Maybe they're just full of sour cream

The picture in this post has nothing to do with the content of the post. But I will say that blogger has finally internalized a picture uploading server, so we no longer have to use 3rd party software such as HELLO!! It is muy easy, even the biggest web idiots can do it!!
If anyone is familiar with the menu at Taco Bell, they know that any item listed as "supreme" comes with sour cream as opposed to its normal counterparts. I am using this metaphor to refer to the supreme court.
Today they passed an amendment that allows an extension of the rights of eminent domain.
"Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms." _ Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing in dissent. ____
"It's a little shocking to believe you can lose your home in this country. "I won't be going anywhere. Not my house. This is definitely not the last word." _ New London resident Bill Von Winkle, reacting to the Supreme Court decision
citizens of New London protested seizing of property for a private party just to increase tax revenue AND LOST.
Even church property is subject to seizure by the government because the state makes no money off of a church!!!
There better be some serious protest.
What do you mean? I'm difficult to understand even when I'm speaking english? I always speak english with maybe some super kawaii words added for flavoring. Anyway, talk lata...I'm coming back to Texas today....
Yes, that is quite an enormous cat.
A) I wonder what that woman is doing with that cat
B) I wonder is she is just stuck there because the cat got on top of her when she was napping, and she can't get the cat off.
On to the post.
How the HELL can they even think that is constitutional. Yes, the state has had the right to buy your land out from under you for a road or development or something for the state/national infrastructure crap, but it is completely ludicrous to allow such an infringement to right to own propery just because another "private party" will benefit.
"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, I think my family and I could definitely benefit from taking your property from you. Move out now."
For some reason, even though they have supposedly (according to Andrew, which means it's either completely made up or completely true) passed this bullshit amendment, I refuse to see how it will hold up anywhere. Where is the sense of decency that the American people desperately needs?!?!
What is "New London"?
ive actually heard super kuwaii
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