The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from goldfinger288.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Electric Kitty Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

That looks kind of creepy

10:20 AM  

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Aunt Mildred Kitty Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

Where the hell are you getting these?

10:20 AM  

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Strong Kitty Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

Kitty's been eating his wheaties

10:22 AM  

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Kitty Glass Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

Oooooooooooo, that is kind of cute/funny, but the SPCA's gonna be all over that.

10:21 AM  

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Of Lobster, Solos, Ensembles, and Half-Naked People

In that order. I recently found out not only how expensive Red Lobster really is, but also how it is not really worth the price. Our poor, stupid waitress didn't seem to have a real grip on reality and she never checked on us. If I wanted waitstaff that never checked on me, I'd go to France (or at least French Canada)(or at the very least the French Quarter of Louisiana). I don't know how long we stayed there, but it was a long time.
CSEC was kinda interesting because for the first time ever I got to know a judge. The WW3 judge was the coolest one at the contest, and she gave the sax trio a one as well as my solo. I've never been crazy enough to work all day before, either. It is rather nice not to have to fool with CSEC anymore.
Ok. here we go. Amityville horror is one of the best scary movies I've seen in a long time. It has something that many other scary movies don't have...a plot. It was just scary enough, and it was very well acted. The only thing that seemed a little odd was they obvious ploy to have as little clothing on Ryan Reynolds as possible......and the "hookeresque-reminds-you-of-several-classmates" babysitter. Go see it now.


Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

congrats on your solo and your ensemble. nice campaigning poster, everyone seemed to like it. hope you get librarian again. visit and watch the three blind mice

10:24 AM  

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Eggs Benedict...XVI or the emporer's new pope

In spirit of the new star wars movie, I have a rare family portrait of the new pope and the dark emperor of the galaxy (what's his name, like palpitine) I know its mean, but the new pope really is pretty ugly. I beleive these two might have been related. Please God, don't smite me. Posted by Hello


Blogger Brian said...

It would appear that people are too afraid to comment on this particular post.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I promise that God wont smite them

6:49 PM  

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To Wong Auburn, Thanks for everything

I think my life would've been devoid of funny flash if Auburn hadn't introduced me to Teen Girl Squad. Here is a link to the best one; you have to watch!


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Do they make sense now? Posted by Hello


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Two fun, yet unrelated links.
If you like techno, bright colors, and flash videos that could give you epilepsy just by looking at them, then this is the link for you


What amazing insight! I'm disappointed that I didn’t write it.


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Don't steal, it's not kosher! Posted by Hello


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Yes, that is a dog. No, he doesn't use fabric softener. Posted by Hello


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If Cain were a cat Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...

that's mean

8:14 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Mean...but true nonetheless

10:11 PM  

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Fun with Hallmark Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...

I think i got that card for someone! hahhahahahahahahahahaha

11:59 AM  

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Turning Japanese

Your Japanese Name Is...

Haruko Nakamura


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That's oddly specific (and accurate)

Your True Birth Month Is April

Good memory
Loves attention
Strong mentality
Loving and caring
Brave and fearless
Active and dynamic
Suave and generous
Easily get too jealous
Decisive but tends to regret
Motivates oneself and the others
Attractive and affectionate to oneself
Friendly and solves people's problems
Prone to sickness usually of the head and chest


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Who I Am

You Are 35% Normal

(Occasionally Normal)

You sure do march to your own beat...

But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all

You think on a totally different wavelength

And it's often a chore to get people to understand you. Don't these weird people look a lot like the french person in the next result??

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.

You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

15% Dixie

15% Yankee

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Yeah! None of that darn midwesterner devil influence!


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Kosher personality

Whenever I need to find out something about myself, i turn to the only FDA approved method of self-exploration--the internet personality test!!!!


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Ejaculatory Posting

So, to start the posting momentum, I will amend an statement I made last year. Starting band as a sophomore, I thought it would be cool to play the flute because it is not an instrument that you normally see people switching to. Well, in keeping with the old adage, I got what I wished for. I have to play flute in Jazz Band, as many of you know. However, IT IS THE HARDEST INSTRUMENT EVER! I have a new respect for flutes


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Lost in the Moor....of the Baskervilles

It seems that my blog has temporarily lost its purpose. I am always struggling to recapture the spark that inspired my first 250 posts. I find that sometimes I have to work to find something to talk about. I'm not depressed or passionate about anything at the moment; all I have are humorous pictures. So I am going to be taking an in depth journey of blog enlightenment to return to spiritual journalistic centre--(yes, that is centre spelled c-e-n-t-r-e!).


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Sunday, April 24, 2005


3,001 visitors!!!


Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

100 visitors in a week, impressive :)

9:57 PM  

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Its enough to make you cry

It feels like I have barely seen anyone all week. No band, no regular classes, and I'm held hostage by monopoly. CSEC is tomorrow and I've barely practiced anything. And I'm just thrilled about working all day with Chris Robinett and Steven White. (dripping with sarcasm) (but I'm not mad at Becky) Some things I don't understand, and CSEC is one of them. I really think that that Red Lobster made me sick. Maybe if I can induce vomitting, I can get out of CSEC.


Blogger Brian said...

you've made 2 more posts, and yet you still can't seem to look at either of the sets of lyrics I posted especially for you. Shame!
"You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore."
Not literally, that's a lyric. Can you have "a lyric"? I'm not sure; I'll to check on that.
Under Pressure is coming along pretty well.
Posters are up in the band hall.
Go see the percussion concert - there will even be door prizes.
Did anyone have trouble getting into Amityville?
I think I already have enough people to get the discounted price.
More info tomorrow.
I think I did well at regionals.
It's out of my hands.
I could have made this a post on my blog, but nobody seems to read that anymore. Pity.

7:11 PM  

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Kitty overdose Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...


7:45 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Is that what your cat would be like if you had one?

11:50 PM  

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How conscientious Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...


7:44 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I guess I'm not the only one that's been completely lost concerning these pictures. Who's the weird guy?

11:49 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

These are part of the newest ad campaign for Kenneth Cole. They are ironic, showing at first a seemingly public minded view, but then revealing a selfish intent.

10:43 PM  

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Can't beleive it

I am less than 70 visitors away from 3000!


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Birthdays are like onions...

...They make you cry whenever you cut into them, but when you cook and caramelize them, they become rather tasty. It is sad to not even care about birthdays anymore. I got some DVD's today: Anchorman, elf, stepford wives, mean girls, and the shining. I ate at Texas Land and Cattle for Cain. And the pope is still not chosen. TAKS is tomorrow. I can hardly wait to slog through about 80 problems that are almost exactly the same!


Blogger Unknown said...

mmmm steak

7:44 PM  
Blogger Cool Cass said...

happy birthday!!! (yes, it's a day late ... well, a day & 6 minutes, but who's counting)

11:06 PM  

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Insomniac Kitty

Today Jessica and I had our party. It was rather fun and right now sitting in my room typing, I can't really remember anything we did. We bowled, played laser tag, watched Anchorman, and played pool. I am not tired at all, but I seem to have trouble thinking clearly. But hey, I have found a blog even better than brian's at depressing people!!! (I don't mean that in a cruel way, but I have to say something) I actually feel that my blog has lost direction because the problems that instgated my blog's creation have all been resolved (for now at least)


Blogger Brian said...

And whose may that be?

9:56 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Katya Manclevena

10:32 PM  

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Spring is Here

So, tonight is the Spring Concert. Will it suck? Only time will tell. I actually do hope that we can get a good recording from it. Band is taking its toll. I'm carefully examining the reprocussions of throwing myself into the program so.

Tomorrow, Jessica and I are having a joint birthday party. I expect good gifts :-)


Blogger Andrew said...

Its about time you commented!! And you know that 98% of all things that I say are in jest

3:39 AM  

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Please Read: To learn fabulous things about me!

1. First name? Andrew

2. Where you named after anyone? Andrew Jackson—the Native American Killer

3. Do you wish on stars? Never did, when I look up I invariably run into something

4. When did you last cry? In Middle School.

5. Do you like you handwriting? Most of the time I feel it is quite admirable

6. What is you favorite lunch meat? Tuna

7. What is your birth date? April 18th

8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Backstreet Boys: Millennium

9. if you were another person, would YOU be friends with yourself? Absolutely not

10. Do you have a journal? Online. I have a blog.

11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? What! Me? Sarcasm? Never!

12. What are your nicknames? Sometimes people call me Drew or Andy if they are feeling dangerous

13. Would you bungee jump? Never

14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope, too much time.

15. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, strong enough. Socially, sure. Mentally, sure.

16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip/ coffee chocolate chip

17. Shoe size? 10

18. Red or pink? Red

19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Let’s just say I don’t have my looks going for me.

20. Who do you miss the most? Not quite sure. Agreeing with Brian: All the people from last year that left. I'll sure miss Becky a lot next year.

21. When will the elections for the new pope begin? April 18th my birthday!

22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Not wearing any

23. What are you listening to right now? SNL

24. Last thing you ate? A gyro

25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cerulean

26. What is the weather like right now? The weather in my room is at a perfect 296.5 Kelvin

27. Last person you talked to one the phone? Tiffany

28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? It really does depend. If it’s someone like Heather or Jenny where you can’t see her face because of her ample bosom. But if it’s someone normal like Julia, I would probably say mouth or just face in general.

29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes

30. Favorite Drink? Kiwi Pear Green Tea

31. Favorite sport? To watch: baseball or college football/ basketball. To play: soccer (Is marching band a sport)

32. Hair color? A little more blonde than Becky

33. Eye color? Blue? It varies

34. Do you wear contacts? Go glasses! Go eye birth defects!!!

35. Favorite food? Anything that isn’t mundane, especially seafood.

36. Last movie you watched? Fever Pitch

37. Favorite Day of the Year? April the 25th, because it's not too hot, not too cold; all you need is a light jacket! I love giving things at Christmas, but Xmas day is usually crappy.

38. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Scary movies (secretly: romantic comedies with happy endings)

39. Summer or winter? When I’m with other people, its summer. When I’m alone, its winter—not just because of normal associations.

40. Hugs or Kisses? Speaking of candy: Hugs Speaking of public displays of affection: Hugs, they’re much less formal (not as many people have gotten a disease from hugging anyway {unless you’re using hugging as a euphemism for sex})

41. What is your Favorite Dessert? Tiramisu

42. Who is most likely to respond? People reading

43. Who is least likely to respond? People who are either lost, don’t know who I am, or are too lazy to read it all.

44. Living arrangements? I live in a thrash of reeds located in the middle of a swamp (i.e. Weston, TX) with my biological parents, a filthy rat-dog and Tucker-Billy.

45. What's your favorite book? Edith Hamilton’s Mythology.

46. What's on your mouse pad? Don’t use one—I have a wireless optical mouse on a smooth wooden desk.

47. What did you watch last night on TV? When Metallica Ruled the World and The Cosby Show.

48. Favorite Smells? Citrus, leather, the smell right before the rain starts

49. Favorite Sounds? Rain, laughter (not at me, and not that of children), cool vocal oddities, bass flue.

50. Rolling Stones or the Beatles? Rolling Stones.

51. What's the farthest you've been from home? Rome, Italy

52. Do you have a special talent? I play saxophone. I’d like to think that I act well. I can normally make people laugh.

53. What is your ring tone? "Headstrong" and so it has been since the 1st day I had my phone. However, I wish I had Bach Cello!

54. Have you ever been naked with several people before?
Yes. Quite frequently in autumn, actually.


Blogger Brian said...

Hey! No fair! You added questions!

9:08 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I also based many of my answers on yours

3:48 PM  

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Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Boy is Back in Town

My brother has left his bustling New Jersey life to come down to Bumpkinville, TX and visit his family. He's gonna be here a week and we will probably spend a total of 7 waking hours with him. We went to Scarborough Fair, today. It was fairly the same and all (I ate a ton of food). However, the falconer (one of my favorite shows) changed his presentation. He no longer talked about the birds, he just made them fly around with crappy music playing. I was disappointed. The only other slightly uncomfortable part of the day was the fact that I had to ride all the way to Waxahachie and back in a crowded Jeep Grand Cherokee with my brother, his friend and his wife, and their three year old daughter.


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I could be an English Guru

I took the test that was on Chris's blog, but it looked like crap and was very spread out on my blog. So I'll just tell you that I scored 100% on all three parts


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Friday, April 08, 2005

Fever Freaking Pitch

One of the funniest movies I've seen in awhile, besides the fact that it has to do with the Red Sox. Jimmy Falon was surprisingly funny and Drew Barrymore was surprisingly sexy. I think Julia liked the ball shaving part a little too much :-) And I think we all enjoyed partaking of my banana at the gas station. And Cain, "What about Jenny's boobs?"


Blogger Andrew said...

I don't know what your talking about

5:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its not "What about Jenny's boobs?" Its "What about my boobs, Jenny?"

3:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and it only works when I say it. lol jkn

3:40 PM  

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This shit is bananas!! June bugs are freakin' everywhere!!! I can't escape them. I already killed four that escaped through my door. They are like the suicide bombers of the bug world.


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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Oh, what a Pope he was

Its official. The Pope died today at the age of 84. "In his later years, John Paul — the most-traveled pope in history — was the picture of frailty. In addition to Parkinson's, he survived a 1981 assassination attempt, when a Turkish gunman shot him in the abdomen, and had hip and knee ailments. His anguished struggle with failing health became a symbol of aging and, in the end, death with dignity. "

He had always looked like he was on the edge of life. Cain and I will have to go shopping for some black outfits so we can mourn. Brian has his crew regalia. Its amazing to see all the stuff the pope did. Read the article about his death here.


Blogger Brian said...

Why, may I ask, are you currently aroused?

10:46 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I needed a provacative mood to get people to take a second look at my little imood icon.

8:05 PM  

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Potty Break

I can barely function. I got up at 5:30 to get ready for UIL @ TWU. When we got there, I found out that in addition to Science, I was also signed up for Current Issues. I also found out that current issues is the event to compete in if you want to feel really stupid. I hope I did well in Science, I just couldn't seem to remember much of the Chemistry that I was sure I knew at one time.
I skipped the TSSEC theory qualifying test, but I have every intention of making it up. At Sounds of Spring, I was too tired to even remember how to play my instrument. When I got home, I urinated for about 70 seconds because of all the Dr. Pepper I had had.


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Post Crap