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Friday, August 19, 2005

You call that a line!?

First week down, about 35 more to go. Thinking about it in weeks makes it seem so short, doesn't it. So many things to do, and so much time in which to procrastinate. I don't think a have a complaint about a single class. I don't know what my life will be driven by, now. I'm looking for something bad, because its impossible for me to enjoy every class.

I read "A Streetcar Named Desire" last night so I could stay in my English Class. GO DEADLINES!

Ok, the people on MTV are stupid....

Let me preface this by saying two things: 1) MTV does many stupid things, this is just an example of one. 2) Every morning while getting ready to go to band, I watch a combination of Videomaniac, Jump Start, and MTV Video Wake-up.

....Ok, so I was watching, on MTV, the video for My Chemical Romance's Helena, and about 12 seconds into it, I noticed something terribly wrong. The station had brightened, intensified, and oversaturated the color. Now, if you've seen this video, you know that it is supposed to carry very drab black and grey tones (the pale skin of the band members looks especially pale and grey) because it is a funeral setting and is supposed to be kind of gothic and sad. They peoples skin was almost tan looking and certainly more healthy looking than was the intended effect. The dead girl didn't look dead, and you could tell the difference in all the colors much better due to heightened contrast. So I ask you, who was the idiot who was like "oh, they messeded this 'un up--they forgots to put in the coluur"

Switching gears, what is up with the lack of line making skills in our band. All that sets are are a series of interrelated lines or curves, so wouldn't it be obvious that if you are not part of one of these that you are wrong!!!??? Any freshmen, besides the good ones (and you know who you are) that read this (even if they don't) should be ashamed. Any upperclassmen struggling with lines should quit band and become a garbage collector.


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