Sunday, January 08, 2006
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: Celina, Texas, United States
I am a sophomore Junior SENIOR at Celina High School, grasping at the straws of friendship while balancing delicately the pressure of homework, crazed teachers that hate me, making the decision of what I want to do with the rest of my life, and 24 hours of Band a day. It makes me yearn for the days of being a dirty freshman
Previous Posts
- You think your something else?
- Jardin de Aceitunas
- New Year's Resolutions
- New Years Crappin' Eve
- The adolescence of my discontent
- Dinner without the Death
- Twas
- Tengo un gato grande y caliente en mis pantalones ...
- You can't keep a cold house with leg warmers
- This might be a little too demonic
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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A. A. Milne
Look at all the pretty links!
- Because she can
- Bigfoot's big blog about birds
- Sun Gods Wear Fanny Packs?
- New Mournful Miserables
- Who cares about politics?
- What is wisdom to a fool?
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-1
- Album: OAP, The Medicine Show
- Album: BETA Convention '05
- Album: OAP,Miracle Worker-2
- Cool Site for Catholics!
- Fugly Fun
3 cheeses walk into a bar...
Ya'll come back and see us now, you hear!

sorry its of such crappy quality, it does that on the conversion to jpeg.
Crucible is misspelled, but I like the logo.
It's better than the pentagram thing. I like it.
the "e" got cut off, but its crappy quality anyway, I'd redo it. Like I said before, I'm using the pentagram as a bargaining chip, I don't actually want it. AAAAANNNNND, this is the front, not back, insignia
I know you're going to redo it, and I know that the quality's crappy, but it also looks like the u is an h.
This on the front and the big pic minus pentagram on the back would make for quite a good shirt. Red and black go so well together, even in song.
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