The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Friday, September 02, 2005


I found out that my phone was accidentally disconnected this week, so if you've tried to reach me during the week and failed, I aplogize and I hope that you could live without the comfort of my eternal wisdom :-)

Well, after a stint of being out of favour with my class, I was elected class officer this year (probably because they want someone responsible so prom is a success) The VP's are unhappy with their positions and they feel that the class sponsors daughter was appointed as president because of obvious bias. I am PR officer, which is actually pretty big for the Junior class. It seems that I get offices that are low as far as title ranking, but huge on work.

Two days ago, I accidentally slept from 5 pm to 11:30 pm and had to get up at 3 am so I was tired and today I had to get up at 4 to finish some work. The cycle will never end, but I found that I like doing my work early in the morning rather than the evening--it gets me in the mood for school.

The Peter Furrito (sp?) leadership workshop was last night, and while I didn't like it at first, my feelings changed toward the end. I felt that the lectures where riddled with leadership and life cliches, which is why I often had trouble speaking up because I hate cliches. However, I realized that I found these things cliche because of all the leadership things I have been through. I enjoyed to interview, but it will still be a challenge to treat everyone equally.

Football game today against Community. YAY long bus rides. I'm bringing about 5 ties, so if anyone wants to dress up for once for the theme...


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