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Sunday, September 18, 2005

I got a shot in the buttocks

So my parents (being into homeopathic remedies as they are) decided that since I could no longer speak in complete sentences and they were really bad at charades that we should visit a doctor. Not wanting to wait 4 days for an appointment, we went to the primacare or permacare or whatever clinic in Mckinney. After a 2 hour wait in which we almost got to watch all of The Pacifier with Vin Deisel (i can't even express my joy) the doctor told me I had either strep or mono. He tested for strep first by shoving an overgrown q-tip into my tonsils (which are touching and pushing back my uvula, by the way). If it wasn't strep, I would've had to have given blood and waited 3 more days. The last time I was given a choice between pills and a shot of peniscillin (sp?) I , like an idiot, chose the gargantuant pills--I was not gonna be stuck with horse pills this time. So the nurse comes in with the shot and says that she is sorry but it must be applied to "my rear". The shot itself didn't hurt, but now I cannot sit down for the mold coursing through my veins. On top of this, I still have to take pills! I haven't eaten in days, I've had a grotesque amount of apple juice and there is mucus draining from my nose and other cavities, but it can't make it down my throat, so I have to spit every 10 seconds or so....excuse me......ok, better. I'm going to fail my classes because I will be back tues. or wed.

I'm sorry I haven't been answering my phone, most of the time I haven't been able to locate it and even if I could I am rather disinclined to talk. I'm also sorry for all the crap I stuck people with by being out, and a final apology to anyone who sits at my desks at school, you might not be able to talk in a couple days.

OK, part deux. After we left the clinic, the main belt on the van broke (luckily I had moments earlier insisted a visit to Starbucks, so we were in that parking lot) and we called Shelly to come pick us up, but she had just spilt paint all over her floor (it was latex based, so anything with oil will dissolve it, don't worry) so we had to wait inside a loud Taco Cabana where I force drank 3 medium Sprites with lemons and limes squeezed in. So we did all this crap, went to Wal-Mart (only the best, right) and I just got home to journal these happenings.

Good thing I got the shot, or I might've been faced with another onion poultice :-)

I think I have brain damage because I just spent almost a minute trying to figure out why my "G" in Good wouldn't capitalize. I discovered that it was because I actually have to push the shift key, not just will it depress.

If I die, you'll be the first to know---off to bed!!


Blogger Catherine said...

I'm sooo sorry!

Get well soon!

9:06 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

wow. I think the last time I was THAT sick was in Kindergarten.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ANDREW!!!! I LOVE YOU! i'm sorry you couldn't come to onthe boarder with us and i hope u feel better soon!

9:23 PM  

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