The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from goldfinger288.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Quotes from the Crypt

See if you can match the sidebar or heading quote with its blog.

"I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to...MOVE IT!"

I have more guy friends than girl friends, mostly because they are nicer and tend to say what they mean.

"If life is just a stage, then we are all running around ad-libbing, with absolutely no clue what the plot is. Maybe that's why we don't know whether it's a comedy or tragedy."

Telling it like it is

"I'm dumbfounded by me all the time. Wow! What a.... thrill.....and a joy"

I'd rather have sex with a yellow dog than a Republican

Stand for Something, or You'll Fall for Anything.

Rebecca Lynn

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne

“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.”

Need to read bout someone elses problems? Go here.

If you feel like you are under control, you're just not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti


Blogger Brian said...

Okay, let me see what I've got.
1) Chris(tina)
2) Sarah
3) Julia
4) ?
5) Parris
6) Chrias
7) Katie?
8) Lori
9) Andrew
10) ?
11) Cain
12) Becky


7:38 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Leah, I'm sorry, but Lori had that link to Becky first. I think.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

number eight is Lori's, 10 is Leah's.
4 is Tifanny
however, katie is not in this lineup, so 7 belongs to someone else.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Well, I stil got the most right. No offense, still, but I can't believe Leah got her own wrong.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I would comment on the post this applies to, but it's too long for you to notice that there's a comment.
(Referring to "This Is Your Blog") Was I ever a "conniving asshole"?

2:44 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I checked Cassie's and didn't see it! But then again, I can never find what I'm looking for.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Okay, I officially feel stupid. Even though it's her freaking blog sub-heading, I still managed to miss it. I checked every blog on your links list, and some others. I'm horrible at finding stuff. Those others I just knew off the top of my head.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Just curious...I realize I made mistakes last year but I didn't think that they were THAT bad...why didn't you tell me so I could fix them? Hmn? Oh well, please try to do that this year so I can try to be a good drum major. I would really like to be.

10:21 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Okay, Leah, take a freaking chill pill or whatever the hell doesn't sound so old and stupid!
The tone of your last comment was quite inappropriate.
I first corrected the error in a polite manner ("Leah, I'm sorry, but Lori had that link to Becky first. I think."), not even demanding that you recognize that I am correct, but leaving it open to argument since I am not the Blog God.
Then, when Andrew commented about correct answers, and proved that the counting included the links, I was still quite nice about the whole incident ("No offense, still, but I can't believe Leah got her own wrong.")
I realize that it is very easy to make counting mistakes. Hell, I do it all the time. But you don't have to get all mad at me for something you imagined I said. If anyone on the planet will look at the comments you are getting offended by, they will see that there is nothing in them that could even remotely be considered offensive.
Get off my back!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

If, however, you are not coping an attitude over the whole thing, then disregard my previous comment and we'll all leave it at that. Okay?

1:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

*hysterical laughing*
Brian: You were never a conniving asshole
I didn't realize that I had used something that was shared by 2 blogs, and for the anger that ensued, I apologize.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I wanted to keep all of the first posts intact, Tara. At this time, not only did we not know that you would turn out fine, but I was also grasping at things to hate. I felt self conscious about posting it again, but I figured that nobody would dwell on something I said a long time ago.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Becky, at first I miscounted (I counted the introductory paragraph) and thought that you were still working on figuring out "I'd rather have sex with a yellow dog than a republican" and I was going to beat you for you ignorance, but I was wrong--and you figured #7 out anyway, so this is pointless

10:01 PM  

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This is your blog!!

10 points to anyone who gets the TV show reference in the title. I also toyed around with calling this post: Early Stolen Stuff. My, how we do change! What do you do when you don’t know what to post, take other peoples stuff!
In this post, I have gone back to the earliest posts (most of them the 1st or close to 1st) from several blogs that I know and love (and at least one that is no longer active). Since sooo much changes over the years or almost a year in most of our cases, I thought it would be fun to revisit what we were like back when...

I'll start with myself:

"Why" is the perfect title for my life right now. Why are all my friends conniving assholes? Why is everything wrong? Why is something that was right before, now wrong? Why do I have to choose a career now? Why am I just another white sophomore. (i don't say white to be racist, i say it to state fact). It makes it hard to choose a college when none of them want white people anymore! I miss all the people who graduated last year, i feel a big hole where they used ot be. Everything that defined high school for me when I was a fish is now gone. I'm nervous about our first marching competition this year. The show itself is good, but the band is crap. With some luck, we might pull off a two. If people thought that lori made mistakes, they were in for a surprise when Tara came and took over. Too much crap is going on at the same time. I already need a break. I like chemistry w/ Mr. Carey and BCIS w/ Mrs Davenport, though. They're my favorite teachers. School is nice with Mr. Oldham, the new principle. We can wear flip-flops now. I was feeling depressed and was watching the presedential debates for an english assignment, which made me think of chris fisher, so i went to his blog, where i clicked a link to lori's blog, where i wanted to comment, so i created my own blog. I was depressed, but i feel better now. I cant wait for one act play to start, I'll have to post pics.

Notice that I referred to myself as a fish (I never use that term) And I said the Mrs. Davenport was one of my favorite teachers!!! I don't know what I was smoking. I didn't have an audience yet, so my posts where a little more geared towards people that didn't know me.

Now for Julia:

hello everyone! thanks to my friend andrew ya'll have two lovely pictures of me to view *i would like to point out that i do not refer to myself as "Sexy J" OK!? and i did not write those comments."wow, what a weekend i had. first i had to endure 20 hours of k-8th graders and try to teach them some concept of dance for a fundraiser the drillteam had. it went fairly well, but the group i taught (third graders) were VERY emotional. i guess they were right at that stage were they started to "cat fight" and name other words they were already turning into teenagers. all i can say is that it was NOT a pretty picture. One girl even was deppressed b/c she had TOO MANY FRIENDS! oh yeah, it really sucks to be popular right?!on saturday we had our first marching contest of the year. of course we sucked and we got a "2" and we are going to DIE this following week. luckly it is supposed to rain tommorrow, so there really is a God out there!!!!! must go study for chem.
posted by Julia @ 3:59 PM 0 comments

The Beginning
well this is my first post in my blog. wohoo. it is still quite under construction so excuse me while i slave away on my piece of crap comuter and get it to work....

This is when I had her password and username and could screw with her blog at will!!

And Sarah before I knew she had a blog:

A request was made, after I mentioned my skill for finding random connections, for me to demonstrate said skills. Well, I will make connections between Steve, from the hit children's television show Blue's Clues, and an international smuggling ring. It is all right there on the show. Every thing has a secondary meaning. Número Uno -- You see, he, as shown from his striped shirt, is a referee type person in the middle of this ring, he delegates who gets what, when and where. He is really a puppet of the leader, whose identity will be reveled in time.Número Dos -- The paintings on the wall. They show where the next shipment will be from and to. There are usually two on the wall and he jumps into one. The one they pass over is the port the shipment is leaving and the one he jumps into is the arrival point. These can be easily deciphered; if it shows a jungle it is South America, outer space—Houston, bathing suit—Miami, and so on.Número Tres —The characters. Shovel and Pail are a not so subtle threat. Periwinkle, the purplish cat, is the torture specialist and after she is done with her “cat and mouse” games, Shovel and Pail and the mouse go and “play” in the sand box. Mail Box is the entity in charge of threats. All those letters from kids, yah, those are strategically filmed to show the threatenees that the threateners can get to them and their families. Alarm clock is a clock. No, I am not stating the obvious, I telling you her function. She is how they relay the arrival time. Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper are the watchdogs. Their only purpose was to make sure everything ran smoothly. But it did not so the boss arrived on the set. Who is the boss you ask. The only one it could be, Paprika. Did you think it was Blue? Of course not, she is oblivious to what is going on.Número Cuatro—The set. Just a ploy to catch the eye of a child or drug induced hallucination. The real reason Steve is gone is not so he could go to college, no, it is because he dipped into the goods one to many times.That good boy, not overly intelligent, kinda slow, just a tad to close to his dog image is a cover, kids. He was actually a cunning mastermind of communication as previously asserted.

Dear Diary
Well, I have no where else to put my innermost thoughts and feelings, might as well put them on the internet where anyone has access to them, right? Actually the odds that someone I did not tell about this finding it is slim to non existent so my thoughts and feelings are safe. I hope.Here goes-here I am at work talking about sizes and metabolism and so on. Oh the joys of the gym. Kyle is in town, or will be in half and hour. Yahoo!!!I have yet to take my Humanities final from last semester. Procrastination is an inspiration!
And it makes the world go round.
This week sucked for the most part. There was the festival of the broken hearts and stuff carried over from a really sucky weekend, forgotten assignments, and hip pains. Wonderful.
I really would not mind Valentines but it is so commercialized. Why oh why can we not celebrate it in the old ways. The pagan ways of assigned"partners" and drunken dancing. But no, we cram ourselves full of this romantic crap and chocolate.
Gee, I sound cynical.
I don't feel like saying anything else at the moment so

Becky,Becky,Becky,Becky,Becky we love you, amen!
Happy graduation, Becky!!!!! This is your present, so you better keep it updated. Ill give you your username and password, and the link to you is on my blog.

The main difference in Becky's posts now is that they are not made by me

Parris when she was a little stranger (get the triple meaning)

hello my peoples
this is my first freakin post ever! andrew the adress is for you!

HOT CHA! here is a link to my master's site it is almost as good as mine, but not quite. so all of you worthless people who look at my website (which is probably no one) should go look at andrew's

This is when my blog was the only freshmore one that was fully set-up

What can be said about Crias

Well, here it is... My first post. Hooray! My name is Chris Fisher from Celina, Texas. I'm still giddy over the novelty of this blog thing. I'll get better at it, I promise. I'm so excited. I'm going to be online!!! Does anyone want my autograph? I want to give a shout out to Kelly, Jordan, Merechoch, Shelly, Audra, L, and anyone else who gets to read this!Okay, enough of that. Let's get down to business. Welcome to The Scarlet Left. This is basically going to be my thoughts and what not. As of right now, this blog exists to document the important things in my life right now to make it easier for stalkers and people that want to know what's going on with me during college. Currently, the most important things in my life are politics, work, Kelly Clarkson, and getting ready for college. I am pissed off! I am pissed off that Dubya won the electoral vote even though he lost the popular vote by over 500,000 votes. This makes me question the "one person, one vote" rule. Was a voter in Texas (where Dubya was sure to win) truly equal to one in Florida? Well considering the fiasco in Florida where they didn't count all of the votes.... But seriously, with the electoral college, what was the point of voting for Gore in TX? We all knew he would lose Texas. Nothing could be done about it. That would just discourage me from voting. If I knew that my one vote wouldn't count as one vote in the grand scheme of things, then why should I even vote? Good thing I wasn't old enough to vote in that election. That said, I will still dwell on the ramifications of that fateful SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) decision Bush v Gore. What kind of crap was that? Oh, since we can't count in Florida, just let the Supreme Court decide who should be President. I was actually excited when they said the decision would come down to those three counties: Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade. I used to live in Broward county, so I know how liberal they are down there. In fact, some joke that South Florida is the only place where you have to go North to get to "the South." If the election was indeed up to those three counties, then Gore would win. Not if Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush had anything to say about it. See Michael Moore's Stupid White Men chapter one for further details. So now when I refer to Dubya as "unelected" "selected" "the chosen one" ""President"" "Resident of the United States" or any other of the like, you know why. I am pissed that Gore didn't have what it took to win the electoral vote without Florida. You can't expect to win an election as a centrist neoDem like Clinton without Clinton's charisma. Many people during this election felt as though it was choosing the lesser of two evils. Others voted for Nader. To all of you: look what you've done! Y'all need to take some responsibility for the last 2.5 years! True, if Gore was more to the left where he belonged, you might've voted differently. However, 90,000ish voted for Nader in Florida. Gore officially lost Florida by 537 votes. How many of those 90,000 would change their votes to Gore in order to prevent giving the nation to Dubya? Would that even matter? I mean, they could come up with a new way to "count" the votes so that it still wouldn't matter. But that notwithstanding, does it not make sense that 538 of those 90,000 are more important than 538 Nader voters in TX? Or even one to one? Are you beginning to see my dilemma? One person, one vote--not really. I'm doing my duty as a patriot by transferring my residency to Florida when I leave for college. I'm pissed off at this redistricting crap! I will refer you to Byron's blog for that. He does good work. I'm really pissed off at the political scene these days, and I could talk all night over the subject, but I have to get up in the morning and scheme how to get off work so I can table and party for Dean tomorrow.I work at Chick-fil-A at the South-East corner of Preston Road and State Highway 121 in Frisco/Plano, TX. Work is 20-30 minutes away from my house by car. I've been working there for two years as of the end of July. I almost didn't apply because of the location. Well, check out the link. That report was just released before I applied. But, I'd been looking for a job all summer, and this freaking Blockbuster in McKinney wouldn't give me a yes or no and I waited for their answer. Anyways, I've been rather happy at Chick-fil-A. I usually work the headset..."Thank you for choosing Chick-fil-A; what can I get for you?""I'll have a number 5.""8 pack or 12 pack?""8 pack""Would you like that Valuesized for only 39 cents?""Sure!""What to drink with that?""Dr. Pepper.""What else for you?""A brownie and that's all.""Okay, a #5-8 pack, valuesized with a large Dr. Pepper and a brownie are $6.53 at the window. Thank you!"I may be a cent or two off on that total. But it's fine. Sometimes they put me on dining room, and I really hate that. We call the dining room DEIDRA after a girl that got it all the time and was so pissed off about that. Last week, I had DEIDRA 3 out of 4 times that I worked! I was like "L NO!" I bitched to the manager that I didn't want the trainee position, and I am able to fulfill a position that requires gray matter. I've been on headset all week ;-)Kelly is so awesome!!! As soon as I figure out how this all works, I'll post some pictures of me meeting her and attending her movie premiere. I SO sat 5 seats away from her in From Justin to Kelly!! I love her! "Miss Independent; miss self-sufficient; miss, keep your distance."In August, I'm going to the University of Miami with Honors to double major in motion pictures and political science minoring in mathematics and music. I'll tell the story some other time because it is really late.Here it is. The end of the first post. Someday I'll wish that I could come back to this and totally revamp this first post. Tomorrow, I have to get up around 900. I'm scheduled to work from 200-1030, but I need to get out of it. I want to go tabling for Dean with John (friend in Dean) in Oak Lawn. Then afterwards, there are some Democratic parties in the area. So, yeah, I have to get out of work! Well, see you people later!Peace, Love, and Kelly,Chris

Behold the All-Powerful Scarlet Left
Wow, the combination of left extremism, insanity, no sex, and a little common sense makes for some good political forecasting. I once wanted to be a meteorologist, so perhaps that explains it. Anyways, I'm doing pretty well for myself. Let's check the recent accomplishments1) On July 17, I forecasted nearly play by play the events of July 29 with the Democratic trip to New Mexico and what not. (I may have had help from Byron and a source from within the United States House of Representatives.)2) The powers that be obviously read my suggestions for combating terrorism as the air marshals are back on higher risk flights.3) While not political, I think it is worth mentioning that yesterday my site had the most visits ever in a single day: 18! (Byron also may have had a hand in that with his reference.) Let's keep up the good work people. I really appreciate yous (thanks Carl) minding my business for me.Tonight I predict the following: Dean will be president in 2005. I will work tomorrow from 1130-800 at the mall and all this tax-free weekend. I will be late for work. I will cry next Monday on my last day of work. I will have lemon pie shoved in my face. I know, I know, where's the fun? What kind of psychic am I if I only predict obvious things? We know I'm working at the mall tomorrow. Of course I'll be late. Duh! Dean will win in 2004. Maybe I'll try more fallible predictions tomorrow.

I knew that Brian knew about Chris's blog when he first began it (or early on) and before I even knew what a weblog was, but I never read it back then. I hadn't really spoken to Chris since I was in 7th grade, and I hadn't had a long active conversation with him since I was in 2nd grade, and discovering that I could communicate with someone that I thought was soo cool to have as a friend when I was only in 2nd grade, and to be able to keep in touch with Lori and see the potential to stay in touch with all the people that I would ever want to talk to and learn things about them that I never knew was overwhelming.

Tifanny was maddddd

What a horrendus weekend
First of all I would like to say, what is up with everyone lately? I mean there is people who keep complaining but they complain all the time, and then there is some people who just are biting others heads off, and then there are people who are just in a pissy mood, people what is your PROBLEM? I want to know if I am the cause of any of it because if I am then just tell me and I shove myself into immortal darkness. And to the person who probably really hates me right now I would like to know if I was the yellow pill because I have like the hugest idea that I am, so please let me know. Now that I have vented, my weekend has been crap basically. Friday night at the football game it was horrible because I got attacked by ants that covered my entire foot, then the 4 hours of sleep we got on Friday night. Saturday was such a drag, that's when the whole charade got started, people complaining that they didn't get to hang with someone and people getting way to pissy. That lasted until we finally got home when everyone went to home to hopefully get some sleep! *hint hint* Anyways my day got a little better, I got home then I had to hurry up and get clothes to wear for church on Sunday and I had to get dressed to go to a nail salon. (didn't take too long) Anyways I was out once I got into the car, we finally pulled into the salon in Denton about 5:15ish we were a little late. It was fine because I got a facial massage and I got my nails done. Then we went back to one of my friend's house in Denton to stay the night, I got there and was out. Sunday was ok, it was better than Saturday I can tell you that! And now I had to go to the DMV and go to the dentist on the Monday of October. And now I am sitting here listening to my 3rd Harry Potter cd while I ponder about what is up with people nowadays but I guess I will let those people sort it out and if they want to talk I am here. See you tomorrow!
posted by Fanny at 10/11/2004 01:43:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 04, 2004

Mondays are such a boring day, why are they even in the week, all well, this is my blog, FYI my nickname is fanny because of the fanny in my name which is tiffany so as in Ti-Fanny but anywayz, so this is my site and i hope you enjoy, so talk to ya later. tootlesLatersTi-Fanny

Many blogs that started out as housing for complaints mellowed out as time passed

Lori never told me that she had a blog!

i just realized for those who don't know me real well, this is me, lori...i am 5'8", i am blonde hair, blue eyes, and am a senior in high school, any questions, just ask...
posted by Lori @ 1:06 PM
allrighty,'s set up and working...cassie, if u read this, i told u i would tell goes...i have the delightful world of ATSSB all region band tonight and!! it's what i look forward to every year...not really, if u can detect any of my sarcasm...i wanted to go to BETA convention...newayz...i gotta go since i have 2 do some other stuff at the moment...i'll post eventually!!
posted by Lori @ 12:57 PM
I am currently setting up my blog...this could take a while...last time i gave up...

If I had know she had a blog, I probably would've started one sooner. I love this color blue! (this might not show up as blue on my blog, but it looks blue here)

Cain hasn't changed much:

ooooo pretty blog
ooooo pretty blog wut can i say? i like it haha sooo yes i suppose i got this to share with u things about my life welll its not like anyone is gonna read this any way so y not? well band sux yes yes it does we got a 2 yesterday which isnt good but owell. i miss my brother because he's in boston at college and BOYS SMELL yes thats right they smell gosh i ask you how do you like 2 people at once??? but oooo well i guess i'll have to deal but thats ok =) so now i have to get on with my sad sad little life. so i'm off to go watch tv so goodbye for now.

Brian was all albout his intensely lone flyswatter saga
The Story" Revived!
I felt the end was near for this nice little circle of communications I had going - emailing people, writing down complex thoughts, making posts - but now it might be safe again. It turns out my manipulative father had set up my email account so that I couldn't keep himout of it, so sending "deep" emails from there was out of the question; they would no longer be personal. He monitored where I went, so he read all my posts. He even went through all my files and read the "really deep" stuff I won't even put on here. My world was literally falling apart before me, myself having to run around wildly to avoid the falling rubble. "Big Brother" was watching me. It was exactly like 1984 - I was no longer able to display complex thoughts or emotionsfor fear of examination, reprimand, or general awkwardness. But now, as any of you reading this know, I ahve a new blog, one that I won't leave any paths to, any traces left on my computer. I have a new email address, although I do still also havemy joimail one. I have removed all "really deep" writings from the computer so they can't be accessed. I should be safe, at least for now. I will continue to post whatever the hell I feel like posting, if not just out of sheer rebellion.Until later --Brian

and he was also fighting the oppresion of home life. Sadly, his first blog with his real first post is gone forever. A sacrifice for the freedom we all share

Chris from leadership camp kept things short and sweet

First Entry
This is my first entry

I've never even really met Cassie, and I've barely even seen her in person

Hey Everybody!
Welcome to Cool Cass's World!About Me: I'm a freshman at Boston University (Boston, MA for all of those, well, I won't say it). Today is my second day of classes. I'm taking management as a system, psychology, writing, and microeconomics. It's gonna be great!Just to warn everybody, I'm probably going to be highly sarcastic when I'm writing this, and I can't spell at all-- so if you see something misspelled, keep to yourself.Anywho, I just want to say hi to all my friends spread out across the country at college, well maybe not- Chris, Ashlee, Shelly, Raini, Audra, Bobby, Katie, Morgan, Gage, Christina, & to all of my friends back home in Celina, TX- Liz, Becky, Brittany, Lori, Anna, Melanie, Catherine, Tara, Auburn, Tiffany, Scott, Justin, Austin, Porsche, & to everyone else I forgot.Anyways, trust me, this is going to get more interesting, maybe. And if this is boring, it's Chris's fault. Yes, Chris's fault. Let's just blame everything on Chris (just like all my therapy bills--- to find out what the heck I'm talking about visit Chris's blog.) Anyways, that's all for now. I have a paper to write. So until later, Bye!Signing off: Cool Cass Eleano the flying goat from Canadia

She shortened her name because it was too long to sign in text messages. I like this green, too

Jenny, who..

Getting To Know Me
Hey, so yeah this is my first post so I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm 15 years old, have an older sister (Shelly) who's goes to Texas State University GO CATS! My boyfriend is Zach and he goes to Boston University, which is totally awesome and all except the distance and the fact that i hardly get to see him and that my friends sucks major ars! I have one horse, a Tennessee Walker named Flash, 2 dogs, a Australia sheep dog named Bow and a English bull dog named Abby, 2 cats, Sandy and Misty, 3 goats, sorry i only named Marry so u peeps will have to help me w/ the other 2 boys, and one fish, Sebastian. I live in the one horse town of Celina, (C lina)not pronounced like Selina the singer i mean really, i'm a sophmore at Celina High and want to be a Zoologist in the future. Well yeah thats pretty much cya!
Oh one more thing my name it's Jenny

luv ya

...Is not longer with us

Leah is still a bird

Mesquite Marching Festival
Well, what can I say.... First of all, welcome to my blog! Some of my friends have 'em, so I thought I might make one. We had our first marcing contest today, and as predicted, we received a 2. Go us. (voice dripping with late-night sarcasm). Keyes (lone tuba player) wants to have a sectional on Sunday. No can-do for this aspiring oboist. I have a lesson. Friday night we had our Lil' Las Gatitas slumber party. My two friends and me taught a rather... rambuncuous group of third graders. Not so much teaching as yelling. I even had the principle's kid in my group. At least she was one of the well-behaved ones. Needless to say, the only parent to complain was a third-grade parent. Oh well, what can you do? About the name of this blog:My name, Leah, means "from the meadow" and as I rather like birds, I thought the meadow lark would be a good refrence to my stuff... for anyone remotely interested. I have some stories posted over at, though I have a bad habit of spontaneous updating that might anger some readers. Anyho, its late and I should probably just write more tommrrow. Ta.
posted by Leah Holly @
10:37 PM 0 comments

It's odd to remeber the events that we have written about. And sometimes it is embarrasing to revisit things that we have said.

And don't forget my idol:

yeah, so this is gay and i quit.
posted by savethehumans @ 12:32 PM 2 comments
ok, you know what blog is harder than xanga. I cant figure anyhting out cause its GAY.
posted by savethehumans @ 12:25 PM 3 comments
simply the best
here's for all you blogger nerds, I have converted from xanga. Hooray!

Brittany did not quit, so I guess that's a change

Themes I have noticed: Band Sucks, Blogger Sucks, School Sucks, Life Sucks, Goats are cool, but bad English teachers--who teach nouns to their Pre-AP English 1 class when they can't even name the indirect object in a sentence and tell you that your vocab essay isn't long enough because, while it has more sentenses than John's, it didn't take up as much space because it wasn't double spaced (which it wasn't required to be) or as big of a font size, and who need an ambush makeover--are most certainly not. (no remarks about any typos made in this post because of my rant on English teachers)

4,910 words
Most of them are other people's
Most of those where Chris's
10 pages in Microsoft Word
One of my more colorful posts--its hard to cycle through the same light colours that show well on a black background and not get too repetitive.


Blogger Brian said...

2 words: HOLY CRAP!
I don't know of a singel grammatically correct rant that was worth anything.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Julia knows her TV! I was suddenly struck with the idea while I was trying to decide if I should completely revamp my blog. And Brian: I don't understand what your talking about.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

wait a second, Brian, I understand now

9:52 PM  

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Maybe they're just full of sour cream

The picture in this post has nothing to do with the content of the post. But I will say that blogger has finally internalized a picture uploading server, so we no longer have to use 3rd party software such as HELLO!! It is muy easy, even the biggest web idiots can do it!!

If anyone is familiar with the menu at Taco Bell, they know that any item listed as "supreme" comes with sour cream as opposed to its normal counterparts. I am using this metaphor to refer to the supreme court.

Today they passed an amendment that allows an extension of the rights of eminent domain.

"Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms." _ Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing in dissent. ____

"It's a little shocking to believe you can lose your home in this country. "I won't be going anywhere. Not my house. This is definitely not the last word." _ New London resident Bill Von Winkle, reacting to the Supreme Court decision

citizens of New London protested seizing of property for a private party just to increase tax revenue AND LOST.

Even church property is subject to seizure by the government because the state makes no money off of a church!!!

There better be some serious protest.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

What do you mean? I'm difficult to understand even when I'm speaking english? I always speak english with maybe some super kawaii words added for flavoring. Anyway, talk lata...I'm coming back to Texas today....

9:56 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yes, that is quite an enormous cat.
A) I wonder what that woman is doing with that cat
B) I wonder is she is just stuck there because the cat got on top of her when she was napping, and she can't get the cat off.

On to the post.
How the HELL can they even think that is constitutional. Yes, the state has had the right to buy your land out from under you for a road or development or something for the state/national infrastructure crap, but it is completely ludicrous to allow such an infringement to right to own propery just because another "private party" will benefit.
"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, I think my family and I could definitely benefit from taking your property from you. Move out now."
For some reason, even though they have supposedly (according to Andrew, which means it's either completely made up or completely true) passed this bullshit amendment, I refuse to see how it will hold up anywhere. Where is the sense of decency that the American people desperately needs?!?!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

What is "New London"?

4:02 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

ive actually heard super kuwaii

1:43 PM  

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110 10101 1110 1110 11001

The title should read f u n n y.

Just for Brian, whose constant blog-fueding keeps me alive. Posted by Hello


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Great shirt, visit my blog, I'm feeling neglected!!!!

11:24 AM  
Blogger A Passionate Paradox said...

I have that shirt, and it is awesome.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

11001 101 10011, 10100 1000 101 / 10100 1001 10100 1100 101 / 1001 10011 / 11 1111 10010 10010 101 11 10100.

Translation: Yes, the title is correct.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

By the way, I kind of want that shirt

5:44 PM  

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Raja, You Sneaky Little Jew, You

whose insane idea was it to make bagels sooo hard to make? Parris and I made them and it took tres horas! Its all a plot by the Jews to corner the American bagel/schmear/sandwich market. While the bagels were quite a bit chewier than there store-bought bretheren, I maintain that it was a good first try.


Blogger Brian said...

At least you did some searching (or remembering) and used the best post title I ever came up with. Yay!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I've been waiting for months to steal that title.

10:52 PM  

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Can it be more Funny Stolen Stuff

Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next
door went nuts.

If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is
that considered a hostage situation?

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting
OUT of the water?

Why don't they just make mouse-flavored cat food?

If you're sending someone some Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

Do they have reserved parking for non-handicapped people at the
Special Olympics?

When a man talks dirty to a woman, its sexual harassment. When a
woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 per minute.

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to have an "s" in it?

Since light travels faster than sound, is that why some people
appear bright until you hear them speak?

How come abbreviated is such a long word?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice
as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the
battery is dead?

Since Americans throw rice at weddings, do Asians throw

Why are they called buildings, when they're already finished?
Shouldn't they be called builts?

Why are they called apartments, when they're all stuck together?

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

When two airplanes almost collide why do they call it a near
miss? It sounds like a near hit to me!!

Why are there 5 syllables in the word "monosyllabic"?

Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in
charge of everything outdoors?

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is
open, it's not a door?

Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he'll believe
you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it.

How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always
ducked when someone threw a gun at him?

If "con" is the opposite of "pro," then what is the opposite of

Why is it lemon juice contains mostly artificial ingredients,
but dishwashing liquid contains real lemons?

Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them?

Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

What do little birdies see when they get knocked unconscious?

If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have
monkeys and apes?

Do married people live longer than single people, or does it
just SEEM longer?

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the
self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the

If all those psychics know the winning lottery numbers, why are
they all still working?

Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.


Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know what's worse than having numerous pointless comments from one person?
Having a numerous copies of the same pointless commetn from one person.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Dangit, Brian. Argh. Knisch. Naku Schimbacte. You're right that is annoying. I'm gonna try it. Gotta go, I've been gone so long that I almost miss you guys...almost. Chao tam biet.

Andrew, where'd you find the list?

8:53 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

So Andrew, what happened exactly? I had 50 of these comments submitted, but after 30, comments on all of your posts were disabled. I even tried leaving the page and coming back. I even tried signing in again. Nothing worked. What gives?

10:40 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

Why is the best rapper a white guy and the best golfer a black guy?

4:22 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Melanie: exactly
Becky: you beat me to correction & he did this in response to my comments
Tara: what in the world of Asgard are you saying!!
Brian: I don't know what gives.
Brian x 30: Its not as annoying because you know that they all say the same thing and aren't a stream of consciousness, therefore allowing them to be easily skipped while giving the effect of popularity for a brief moment.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

It matters not what I am saying, but what you believe it means....

I thought I might try the whole philosopher thing but its not exactly working out for me....Hi Becky!!!!!!!!!

11:27 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

All of you refuse to accept the fact that I beat all of you to the correction. As soon as I found I couldn't comment anymore, I posted my comment as a post on my blog. You will see that it was posted about 10 minutes after the last comment was made, owing to the fact that our internet is not terribly fast.
Maybe the whole "comments disabled" thing is just something inherently wrong with blogger.
I had to be different, Andrew. And it is a little annoying just having to scroll through them because you will most likely go past where the actual comments start. It's the same thing with checking the comments on long posts, which I've come to regret a little. Perhaps I should have broken leadership camp into different posts for each day.

5:49 PM  

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I almost soiled my evilpants

Star Wars Horoscope for Aries

Like many aries, you have demonstrated your penchant for inflicting pain.
You feel you are at the center of the universe and that you must be in control.
You enjoy being a leader... and you find that your aggression and quick temper serve you well.

Star wars character you are most like: The Emperor

Could they have found an uglier picture? I think it's cruel to even make the emperor one of the results. Brian, your Chewy. Parris, your Lando (your a black man). Sagittarius is Yoda


Blogger Catherine said...

well you think thats bad!

at least you all are actually living I'M A MACHINE!!! Not even the cool R2-D2, no, I'm C3PO! The annoying, so much like my brother, will never shutup one.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I have this bad feeling that getting a wookie as a result is going to bring forth a couple comments about appearance, specifically from you. By the way, it's "Chewie". I'm not a Quaker granola bar.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I wasn't sure of how it was spelled, but now it seems that -ie should have been more obvious. I'll just thought that it was oddly appropriate, but I probably won't remember this the next time I have the chance to insult you.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

how did you like all of your comments?

11:18 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You think that everything is kinda kinky

10:45 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

except keyes

10:46 AM  

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Buck Duff

I just recently saw Hillary Duff on Jay Leno, and she looked like someone had sucked all the fat out of her arms, but nowhere else on her body, and her teeth had been given the Mississippi buck-tooth special. her teeth stuck out so much, I don't think she could close her mouth.


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Thursday, June 16, 2005

How dare you, Microsoft!!

Another international tech giant has shown its willingness to kowtow to the dictates of the Chinese Communist Party and put profit and compliance ahead of conscience.

Just read the article. In a related "China is taking over story" Bank of America bought shares in a China Construction bank--so at least we get some money back that we pour into their economy.


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My Day with the Devil Cat

I spent the day at Parris's today, and we had to go to someone's house to check on their dogs and cat while they were out of town. Their cat is supposed to stay in the bedroom, but it ran out when we opened the door. At first, we tried to be nice and coax it back into the room, but it hissed and spat at us. We would swat back at it, and it ran into every room of the house while we chased it around. The fact that Parris was tipsy didn't help matters:-) One time it was hiding on a couch and perfectly blended in. It almost ate us. It had evil red eyes. We finally got it to go back into its bedroom after it growled, hissed and tried to kill us. It was overly comical, and it took about 20 minutes. I then was insulted for being too loud at the dinner table


Blogger Brian said...

Another fine example of why I prefer to not deal with cats.

12:21 AM  

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Monday, June 13, 2005

Is it just me, or is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance turning into Avril Lavigne? Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

That's seems to happen quite often with singers. Just look at Prince, or whatever he's called now.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Andrew, next year for our history project, we so very much need to do a Barry Gibb Talk Show format with special guest from whatever period we're covering. It's a guaranteed winner.
Or, we could do an even better powerpoint.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

We Like to get an early start on our awesome ideas that can't ever be realized because we aren't steven spielburg and we don't have millions of dollars to spend on a film.

12:21 AM  

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Getting Off Again

Michael Jackson was acuitted today of all 10 charges brought against him. People released doves and where hugging and dancing in the streets outside the courthouse. People drove for miles to be at his trial--this is a little sick, people. I don't think that he is a child molester, I believe that he has mental problems that come from how he was treated as a child, and he needs treatment. Somehow I feel that in a few years he will be back in court on another charge. If someone lets their child spend the night @ Neverland Ranch, then they are just looking for an oppourtunity to sue.

On a completely unrelated subject, it seems that drink companies are trying to suggest that teenage asian girls are good dj's. If you look at the Coca-Cola commercial with the guys going on a road trip, they stop at some asian girl's basement to put her music in their documentary. On the sunkist commercial, the asian girl is the dj of an amazing party--the center of which is the orange glow produced by drinking sunkist.


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Sunday, June 12, 2005


OK, I have the greatest idea for a company! It will specialize in things specially designed for marching band like clothing and special bottled water and lip balm, etc. It will be called BAB for Band And Body, but, to make the name really special, I would have to be partners with Becky and Brian because the letters of the company name are the first letters of our respective names and because they are the only two people who I know whose names both start with B and would actually start a company for that sells band stuff. Pretty ingenious, huh.


Blogger Brian said...

And after we all graduate from Harvard it will be even more impressive.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i say go for it. there's nothing like band body wash!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Catherine said...

o definatly-lip balm is very important-only you would of course have to have band deodorant free with every purchase of $25 or more

6:39 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I still cant get to your blog, Melanie

10:24 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

What's with people and the scent of flowers. There are much better scents out there, like garlic, vanilla, fresh baked banana bread...
Come on people, get creative.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Its nice to know that I'm not the only one out there who enjoys fine dining.

12:20 AM  
Blogger crias said...

what an awesome idea! forget $25 or more... EVERYONE gets free deodorant with purchase. are there still smelly kids? horny kids? lamigas? good times...

12:34 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Only the smelly kids remain.

12:52 AM  

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Love Actually is all around

Today, I happened to watch Chris Matthews on NBC. While I don't normally watch shows of a pollitical nature, this one I found oddly funny. Plus, I feel all in touch with current events, now. In his talk about Tony Blair, he said that Britain made fun of the Prime Minister for being Bush's "poodle". He then went on to talk about an ideal PM and showed the clip from LOVE ACTUALLY where Hugh Grant and Billy Bob are having the press conference where Hugh Grant stands up for Britain's interests. He also showed that over 4 years @ Yale, Bush had a 77% average to Kerry's 76% average and that Kerry's highest grade was in French.


Blogger Brian said...

Quite good, old chap!

9:55 PM  

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

From Someone Great and Wise

"I think that being intelligent is a burden. If you are intelligent you are expected to make something of yourself or people are disappointed or saddened by your lack of effort, if you are a moron people are glad you get up and put your shoes on the right feet"

she will shortly be featured in my links section (Which i will now have to organize) along with Brit and someone who I feel i am forgetting.


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Come See ol' Julia B!


Blogger Brian said...

True, the hall is much crappier in person. Was that carpet I saw in the room picture?

2:18 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

It might be. I want to know how they had room for that huge entertainment center.

2:36 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I think they just recreated what a dorm hall should look like and shot the pictures on a sound stage or in a studio.

2:20 PM  

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Thank you to Paradigm Shift for finally making my transition into being a Junior complete!


Blogger Brian said...

I wanted to congratulate you on your new strike-through abilities.

2:16 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Thank you

2:36 AM  

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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Reflections Part 1

The area of skin on my body that produces the most melanin has to be my neck, because I just took a show and scrubbed it raw, and it still looks like I have some crappy neck tan.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

I also have a t-shirt/farmer's tan, but it has already faded on MY neck...

10:45 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I'll bring the cd of our senior year's prospective show.

12:08 PM  

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People from Malakoff are weird!!

or How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I'm not a sophomore anymore, so I'll have to figure out how to strike through text so I can change my description.

How can I even begin to describe leadership camp! We had a surprisingly good time sans Becky. We weren't even loud this year, and we made friends, and we spoke up during our leadership sessions. I have to say that Chris K. from BF Terry better check this and all those hicks from Malakoff--if they can stay dressed and out of the AG barn long enough to shimmy on over the the only computer in town--better check, too.

The reason I was going ATSSB crazy is because I had to redo all of the region music because it wasn't up to date, so I sat in Mr. Rutherford's office printing current info (which took forever on the epson stylus printer of his that sounds like it has a hernia and is scotty-cising.)

We played Naughty Girl as a stands tune, and it did not sound sexy at all

I bought 2 scotty cd's, I'll have to bring them over to Brian's so we can do the routine together!

I should be having pictures soooooon. I need some pics from TSSEC.

The food was much better this year, and we had pasta for the banquet. Yung was our drum major again, he is rather awesome. Marty was still doing color gard, he is still rather gay. Jeremy still did trombones, and he still looks and talks like Jay Leno.

It was soo much fun (besides the fact that I am now crippled from walking and marching) and I would say that you should have been there, but I'm not supposed to because it widens the gap between the leaders and the peons.

Becky: have brian tell you how our push-touch this year so resembled my pull-and-touch two years ago.

Sadly, we never had to deal with the infamous THOR lightening guard system. And out dorms where still escrappe. When Mrs. Baldridge went the TAMU-C, Hubbell Hall was brand new.

Its good to be back.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

You're so mean to the Malakoff people, but I ges that its just theyur acce-ent (three syllable word) that makes 'em seem kindu hik...

Just kidding you guys if you see this comment. Visit me at MY (capitalized for emphasis) pretty, pretty, please.

10:44 PM  
Blogger A Passionate Paradox said...

< strike > Whatever Text you want to strike through < /strike > should work, but blogger is picky sometimes.

12:42 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

They had chocolate milk the entire time, but it was in little milk cartons. They also had ice cream. I don't remember any insubordinations. Yes, Penny did spend pretty much the entire time with her percussion friends.

7:53 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hey Melanie!! Blogger wont let me see your blog, so I hope you read this and know that I know you are out there.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Come up to the band hall and we can all scotty-cise.

10:00 PM  

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Friday, June 03, 2005

If Crias was a cat Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...

u should post

2:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hayed keyes. don't understand
=( am gone explain

10:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

we should but i have a question. What will we wear?! i like to have conversations on other people's blogs in which said people aren't involved. OMG Becky could bust her boredom in having said conversatio on andy's blog lOl. ok its hot. Milk was not a good choice.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...


6:05 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I know, but i hardly ever type you're, and people know what I'm talking about

6:43 PM  

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Thursday, June 02, 2005

The one you've been waiting for...


We left, we watched Aladdin y Cool Runnings, we ate, we saw a movie (I saw star wars III for the 2nd time, it was hillarious), we slept.

We awoke, we went to Texas State University's Music Building, we played and tested, we played cards, we sat, I bought a percussion bracelet and a cello shirt (on clearance!!) Adam's judged went home before he played, the sax judge was crazy and made me very uncomfortable--he told us that we pronounced Celina incorrectly (I think he had one too many hits with the snake). We ate @ Joe's, I had crab with Catherine and made a huge mess, I also tasted here the absolute worst tea that I have ever had--it tasted like they dipped it out of the Comal river (I think there were peices of kelp and feces floating in it) then Mitchell shoved a fistfull of cake into his mouth. We played poker, we slept.

We awoke, we checked out, we ate at IHOP (I shared a disgusting omlet with Catherine) We went to Schlitterbahn, I managed to evade a sunburn for the 1st time in my life while being outdoors in water. We left and ate at a Cracker Barell on the way home. We (mainly myself) were sooo loud and rockus, but the staff was uber nice---one of the nicest waiters I have ever encountered. I tipped him $5 for a $4.66 bill. We watched "That's Entertainment" and Mr. Rutherford got mad at me for making rude comments about the film and his taste in movies and music. We got home and searched for Chris's ipod, which we believe that someone accidentally picked up with their stuff. If that was you, call the band hall and bring it up. At about the time we rolled in, the great sorrow of being cold and alone in my high school world without the wonderful people I had surrounded myself with was lifted, and I had a great epiphanic appreciation for the life cycle.


Blogger Brian said...

We ate at IHOP on Monday. McDonald's was on Tuesday before Schlitterbahn.
Leave it to me to post a comment correcting something in the post.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Very True, maybe you should rename your blog or user name "known errata"

6:20 PM  

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

What's in your pants?

Time for some fun with comments! I'm hoping you're listening to music right now. Because if you are, take the title of the song you are listening to and add "In My Pants" to the end. For example, mine would be Tainted Love In My Pants.So, tell me... What's in your pants.


Blogger Brian said...

Dancing Through Life In My Pants

9:30 PM  
Blogger Higgby said...

Tied to the whipping my pants.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Teo Torriatte in My Pants (or Let Us Cling Together in My Pants)
Anyway, we need to do something before we leave for L-Camp. Seriously.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

no music in my pants

just wanted to tell ya i'm alive and here. and i have my region music (i've got the book)

6:31 PM  
Blogger A Passionate Paradox said...

Lover I don't have to love in my pants. (by Bright Eyes)

11:17 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

The Scientist in my pants

12:38 AM  
Blogger Angel said...

i do, in my pants

5:57 PM  
Blogger V said...

Erm... voodoo in my pants.

4:02 PM  

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Make out of it what you will


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Damn Chain Emails

I finally figured out why I have bad luck--chain emails. I never send them to 15 people in the next 25 minutes, and thus, I have bad luck. The reason I find myself not forwarding these emails is because they are sent to me by people that have already sent it to everyone I care to send it to.


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I want to be king of the lemurs


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