cells, known as Clara cells.

On Yahoo news, when you search for world news, the stories are grouped by country or region. I think its humorous that Australia is paired with Antarctica.


Blogger Andrew said...

oh yes

9:01 PM  

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Are we headed for another depression?

President Bush pledged Wednesday to work with Congress to reduce the government's huge budget deficit as a key step in assuring the world that his administration supports a strong dollar.
"We'll do everything we can in the upcoming legislative session to send a signal to the markets that we'll deal with our deficit, which, hopefully, will cause people to want to buy dollars," Bush told reporters.

Bush's comments came following a meeting at the White House with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who had raised the issue of the dollar's plunge in value against the euro, the currency of Italy and 11 other European nations.
"The policy of my government is a strong-dollar policy," Bush said during a brief news conference following the Oval Office meeting, echoing statements he and Treasury Secretary John Snow have made numerous times over the past three years as the dollar's value has fallen sharply against many major currencies.

Bush's comments did not prevent financial markets on Wednesday from pushing the dollar's value lower against a range of currencies, including the euro. Currency markets focused more on a Treasury Department report showing that foreigners' purchases of U.S. stocks and bonds in October fell to the slowest pace in a year.

Bush's comments on the dollar came one day after the government reported that the U.S. trade deficit hit a monthly record of $55.5 billion in October.

The swelling size of the trade deficit has raised concerns among economists that the dollar's decline, which has been gradual so far, could suddenly accelerate as foreigners grow worried about the ability of the United States to keep attracting enough foreign capital to finance trade deficits at such high levels.
If the dollar were to suddenly plummet in value, that could cause foreign investors in U.S. stocks and bonds to rush for the exits. Such a development would send stock prices plunging and interest rates soaring. Some analysts believe the shock would be enough to push the country into another recession.


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As of Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2004, at least 1,303 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. At least 1,019 died as a result of hostile action, the Defense Department said. The figures include three military civilians.

The British military has reported 74 deaths; Italy, 19; Poland, 13; Spain, 11; Ukraine, nine; Bulgaria, seven; Slovakia, three; Estonia, Thailand and the Netherlands, two each; and Denmark, El Salvador, Hungary and Latvia one death each!

Since May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended, 1,165 U.S. military members have died, according to AP's count. That includes at least 910 deaths resulting from hostile action, according to the military's numbers. I support our efforts in Iraq, but this is a little ridiculous.


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Brian will be interested to know


Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, I didn't know that. Wonder what he sounds like...

3:50 PM  

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We have photochemical smog on the run!

The average level of a deadly form of air pollution dropped in the USA from 1999 to 2003 as new pollution controls made strides in battling the nation's air quality problem, the Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday.

The deadliest form of particulate pollution, the soot emitted by tailpipes and smokestacks, fell 10% during the four-year period, the EPA reported. Particulate kills tens of thousands of people each year by triggering heart and lung problems, EPA reports have said.


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What is YOUR name in Elvish?

I know you've always wondered. The link is in the title, as always.


Blogger Unknown said...

the site said mine was Celebriän Calmcacil but i have a better and cooler one i got somewhere else

1:34 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

1) Leah, your obsessed
2) Valandil Telemnar is my name in elvish, go find some others (Like Mr. Rutherford)
3) Shut up, gork!

10:15 PM  

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What is she thinking? Wouldn't you like to know. Posted by Hello


Blogger Andrew said...

So would I

8:59 PM  

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Parris bathed in Divine Light Posted by Hello


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What fun does this football game have in store? Posted by Hello


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A sampling from my collection of pictures of Parris. I'm going to start collections for everyone. Then I'll make albums and make permanent sidebar links. Posted by Hello


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Parris and Cain. Why does Parris seem to be in a state of total ecstasy? You tell me. Posted by Hello


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Playing stands tunes at a football game is just...shocking. Posted by Hello


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Old people are mean

Julia, Leah, and I went to the nursing home in Celina to give Christmas gifts to our assigned residents for BETA Club. When we got there, we had to leave and come back later, because they were having lunch. When we got back we found our residents' room and we had to give them the gifts and spend some time with them. Julia's was bedridden and admitted to being mentally unstable. Leah's was very nice and seemed in pretty good condition (even though she was crippled), but she had just lost her son in a car accident in Celina. They were both really nice, but mine was soooo mean! I went in and I had to make sure I had the right person because they shared rooms. When I went to give my person her gift, she said she didn't like kids from the high school and that she didn't want her gift. She glared at us and was unfriendly and incoherent. If it wasn't for BETA, I probably would've been mean to her, too, and taken the gift and left. But, since this was required and I didn't want the woman not to have a gift, we persuaded her to take the gift and we engaged in some forced, unpleasant, and awkward conversation. In conclusion, if I ever get a cat, I'm naming her Mrs. Tibbles!


Blogger Unknown said...

THAT IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:21 PM  

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Everyone gets thousands of letters from colleges that want you to consider them, but I recently got one from Washington College that really stood out. That college knew a freaky amount of stuff about me. They knew my grade, my classes, my high school, all my standardized test scores, what extracarriculars I'm interested in, my SSN, my online purchases. OK, the last one they didn't know, but still, it was pretty interesting that they did so much research.


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Chrsitmas break already!

Not exactly, but its only two days away. I have to go to San Antonio on Saturday to visit my great-grandfather who I just found out was a democrat. Its funny since he was in a family of Republicans and was a two star general. But anyway, lets back up to a Monday. On Monday, the Celina Band went to Settler's Ridge Nursing Home to play our Christmas Carols. When we got to the old people place, we were rudely turned away. So, in summary, 1st the Baptist Church has banished us to the Methodist Church for ou Christmas concert, and now the nursing home has turned us away. May I point out that both establishments are located in the same general vicinity and aparently hold the same sacrimonious values.


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I broke the 1000 visitor mark, oh yes. However, since the temp in TX has been in the teens, my keys on my keyboard are all sticking, but I'm not sure why.


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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hump Day Hullabaloo!

Today was crazy with high emotions concerning One Act Play tryout results. Alright, I know you've heard opposing viewpoints, but I must publish my official opinion on the subject (with as much factual evidence as I can provide). I do feel a little uncomfortable with the decisions made by the judges. If this sounds conceited, I am sorry (esp. if either one of you reads this), but I think that I am a better actor than Adam T. And that Adam T. Is a better actor than CJ, but that's apparently just my opinion. I believe that they did not do what was in the best interests of the performers, but by saying this, I don't mean that we have to do The Crucible. If the whole cast feels that we should try and give another play a shot, then we should be able to voice this desire. If permission is given by the publisher of a play, then "role reversal" is acceptable. This means that if we had permission (which I believe would be readily granted for such an interesting concept) for a role reversal, then males could play female roles and females, males. In this case, we would have plenty of parts for, say, The Crucible. In addition, I have never heard "A Young Lady of Property" and, without seeing it performed, am not confident in our ability to perform to the best of our abilities because of a lack enthusiasm or its win ability. I do feel that a petition, while well within our constitutional rights, is a bit inappropriate. For example, we have the right to say fuck you to somebody, but it is not always tactful or appropriate. Since several individuals tried to present a case to a judge unsuccessfully, it seem that there is no way to have the decisions retracted. I feel disappointed that two actresses who made the play have to undergo ridicule because it is believed that their parent's were the reason for their being chosen,whether it be true or not. I also extend my condolences to those who did not make the play, just remember that it is just a UIL event and (for most) there is always next year. Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Hewett are very decisive and resolute individuals with classical values that do not include giving the rights of an adult to children; they will not give from their positions unless it behooves them. To those who believe we should recruit more males: While the judges don't want to compromise the integrity of the play by having another audition, I think that it is possible to have a male recruitment that is very hasty and informal and would not jeopardize the OAP's reputation. The only thing wrong is: since we've addressed the issue and they say their decision is final, they cannot change our play without disappointing more people. Look forward (most of you) to performing The Crucible next year (maybe I'll have a larger part). Ultimately, we should support the decisions of the director(s) and not act like petulant children. Let's put on a good play this year and let's drop the issue of what is wrong with this year (even if it seems as if it will suck). To those who made the troupe this year, I give you my congratulations.
P.S.: Concerning the iron fisted running of rehearsals: I'm all for having efficient and effective rehearsing, but it is my contention that this involves a certain degree of informality where the individuals cannot and should not be stifled. I do feel that it is unlikely they will keep us fixed to such a tight disciplinary system all year. There abrasiveness in addressing the issue of how stationary rehearsal time should appropriately be spent is slightly offensive to me. It makes me feel as if I should do something, anything, to undermine authority. While I am not totally in favor of causing trouble over the play decision, I feel no remorse for giving the directors hell.


Blogger Cool Cass said...

Alright, i'm going to dive right in where i'm not wanted & just tell everyone that you shouldn't take everything so seriously - i tried out for OAP for 3 years in high school & never made it - and every year I complained saying that there was favoritism - but now that i look back on it, it means absolutely nothing - yes, you may be upset now if you didn't make it & that's fine, just don't let it ruin friendships - it's not the end of the world - just forget about it & move on to accomplish bigger & greater things

9:41 PM  

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For all you BCIS freaks

Here is a list of the top 100 movies in order from from 1 to 100 as compiled by IMDB. They might be good for, say, a database.
Godfather, The (1972)
Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002)
Schindler's List (1993)
Shichinin no samurai (1954)
Casablanca (1942)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)
Star Wars (1977)
Citizen Kane (1941)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Rear Window (1954)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Usual Suspects, The (1995)
Memento (2000)
North by Northwest (1959)
12 Angry Men (1957)
Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Psycho (1960)
Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001)
Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Goodfellas (1990)
American Beauty (1999)
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
Vertigo (1958)
Matrix, The (1999)
Cidade de Deus (2002)
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
C'era una volta il West (1968)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Pianist, The (2002)
Third Man, The (1949)
Paths of Glory (1957)
Taxi Driver (1976)
Fight Club (1999)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Boot, Das (1981)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Chinatown (1974)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
All About Eve (1950)
M (1931)
Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)
Se7en (1995)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Rashômon (1950)
Raging Bull (1980)
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Alien (1979)
American History X (1998)
Sting, The (1973)
Léon (1994)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)
Vita è bella, La (1997)
Touch of Evil (1958)
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
Finding Nemo (2003)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Great Escape, The (1963)
Modern Times (1936)
Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
Amadeus (1984)
On the Waterfront (1954)
Ran (1985)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Annie Hall (1977)
Wo hu cang long (2000)
Jaws (1975)
Apartment, The (1960)
Braveheart (1995)
High Noon (1952)
Aliens (1986)
Fargo (1996)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
Shining, The (1980)
Metropolis (1927)
Blade Runner (1982)
Sixth Sense, The (1999)
City Lights (1931)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Duck Soup (1933)
Great Dictator, The (1940)
General, The (1927)
Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957)
Princess Bride, The (1987)
Dogville (2003)


Blogger Brian said...

Although I am very pleased to see that Donnie Darko made the list, it upsets me that it is so far down on the list. That was one hell of a movie!

11:29 AM  

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What do you want to be most remembered for?
(as in, after you die, what do you want people to say about you, how do you want to be remembered?)


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If you wrote a book, what would the first (or last) line be?
(I know you can do better than "Once Upon a Time" and "The End". . .)


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If you were King (and/or) Queen for a day, describe your first proclamation.
(This ought to be good!)


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Extreme Makeover

If you could change one thing about yourself, or your situation, what would it be?
(Money is no object.)


Blogger Fanny said...

If I could, I wouldn't be a part of this world, I would like to not live here, I would much rather be with God than here on this pitiful planet.

4:08 PM  

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Put down one stanza of your favorite song lyric,
one that, had you thought of it first, would have written yourself.


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Put down your favorite movie line.
(I know it's hard to choose just one, so minimum 1, maximum 3.)


Blogger Fanny said...

I am no man!

4:11 PM  

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Name the actor or actress you'd want to portray you in a movie based on your life.


Blogger Lydia said...

The red head from "That 70's Show." But she'd have to dye her hair blond.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Fanny said...

There isn't anyone yet......

4:13 PM  

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Here you go.

Put down your favorite movie line.(I know it's hard to choose just one, so minimum 1, maximum 3.)


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We aren't the Champions

The Celina Bobcats lost last Friday to the Crawford Pirates. Lots of mixed emotions I am feeling. On one hand I am sad to see them lose. But on the other hand, I don't have to copy anymore stands tunes. I hate being band librarian. John Clark was throwing the ball too high and giving Crawford a chance to take out the recievers and Alan Jones caught like two passes. The player who scored the most was injured, and the drill team was learning their Dixie Chicks dance which they never get to perform because we always lose when they begin to learn it and the sign was late so the players couldn't run through it. The planets just weren't aligned in our favor.


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Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Region

ATSSB region tryouts were on thurday, and I was not prepared. I went and I played crappily and didn't even make a band. However, the sax's didn't use it as a challenge for chairs, so the chairs are still locked, so everything is good.


Blogger Cool Cass said...

Spread the goods ... who made what?

11:09 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Scott = 1st chair s
Becky = 1st chair s
Leah = 1st chair s
Julia = 3rd chair c?? correct me julia
Auburn = tell me
Brian = I'm assuming 2nd chair s, but again, not sure. I'm hoping somebody who knows will read this and submit a list

9:23 PM  
Blogger Cool Cass said...

congrats to everyone!!!

8:59 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Cassie - Alas, 6th s

11:32 AM  

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