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Saturday, October 29, 2005

One Hand on My Shako

Well, exciting times are these. Last night was the Callisburg game (here) and we beat them in excess of fifty points--I know, I was shocked, too. Just for fun, here's a look at what I said about Callisburg last year

Just another manic...Friday?
Yes, I know this post is being clocked as Saturday, but its still Friday in my mind. I just got home from Celina's epic battle with the Callisburg wildcats in Callisburg. Who the hell knew that Callisburg was an hour drive from Celina. Callisburg's coach claims that he will make our district forget about Celina, and judging from their performance last night at the game, that promise was a hollow one. We got to play a new stands tune, I was shocked! However, we played the same new song about six times, so its novelty wore off fast. The bus ride was a fun one though, when you spend two hours on a bus with someone, you can only grow closer. I should have measured Parris's leg hair when we left Celina and when we got back to see if it had grown any :-)

It turns out that last year's Halloween party was the day before the Callisburg game, too.

Highlights of the week of 10-23 in Celina High School (in case you missed it)

  • Freezing!!! I've never been soooo cooold at a rehearsal before. I could feel my horn contracting in my hands
  • I don't hate any classes yet
  • Whatever, who cares about stupid Monday


  • This morning we added in some super-cool visuals
  • Tests are noo good
  • Who cares about triangles anyway?
  • Our show sucks
  • I don't trust pot-luck dinners
  • @ Tuesday night rehearsal we had Howe's band director come to tell us we suck.


  • Wrote an AP essay
  • Mrs. Pack is too crazy to function
  • I suck at Physics
  • Its still freezing, by the way
  • I had to read 3 books and do those ROR cards....that night


  • Auburn did something to her Iliadc crest(I really have no clue what that is other than its on the pelvis somewhere, so the spelling is purely phonetic. I'm not sure that we have a body part named after a Greek, epic poem.) on her mile and cannot march
  • She is on crutches
  • Today is quiznos day, normally the happiest day of the week, but A-burn the A-mish lady made it sad
  • freaking out about Area
  • Halloween party--watched The Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen, ate some greasy tacos, lauged


  • Yesterday
  • Callisburg game
  • like 57-6 or something ridiculous
  • We yelled for like, the entire drill team
  • I still suck at physics, I think I might have the least logical mind ever
  • Pep-rally, blahhhh, convulsions
  • Our performance was quite awesome. I'm not going to say there weren't mistakes, but it was exciting and things hit and I am excited
  • I may not have been meeting my ankles at the &'s, but if I had, I would've been out of stride with everyone else (not excuse or justification, just post-performance observation)


  • TODAY IS AREA, nothing has really happened yet, so I'll make something up
  • For the first time, everyone had all their uniform
  • We ate subway for lunch, they messed up many orders
  • Our show totally hit, we advanced to finals
  • half the school came to watch us
  • in the finals, our tuning was miraculous, and the trumpets were flawless (naturally)
  • We advanced to state, and lime jell-o rained from the heavens!

If I don't go, I'll be late to band


Blogger Brian said...

Wow, that prediction was surprisingly accurate.
Except of course for the lime jello thing.

I think it's "illiac", not "Illiad", but I could also be mistaken.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

sadly no lime jello rained from the heavens but that tis the only disapointing part of the day

12:39 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Googled it, it is iliac crest, whick makes waaaaaay more sense (like I said)

12:47 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I think you should become an oracle

9:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

i distinctly remember lime jell-o flooding the stadium

10:48 PM  
Blogger V said...

This post cracked me up a whole buncha lot.

10:10 AM  

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