Monday, June 13, 2005
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: Celina, Texas, United States
I am a sophomore Junior SENIOR at Celina High School, grasping at the straws of friendship while balancing delicately the pressure of homework, crazed teachers that hate me, making the decision of what I want to do with the rest of my life, and 24 hours of Band a day. It makes me yearn for the days of being a dirty freshman
Previous Posts
- Getting Off Again
- Inspiration!
- Love Actually is all around
- From Someone Great and Wise
- Come See ol' Julia B!
- Acknowledgements
- Reflections Part 1
- People from Malakoff are weird!!
- If Crias was a cat
- The one you've been waiting for...
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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne
Look at all the pretty links!
- Because she can
- Bigfoot's big blog about birds
- Sun Gods Wear Fanny Packs?
- New Mournful Miserables
- Who cares about politics?
- What is wisdom to a fool?
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-1
- Album: OAP, The Medicine Show
- Album: BETA Convention '05
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-2
- Cool Site for Catholics!
- Fugly Fun
3 cheeses walk into a bar...
Ya'll come back and see us now, you hear!

That's seems to happen quite often with singers. Just look at Prince, or whatever he's called now.
Andrew, next year for our history project, we so very much need to do a Barry Gibb Talk Show format with special guest from whatever period we're covering. It's a guaranteed winner.
Or, we could do an even better powerpoint.
We Like to get an early start on our awesome ideas that can't ever be realized because we aren't steven spielburg and we don't have millions of dollars to spend on a film.
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