The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from goldfinger288.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The hills are alive with the sound of state marching contest

Yes, the rumors are true, the Celina High School Bobcat Marcing Band from Celina under the direction of Ross Ruhtherford, Brian Weatherman, and Corey Gilmore is going to state.
I am fiercely happy about this, don't get me wrong, but the bahavoir of our band disappointed me, but I'll get to that later.

In the morning we hit some sets and corrected things that have been plaguing us for months. WE CORRECTED SOO MANY THINGS IN 20 MINUTES. If we did it then, we could've done it earlier.

We ate at Whataburger, and let me tell you, I had no idea they were that good. They had the best onion rings everrrrrr, and their burger was pretty tasty.

We weren't too sure about our Preliminary competition, but I think the fact that there were people there that weren't parents or even in band supporting us made the performance subconciously better. Thanks to Madi, Taylor, Kelsey, Jessica, Jenny, D'Ann, Morgan, Karley, Lincoln, Whitney, Kara, and whoever else was there, by the way.

By the way, the musicT's stand was selling teddy bears with little custom T-shirts on, and there were two samples sitting out on the table. One had on a Celina Bobcat T-shirt, the other had on an Argle Eagle T-shirt....creepy.

We couldn't beleive we even made the finals, let alone be ranked 3rd.....1 point above Howe (they got chewed out for letting Celina rank above them).
(We got ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, and 8th)

At Frisco we maintained our position from prelims to finals, so we knew it was possible to do it again.

Our second performance was pretty good; I know I thought the film looked pretty nice.
(That time I think we got ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd and 5th, though I'm not certain)
We screamed soooo loudly when they announced us (in reverse alphabetical order), however, I felt so bad because Howe was sitting right behind us and they had been to state for like 30 years in a row and we broke their streak. Holiday and Argyle didn't hurt them as much as our yelling. Some people in our band need to learn the proper amount of hoopla to still be considered civilized. Then, in the bus, we kept yelling and in the bus right beside us, Howe was crying.

Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Weatherman were both almost in tears at the end of the night. On the way back to Celina, we had a police escort from Prosper to the high school

So after we got back to Celina, a bunch of us went to IHOP, and Mr. R and W came-----at IHOP they talked to us about their feeling. All that day they had been telling us that we could do it and going to state was possible. However, at IHOP, Mr. R told us that he had already gotten hotel reservations and booked a charter bus two weeks ago. At IHOP, we also learned that butter pecan syrup tastes like alcohol and pecans and ice is a good representation of Argyle's band, while howe and celina can be represented easily by cell phones.

I personally think that school should let out for us to go to state and the entire school should go.

After IHOP, Auburn, Kris(he met us at IHOP) , Cain, Brittany, and I and whoever else went to Wal Mart where Auburn got to ride in the little motorized shopping cart for people who cant walk, and we learned that you aren't allowed to take pictures in Wal-Mart.

Apparently, our biggest competition is Holiday and Argyle (with maybe a couple others elsewhere), so really we need to beat the socks off Argyle before the socks beat us.


Blogger Catherine said...

Who's going to STATE?.......

CELINA's going to STATE!!!!!!!!!

i did feel a little bad about the whole howe thing, and ill admit i was one of the crazyiest ones, but i couldn't help it!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

That makes me really wish I could have gone. Poo.
I knew about the reservation thing. Mrs. Reed made the hotel reservations some time ago (I guess it was 2 weeks) just in case, because if we did make it, we wouldn't have enough time to get reservations at the right hotel(?).
I agree with you on the shouting. I really didn't like Mrs. Velders doing all of those cheers, especially before we knew the rankings.
Since my copy of The Crucible, all butchered up as it is, is probably not the best thing to read off of, I'm having to type out my cuts. I couldn't find an etext, so it looks like it's all by hand. If anyone can find an etext or something it would really make this a lot easier.

6:33 PM  
Blogger crias said...

andrew, take care that you don't lose sight of the accomplish for the behavior of others. we've been the hardest working band in Texas since 1999, and it's high time yall were thrown a bone. perhaps some of the freaking out was merited.

as for howe crying and such: so? maybe they should've worked harder. i cried too when we lost in 2001. and i fucking hated jim ned. howe didn't even have a phil anthony to blame it on. 1,2,2,3,5 is pretty decisive.

you've been busting your ass. i know how hard the work is, how cold the mornings are, how dry your lungs get during that mile, how you are fixing to get detetion from your 2nd period teacher for being tardy. i know about all of that. and i know that yall deserve it. celebrate. if not, don't hate on the ones that do.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I think the main reason Argyle and Holiday did not scream as loud as us is because they go pretty much every year. On the other hand, it was a freakin' MIRACLE we made it!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Alright, here is my newest innovation...tone tags. They resemble html tags and dictate the tone of a passage, because people have a tendency to overvalue the gravity of my statements. I do think we deserve to celebrate for what we've accomplished, I do beleive that some people took the screaming a little too far...and this is coming from a naturally loud and cacophonus person. I personally felt selfconscious about being so close to Howe, however, I'm not feeling bad because they cried, only because it gave the impression that we were gloating.

OK, Mrs. Velders just needs to hold her tongue sometimes. Like when we were watching film and she's all like, "wow, look at the battery!!!" and "Oh my gosh you guys, it all looks so good" You have to be there to know what I mean

10:46 PM  
Blogger Caboose said...

I have to correct you on one thing. We never got chewed out. If at anything she Mrs E. said we did the best we could. Our best however wasnt good enough at all. To tell you the truth i think alot of it had to do with the director not caring about this season as much as she should have.

Yes, there were a few people crying on our bus but they were mainly the very few people that actually cared about what had just happened.

Good luck to everyone of you guys in san antonio! i'll be cheering you guys on.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

i love malakoff.

8:21 PM  

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

One Hand on My Shako

Well, exciting times are these. Last night was the Callisburg game (here) and we beat them in excess of fifty points--I know, I was shocked, too. Just for fun, here's a look at what I said about Callisburg last year

Just another manic...Friday?
Yes, I know this post is being clocked as Saturday, but its still Friday in my mind. I just got home from Celina's epic battle with the Callisburg wildcats in Callisburg. Who the hell knew that Callisburg was an hour drive from Celina. Callisburg's coach claims that he will make our district forget about Celina, and judging from their performance last night at the game, that promise was a hollow one. We got to play a new stands tune, I was shocked! However, we played the same new song about six times, so its novelty wore off fast. The bus ride was a fun one though, when you spend two hours on a bus with someone, you can only grow closer. I should have measured Parris's leg hair when we left Celina and when we got back to see if it had grown any :-)

It turns out that last year's Halloween party was the day before the Callisburg game, too.

Highlights of the week of 10-23 in Celina High School (in case you missed it)

  • Freezing!!! I've never been soooo cooold at a rehearsal before. I could feel my horn contracting in my hands
  • I don't hate any classes yet
  • Whatever, who cares about stupid Monday


  • This morning we added in some super-cool visuals
  • Tests are noo good
  • Who cares about triangles anyway?
  • Our show sucks
  • I don't trust pot-luck dinners
  • @ Tuesday night rehearsal we had Howe's band director come to tell us we suck.


  • Wrote an AP essay
  • Mrs. Pack is too crazy to function
  • I suck at Physics
  • Its still freezing, by the way
  • I had to read 3 books and do those ROR cards....that night


  • Auburn did something to her Iliadc crest(I really have no clue what that is other than its on the pelvis somewhere, so the spelling is purely phonetic. I'm not sure that we have a body part named after a Greek, epic poem.) on her mile and cannot march
  • She is on crutches
  • Today is quiznos day, normally the happiest day of the week, but A-burn the A-mish lady made it sad
  • freaking out about Area
  • Halloween party--watched The Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen, ate some greasy tacos, lauged


  • Yesterday
  • Callisburg game
  • like 57-6 or something ridiculous
  • We yelled for like, the entire drill team
  • I still suck at physics, I think I might have the least logical mind ever
  • Pep-rally, blahhhh, convulsions
  • Our performance was quite awesome. I'm not going to say there weren't mistakes, but it was exciting and things hit and I am excited
  • I may not have been meeting my ankles at the &'s, but if I had, I would've been out of stride with everyone else (not excuse or justification, just post-performance observation)


  • TODAY IS AREA, nothing has really happened yet, so I'll make something up
  • For the first time, everyone had all their uniform
  • We ate subway for lunch, they messed up many orders
  • Our show totally hit, we advanced to finals
  • half the school came to watch us
  • in the finals, our tuning was miraculous, and the trumpets were flawless (naturally)
  • We advanced to state, and lime jell-o rained from the heavens!

If I don't go, I'll be late to band


Blogger Brian said...

Wow, that prediction was surprisingly accurate.
Except of course for the lime jello thing.

I think it's "illiac", not "Illiad", but I could also be mistaken.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

sadly no lime jello rained from the heavens but that tis the only disapointing part of the day

12:39 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Googled it, it is iliac crest, whick makes waaaaaay more sense (like I said)

12:47 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I think you should become an oracle

9:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

i distinctly remember lime jell-o flooding the stadium

10:48 PM  
Blogger V said...

This post cracked me up a whole buncha lot.

10:10 AM  

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An action packed post

*hug* *bat* *ka-hit* *ka-chin* *punt* *burninate* *judo trip* * judo chop* *lift* *wink* *smile* *seduce* *slap* *nudge* *scream* *burp* *serve* *eat* *go* *jump* *dance* *dance*
*fight* *win* *kill* *slam* *cook* *laugh* *hurt* *undulate* *ovulate* *lactate* *gesticulate* *fornicate* *apparate* *smash* *die*


Blogger Catherine said...

holy onomatopoiea batman!

10:10 PM  
Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

somebody fornicate and die in two steps? you got yourself a blackwidow man!!

11:10 PM  

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Friday, October 21, 2005

And Counting

IF you can think of anymore, feel free to tell me.

1. cork grease
2. lip balm
3. ulcer reliever
4. personal lubricant
5. arthritis ointment
6. sunscreen
7. slide grease
8. body lotion
9. hair gel
10. tart shaper
11. clear crayon (like for writing on Easter eggs)
12. back massager
13. eye cream
14. nail polish
15. shoe polish
16. stain remover
17. laxative
18. joint grease
19. pie filling
20. basting liquid
21. jewelry cleaner
22. silver polish
23. mascara
24. antiperspirant
25. lip gloss
26. bath soak
27. shampoo
28. conditioner
29. body wash
30. toothpaste
31. sealant


Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

what are these for :?

5:11 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

robot lubricant

10:57 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

robot lubricant

10:57 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I already contributed my one good one, and I can only think of crappy, stupid ones now that I'll regret posting later. So there.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

The medical uses are for prescription only cork grease that usually comes from a medical supply store.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Nitsujcm said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:43 PM  
Blogger V said...

Duct tape? Spackle?

10:12 AM  

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Sunday, October 16, 2005


There is a room,
inside is the grail.
I drink deep of it contents,
cool silver and pale.

I feel it inside me,
I’m standing so near.
A storm comes forth,
I recoil in fear.

I’m cast out of the room,
the iron falls down.
I’m out in the rain,
beginning to drown.

My head through a window,
I gasp for air
And I gaze in the room,
at the prize so fair.

The storm passes,
Back in I come
Only to find
my room come undone

The silver is tarnished,
But I don’t care,
The door off its hinges,
My mind in a snare.

I lift up the grail,
wish it were mine.
It crumbles in my hand,
blows away a dust so fine.

To others it spreads,
They take it with greed
I sit in the room,
bereft of my need.

To others it goes,
I clutch at ground
Thinking of the sweet elixir,
and the perfection I had found.


Blogger Andrew said...

you don't like it?

1:23 PM  
Blogger Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Your poetic talent clearly knows no bounds.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I didn't say I didn't like it. I was just wondering if there was anything behind it. (We're supposed to look for the meaning behind writing)
That and I was thinking about the post title.

11:18 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Brian, so do you like it or not?

6:25 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I think it's good.

12:59 AM  

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Classic...

...fool. I don't often get enraged. I very rarely try to be offensive, but this time I couldn't take it.

If you were offended by my list, I offer this rationale as to why it shouldn't have been said in such a harsh tone.
The reasons that those specific people are detriments for specific reasons, most of which stem from a lack of concentration.
The threat of mutilation was a quote from a movie (a comedy)
It is rude to directly insult people and was an unforgivable move on my part
I'll give some people points for trying, but trying isn't the same as doing, nonetheless.
I stand behind the rest of my post.


Blogger Brian said...

Katie, dearest, not having patience is definitely not the problem. The problem is that up until now, we have been much too patient and encouraging. They did not feel any real pressure, and given the natural work ethic of the general populus of the human race, we were foolish to expect them to try to improve themselves without pressure, criticism, and external discipline. We know it's hard, and we do help. We offer help, we force help, we continue offering advice, we teach, we practice with, we explain, but they won't take the initiative to take advantage of all of this, or they sit through it, not absorbing anything. And so many teaching strategies have been tried, I don't think there is any explanation for people not understanding at least what is expected of them. It still wouldn't be as bad if they could just accept and realize that they are wrong, and work on it. We don't need them to be super, we just need them to try, and that is why we're pissed and not getting anywhere: there is no effort on the part of the people who are making gross mistakes consistantly.

I do agree that we are not as closely-knit as we claim to be. So many attitudes clash, but this cannot be the source of all of the problems. It may explain a couple of things, but the main reason is that people just don't care, and they refuse to care. I can't even understand how someone could consistantly do something wrong, consistantly be told they are doing it wrong, and feel no obligation to fix the problem. I don't understand how anybody could not want to do their best. To me, this is all unfathomable.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

In my experience, gentle encouragement and steadfast friendship gets you bombed.

12:28 AM  

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I don't want to detract from the post below too soon, but did anyone else see Mr. MacMillan on NBC 5 news at a little after 10:00?


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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The 7 Year Itch

Alright, I know that I've talked many times about how the band isn't up to par this year, but I am finally at my wits end. Whether or not its obvious, band is very important to me; never have I followed through with anything like this for 7 years of my life. I played soccer and football, I was in cub scouts and boy scouts, I was in art classes, and I have traversed many friends, but never have these meant much to me.

Now I find myself in my Junior year of high school, and in a band that is a shade of greatness. Those of us who are upper-classmen have suddenly found ourselves thrust into a position of responsible limited authority, but we squander our power and misuse our privilege. The officers have gone to great lengths to bridge the age gap in the band with warm, nurturing friendship which turned out to be far and wide a huge failure in the long run--the respect commanded by the officer continuum has dwindled to an oxidized mockery of the gleaming sword that it once was. The under-classmen feel that if they are not strong members of our band, that they should lye complacently by whilst not actively trying to better their output. Meanwhile, our directors are unjustly forced to constantly re-evaluate their teaching style because of a town that has no respect for true hard work and the value that comes with the righteous discipline of the band (it truly doesn't compare with athletics; I speak with experience). These elements have resulted in a breakdown of command that has bloodied the kneecaps of the Bobcat Marching Band.

In any organization there will be niches. However, what is to blame for the fierce hatred some of these groups feel towards others still baffles me, because at the end of the day we are still part of each other (I am not exempt from feelings of bitterness towards my fellow band-mates). One cannot trust hardly anyone in the band to perform consistently, and it seems that nobody cares. How can we be someone that a younger band member looks up to if we don't "show 'em how we do it."

Pride is a great trait, and it is a certain cockiness that breaths greatness into a listless show. However, individuals must realize when its time to take pride in their ability to accept correction and invite in improvement. Just because one section is the first to routine block doesn't mean that they are absolved from rehearsing as though they were trying to be the best. We must compete with and help each other to reach perfection.

I am seeing something that I have actively molded into what it is today collapse, and I am saddened and angered. I have contemplated quitting because of my disappointment, but this accomplishes nothing. I have thought of different ways to approach issues, but I don't wish to undermine authority. I have successfully watched everything that was queued to go right, go horribly wrong.


There are only so many ways that people can tell you to do it right, but in the end its up to you. Are you going to be the reason that this band is let down, and every band that was before this one is undermined. Everything that has been given up for excellence rests in our hands to uphold or drop. It's time to stop sitting at the kiddie table! If your not going to eat at the adult table with everyone else who is doing their job, then you will starve!!

Let's get back to what the Celina Band is supposed to be.


Blogger Andrew said...

As a matter of fact, the bitcher was a bitchee, and I do take time to help those who are lacking. I have no great natural talent for playing and marching.
Furthermore, I'm not asking anyone but those who are already in the high school band to care about it. I couldn't care less about how we are perceived in the community. I never express a desire to grow either. Maybe the fact that we don't have backups should inspire more feelings of responsibility.
Since it seems you are unaware, the lesser players/ marchers were coddled and encouraged up until about a week ago, when Mr. Rutherford decided to take a harder edge with his teaching.
I'm not asking the people listed to be star marchers or players, I'm just asking them to fix minor things that plague our show day after day.

I do agree that people should not be put on a pedastle for having an outstanding natural ability, and not be held accountable for anything, and this negates the good example they might've set.

However, not only have we addressed this with Mr. R, but we don't have as wide a gap in playing and marching as we did even a year ago.

I never stated that my goal was to make it to state marching competition. That would be nice, considering this might be the only chance for a few years. My frustration is with people that can do it better and won't; that won't take instruction and enjoy their underacheivements. I am also worried because the band will not listen to orders of officers or Mr. Rutherford/ Weatherman with the same intensity as in years past. If I am drum major next year, how will I deal with people that refuse to support me?

So while the points made in your comment are valid, they do not serve to rebut hardly any points expressed by my post. And, if my information is correct, you quit band your senior year (if it was for an unavoidable reason, I apologize), so maybe I place modicum more of value upon our program.

8:11 PM  
Blogger crias said...

The biggest problem I found over my four years of high school marching band was the fact that people are there who don't really want to be there. When people are in band because their friends are in it or because their parents make them, the quality of the band suffers because, let's face it, you don't necessarily have to be super talented to march to the right spot and play your music correctly. But you do have to work hard. In '99, the last time tha Celina went to state, we didn't have a super-talented bunch. (My class was good, but we were still freshmen.) The difference is that we worked. And we worked our asses off. I remember marching the show in the street in front of my house and knowing that everyone else was doing the same thing that night. I remember no one caring that we had to come on a sunday or stay later on Tuesday night. If someone would call an after-school practice, half of us would be there--not necessarily because we needed help but because we wanted to be better. I remember Rutherford being hard on us. If there was a mistake, we were doing it again. Every time. Late for class? So? Do it right. The officers weren't afraid to lay down the law. When we had silent bus ride on the way to competition, nobody questioned it, wondered why, or talked to their friends. Also, we didn't have anyone there who didn't want to be there. Who wants to do all that work and get yelled at by Rutherford if they didn't get such a thrill from performing and from hearing "Celina" announced after Howe at Area.

2000 was the last year we stopped getting better. In 2000, the work ethic was still there, but the cohesiveness was gone. And Rutherford almost lost half the band because of the Prosper-game-bus-ride-home-incident. We finally beat Howe that year. We won best in class at a pre-UIL competition. That was awesome.

2001 was probably our best year. We had a great freshmen class. The class of 2004 was no longer freshmen. And we all were juniors. The biggest problem with 2001 (besides phil anthony...grr) was that we spent half our time on that damn singing, which the judges hated. They were like, "we aren't you marching?" That was the year that Rutherfuck wouldn't even play the judges tapes from Mabank because they were loving on us so much. In 2001, the talent was there, but the work ethic wasn't. We didn't pass the work ethic on to the class of 2005. They didn't have to work at it; they were just good. 2001 was when I first noticed a change in Ruthefuck. Suddenly, he didn't need to bitch at us as much cause we were good. Tuesday nights ended at 800pm on the dot whether or not we got everything done. If someone was out of step, meh. They'll fix it. The problem with relying on talent over hard work is that the talent isn't always going to be there. Man, we got so screwed that year. Take a look at the tape of the 2001 area performance if you want to see how a marching band is supposed to look.

In 2002, we had the worst freshman class since I've been there. They fucked up and they didn't care. We couldn't make them care. The season felt like it was going to turn around at Birdville Marching Contest. Out of 5 3A marching bands (good ones), we got 2nd. Only when we looked at the scores did our spirit break. We were awarded 0 of 15 points for colorguard. First place was .9 points ahead of us. Despite losing an automatic 15 points for not having colorguard, we lost that competition by .9 points. We were heartbroken. The judges were talking about how we need to come to a complete stop when we get to a set. They were saying how we needed to march in step. Wait a damn second. These are things that we do! And then we watched the video. And it was a great performance, but people were out of step. The crowd loved it, but we weren't doing west texas halts. Ruthefuck was nearly in tears when he was saying that this competition wouldn't have been close if we would've just done what we know to do. The team that won 3A went home, so we got to play the exhibition that night. When we were in the warmup area, it felt like my freshman year again. We had to undo that performance. We had to get it right. Rutherford was in the form when we were marching, yelling at people to get in step. We were west texas halting so hard that the judges were sure to see it. We cared if we did it right. We went out, and gave an amazing performance.

Unfortunately, it was back to normal on Monday.

In order to make your band better, you have to make them care. Not just the ones who suck. You have to make everyone care. People need to want to do well as a band so badly that they are going to stay after school and work with the people who suck until they get it right. Encourage them to practice the drill at home in the yard or in the street. Tell them to think through all their sets before they go to sleep. Share with them the tradition of excellence started in 1999. Make them settle for no less than their best, and you will be successful.

Good luck. You've got more than a couple of people rooting for you.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

duely noted. I was uncertain of the reason for your quitting, which is why I put in that provisional apologetic statement. However, I was grasping at straws for something with which to attack you because you clearly like the band or else you wouldn't help out every week. For this I'd like to thank you, and apologize if I offended you.

"Meanwhile, our directors are unjustly forced to constantly re-evaluate their teaching style because of a town that has no respect for true hard work and the value that comes with the righteous discipline of the band (it truly doesn't compare with athletics; I speak with experience)."

When I say unjustly forced, I am alluding to the grievances brought against Mr. R last year. The clencher of the next sentence is the phrase of the band. Anybody values hard work and discipline that comes with things like athletics and drill team and band(look at what respect the military gets). I am saying in this sentence that our town doesn't really respect or care about the band(in this way I am agree with your statements about the feelings of'an athletic town'). Of course, in athletics, I was never forced to be as excellent as in band.

I was arguing my position, and I agree with most of what you said. I don't wish to make an enemy. As you see I have omitted the last paragraph because I knew even while I typed that it was foolish to include.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Let me try to stay in a good mood typing this and not get carried away with the urge to correct people.
First off, I would also like to thank people for their concern, but I too must say that, based on your comments, you do not know all of the facts.
We have now been working on the show for over 2 months. All through those first 2 months, no words of real criticism came out of the mouth of any person in authority. Everything was quite carefully phrased; everything was positive, constructive, and encouraging. Crias, we did all of those things you suggested, but that can't make them want it. Nothing I can do can make someone want it the way they need to. That has to come from inside them, and it cannot be coaxed out with external stimuli. We have tried.
In repsect to the size of the band program, it's reputation, and it's place in the community, I personally do not care. I would rather have a band of 10 people who want it the way that I do than a band of 100 people like we've got now. True, the overall lack of good work ethic and discipline on behalf of the upperclassmen is doing nothing but harm to the entire program by not instilling the proper qualities in the underclassmen, but we have shown all of the underclassmen on innumerable occasions what it is supposed to look like, whether in old film, in person, with diagrams, or with their own bodies. Nothing seems to make an impact. On more than one occasion, after addressing an issue twenty plus times in a single rehearsal, the only time something was done about it was when tempers flared, people were criticized and embarrassed, and negativity was in the air. If that is what they are going to require of us in order to improve the band, then they are going to have to live with the atmosphere they have forced us to create.
Concerning the list of names, I do feel that a small number of them might have been left off because of their work ethic despite lack of talent, but the list itself is not something that is wrong. It would be better and more effective if the people on it actually read the post and saw their names on the list. Maybe then they would actually realize that, no, we aren't joking with them when we tell them they're doing it wrong. That's the problem right now. They don't try. They don't implement instruction. They don't realize they're doing it wrong. And when you try to tell them they are doing it wrong and offer help on how to do it right, they don't take you seriously and assume that they know how to do it, then they turn around and correct you on something you are doing properly because they are doing it differently and think that their way is right.
It is a natural thing to stand in a line. Especially on a football field. Escpecially when you're standing on a big white yard line. But that idea seems to elude these people.
You would also think that, after 2 or 3 (or even 1) year of marching, you would be able to at least eyeball 2 off, 4 off, and 8 off and be within a step. But we have not only feshmen (understandable still) and sophomores, but juniors and seniors who will say their line is 8 off, yet will stand proudly and resolutely at 5 off, telling the people who are exactly 8 off that they are too far forward. And no, this is not a case where there was a line moving and the form is more important than your spot. I am talking about "Go to set __", and the band runs off to that set, only to find that half the band doesn't even deserve to be on the field.

I agree whole-heartedly with what Mr. Rutherford said this morning during rehearsal. Those who were there should know what I'm talking about. I do not feel it was out of line, just as I do not feel that Andrew's list was out of line.
Maybe all you other upperclassmen haven't been doing what you're suggesting (encouraging, etc.), but the officers have been doing it since before freshmen orientation. It hasn't worked yet. Maybe you'll be more effective.

11:12 PM  
Blogger crias said...

sounds like ruthefuck should have alternates. if you know two clarinet players are going to suck, make two alternate clarinet positions. have them all audition. an alternate can challenge at any point. then if ruthefuck call out set 5 and a clarinet player is just standing there, put in the alternate.

might not make parents too happy, but then again, not much that ruthefuck does does.

11:02 AM  

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the dirty whore did it again.

well well well.. i have done it again. logged in as andrew and posted as me! hahahahahahahahaha....... andrew, you have been sorely lacking with your posting, so i decided to pick up the slack for you!! how thoughtful of me! let's have a recap of my day. got up kind of late this morning seeing as i usually get up at six on tuesdays and then yelled at my mother for not getting me out of bed. then, as i got into my second period class, i realised that it was indeed my mothers birthday and i had yelled at her and forgotten about it. needless to say, i felt like crap. the next period, W. History, went very smoothly and without any interruption in the note-taking, and then in my geometry class, to my horror, the freshmen began to march and compare marching styles and techiniques and halts. what a way to say "hey im in band" like we need more attention drawn to us. all i can say positivley about that is: at least it wasnt friday and we werent all matching in our band polos. then lunch was quite boring because everyone was talking incessantly about wicked, and i, who has neither read the book, listened to the soundtrack, or seen the play, was very left out of the conversation, so i drifted away while i ate my nutella and peanut butter sandwich. the rest of the day passed uneventfully and after school, i rushed out with laffy taffy in my hand to give to my mother and apologize profusley for not only forgetting her birthday, but yelling at her as well. so now, i am sitting here logged in as andrew, posting about my day.

i sincerely hope that this was enjoyed by all who read it!




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Sunday, October 09, 2005

If you want to destroy my sweater

This was homecoming week, and I was more excited than a pro basketball team whose bus broke down at a KKK convention. The junior class continued to grossly underachieve by coming up with a float the day of the parade.

Yesterday the Celina band made their effort to impress @ the Frisco March of Champions. Let's just say that our performance didn't go well. We made it into the top ten, but we were ranked 6th both times, very disappointing considering that Pilot Point beat us. Nobody gets it, and now I am very tempted to publish my list of the 10 band members that need to get their act together or quit. We might be able to afford the loss of 3 woodwinds and 7 brass, lord knows their not assets at the moment. I am tapped out of funny things to say, and can safely say that I am sick of band. For a more in depth or witty version of the preceedings, visit someone else.

Today is wicked


Blogger crias said...

Pilot Point beat you?!?! Lordy.

12:35 PM  

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Will I be a whore when I'm grown, Mommy

So here it is, I knew that I would finish a project early sometime in my life, and this is it. Brian and I are dangerously close to finishing our project, so naturally I have to impair progress by typing.
Yesterday was our invitational marching contest, and let me just say that we got a 1, but I hope that these freshmen don't think that means that we are good by any means. This is all I will say on the subject.

Here is the real issue here: the more I consume, the more I believe that there is something wrong with Splenda. Its been showing up in everything!!!! And I, along with others, have noticed that something effecting our short-term memories. So, read this article on The Truth About Splenda


Blogger Brian said...

But they never mention anything about short-term memory loss.

10:21 PM  

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