The current mood of The Great White Nothing

31 uses for cork grease and counting. . .

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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Brigt Spot

Have you ever needed something unexpected to happen to brighten your day? Well, have been feeling very confused lately, and it took such an event to pull me through the chaos.

Today, during the super bowl (which I beleive is a symbol of all that is wrong with America and would never willingly subject myself to), I received a call from Lori. For some reason, I've always been the type that really enjoyed having friends who were older than me. It always made me feel secure for some reason.

Lori is a very refreshing person to talk to, and I often find myself feeling foolish in the face of her...childlike wisdom. I also think that it is very spiffy of her to keep in touch with these lowly high schoolers. She has been a vital factor in shaping who I am today, and I admire her.


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