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Friday, January 28, 2005

Wal-Mart Recognizes Gays and Iraqis Vote

And apparently not all of their...thrifty minded customers are pleased. They have expanded their policy to include same-sex partners. So, people's life partners are now eligible for that great employee discount.

Iraqis around the world are beginning to vote in the first Iraqi democratic election. Beginning today, Australian-Iraqis cast the first votes, followed by those in Canada, Europe, and the US. The only Iraqis not voting are the ones in Iraq--at least until Sunday. Not sure how their going to control this election, with all the insurgent groups burning ballots and killing the people before they can vote. And whoever is elected won't have any real power. The US will still have to be a big brother and scare away all the people that threaten the government's integrity.


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