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31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

My Day with the Devil Cat

I spent the day at Parris's today, and we had to go to someone's house to check on their dogs and cat while they were out of town. Their cat is supposed to stay in the bedroom, but it ran out when we opened the door. At first, we tried to be nice and coax it back into the room, but it hissed and spat at us. We would swat back at it, and it ran into every room of the house while we chased it around. The fact that Parris was tipsy didn't help matters:-) One time it was hiding on a couch and perfectly blended in. It almost ate us. It had evil red eyes. We finally got it to go back into its bedroom after it growled, hissed and tried to kill us. It was overly comical, and it took about 20 minutes. I then was insulted for being too loud at the dinner table


Blogger Brian said...

Another fine example of why I prefer to not deal with cats.

12:21 AM  

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