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31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Old people are mean

Julia, Leah, and I went to the nursing home in Celina to give Christmas gifts to our assigned residents for BETA Club. When we got there, we had to leave and come back later, because they were having lunch. When we got back we found our residents' room and we had to give them the gifts and spend some time with them. Julia's was bedridden and admitted to being mentally unstable. Leah's was very nice and seemed in pretty good condition (even though she was crippled), but she had just lost her son in a car accident in Celina. They were both really nice, but mine was soooo mean! I went in and I had to make sure I had the right person because they shared rooms. When I went to give my person her gift, she said she didn't like kids from the high school and that she didn't want her gift. She glared at us and was unfriendly and incoherent. If it wasn't for BETA, I probably would've been mean to her, too, and taken the gift and left. But, since this was required and I didn't want the woman not to have a gift, we persuaded her to take the gift and we engaged in some forced, unpleasant, and awkward conversation. In conclusion, if I ever get a cat, I'm naming her Mrs. Tibbles!


Blogger Unknown said...

THAT IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:21 PM  

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