The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Something Plaid is happening in Oz

Ok hijos, have we really run out of things to be in style. Why does plaid have to come back? I thought we locked that in the closet with our leg warmers----oh, wait, those are back, too. Good news for lumberjacks, bad news for normal people. By the way, the plaid I'm talking about is not the funky spring plaid that we saw earlier this year. It is the old style, Canadian red and blue. In a long sleeve shirt. With matching jacket. And underwear. And lined jeans. And socks.


Blogger Catherine said...

me 2!

plaid is awesome!! and so are lumberjacks!!

7:25 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I hate plaid

7:56 PM  

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Oh, Yeah! Quizzes

You Are Pecan Pie Soda

Sweet, but totally nuts

You Are Somewhat Machiavellian

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!

You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

You Are Mud Pie

You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth
Those who like you give into their impulses

Your World View

You are a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others.
You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.
You are essentially a content person.

Sometimes, you consider yourself a little superior.
You are moral by your own standards.
You believe that morality is what best suits the occasion.

You scored as Cruella De Ville. Your alter ego is Cruella De Ville! You hurt little puppies and have bad hair... shame on you!

Cruella De Ville


The Beast


Donald Duck


Sleeping Beauty








Snow White


Peter Pan




Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
created with

You scored as Albus Dumbledore. Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Ron Weasley


Albus Dumbledore


Hermione Granger


Ginny Weasley


Lord Voldemort


Sirius Black


Harry Potter


Severus Snape


Remus Lupin


Draco Malfoy


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with


Blogger Brian said...

I tried taking the Machiavellian quiz and the World View quiz, but my computer froze up before I could finish them, so I didn't bother to go back and do them.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

That's a little strange; maybe it's fixed to make people feel bad about themselves

8:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Its the de-genderizing effect of being in band

9:33 PM  

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Crazy Queers

Does anybody watch queer eye for the straight guy? Well, it used to be such a cool, funny show until they got all humanitarian. The premise was simply to make over straight guys with no sense of class or style. They used to focus of how they made over the guy--buying the clothes, all the grooming--and they would show specific tips and model all the outfits. Now you might see one outfit it the midst of all the other crap. Now they have to make over all these kids and the wives and they find all these needy people and take them to Target and buy their medication and babysit. What is up? If I wanted my heart warmed, I'd watch extreme makeover home edition. Come on Bravo, why do you squander the 5 funny gay people.


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Thursday, November 24, 2005

November 24, 1 AM, Central Time

I should tell you I'm disaster
take me for what i am:
starving for attention
Weak on my feet.
please don't touch me

Hold that focus
Why am I the witness
Will I lose my dignity
the story never ends

Remember the love
group hugs
freezing because we have no heat.
I'd forgotten how to smile

How do you leave the past behind
wasted opportunities
An angel of the first degree
No one knew her worth

ignored all night long
The heart yearns!
Mucho masturbation
Today for you
Forget regret or life is yours to miss

Nine PM
You have to get out of the house
Before the sun sets
Let's run away
Over the Moon
The only way out is up
I'll be your shelter


Blogger Brian said...

Are those in any order, or are they completely random? Great movie though. Awesome movie actually!

Some of those lines weren't actually in the movie. Grr cuts.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I just put them together to make a semi-cohesive poem.

6:58 AM  

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Monday, November 14, 2005


At 3:00 this morning, I was awakened by my sister who came over to take me to the hospital.
At 1:00 this morning, my dad called 911 to take my mom to the emergency room--she couldn't breath.
At 3:30 this morning, she was moved into the Critical Care Unit (CCU) at Medical Center of McKinney.
She is on a respirator and is barely stable.
I don't know what is wrong.
She'll be in CCU for several days.
At 5:30 this morning, we left the hospital because she was under heavy sedation, and the pulminologist wouldn't be in until 7:30.
We are on standby, waiting to go back if/when we get a call.
Your prayers would be appreciated
I will not be attending school today.


Blogger Catherine said...

like wow! thats terrible!

my prayers are with you and your mom!

6:30 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

You've got mine.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Mine too.

11:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

and mine

not to diverge from the subject but my mom says we can take u HP =)

i love u lots and u can always come stay with me!


6:07 PM  
Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

hey, how is your mom now?
hope for the best

5:02 AM  

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

I could make a meaty post

But for the sake of my vegetarian friends, this post will have the flavor fulfillment of tofu and wheatgrass.

An Indian slaying knoll and a reddish-brown commoner saw a CGI interpretation of a fairy tale of sorts with several movie references as well as a pig and a fish out of water. Moderately humorous at times

Things learned from this experience:

Fish are cute
chickens are cute
Cocks are inherently bad fathers
some people look good in snow boots
no guy looks good in chick pants
slippers are ok
starbucks can't go wrong
Barnes & Noble is the America of the mall--they take anybody
Teenage girls in packs are vicious
Outflux feels like it can't live up to influx
Foster Farmer plays guitar in a crappy band from Prosper
Your never too far from cool light fixtures


Blogger Catherine said...

you forgot the part about the cute furry aliens that make very funny noises and use the big voice

9:22 PM  

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Ev'ry one in Band's a little bi

Survey time.

Which person(s) in band would you be most comfortable showering with?


Blogger Chris said...

I see what you mean by the comment you posted on my blog about change.

10:28 PM  
Blogger crias said...

Shelly or Anna

9:24 AM  

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Why are referees always portrayed by animated beavers?


Blogger Nitsujcm said...

Because zebras are too obvious of a choice.

12:48 PM  

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Eat your zinc and protein, kids

for a healthy reproductive system and strong muscles. Have three servings of dairy a day, as well. We have to be at our zenith tomorrow.


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Thursday, November 03, 2005

The last one

for now

Today was last workout, should I be happy or sad? As (I want to say Chris) put it today, this is the last time this year I get to shower around a pole with a bunch of guys...unless there is some uncontrolled romp at state.

New topic:
I'm very torn, and I don't understand what is wrong with me. I'm not depressed or inflicting pain upon myself, but I'm deeply saddened by myself and others. Its another one of those "why" moments. Why is physics such a bafflingly logical class, why do I love and hate accounting? Why don't people realize how they act? Do I come off unfavorablly to others? Why does everything have to change? Why can't something just go right for once? You think that everything is fine until something happens or someone says something to make you day crash.

New topic:
I love Caroline from The Apprentice.


Blogger Andrew said...

I love comments like these.

12:38 AM  

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