The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Sunday, February 20, 2005


This years band officers organized a bowling party held last night. It was much more fun than I expected and I hope everyone else can say the same. I would like to apologize to Mrs. Hanke at this point for being so earthshatteringly loud. We also gave away a $50 gift card from Best Buy to the highest bowling (The highest scoring bowler, not the bowler who was most high at the time of bowling). Well, if you ever doubted that Becky was good at everything, here is proof, as she was the winner of the gift card. Oddly enough, both Brian and Becky (at separate times, completely independent of each other) suggested a Wal-Mart gift card be given. Each were very excited to hear that they think alike.
I played one game and retired to the arcade after my pathetic total score of 74. I am much better at air hockey than at bowling. For the first time ever, I won a game of Cruisin' World and got a free game. I believe Cruisin' World is the best video game ever because when you hit the kangaroos in Australia, they explode into little bloody pieces and you can never really get off the track.
After the party I stayed at Parris's house a good long while and we watched Mulan 2! Maybe I had better get off the computer because everything is starting to wobble and my eyes are burning a little bit. See everyone on Monday (if I can still see by then)


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