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Sunday, January 23, 2005

San Antonio, Jump On It!!

Well, what a convention it was.
From the crappy food to the crappy
service to the crappy speeches to the crappy entertainment—
it was great. We stayed at a Clarion Hotel right on the riverwalk.
We had to go to meetings and listen to a bunch of people give awful (sometimes funny) speeches. WE SAW STUMPY!! We threw lemons at people.
We created a new soft-drink (Splendid Lemon Dr. Pepper).
We even built a better BETA with the BETA builder belt!
Last, but not least, we all ingested some mind altering squid.
I felt very out of place in a way—it’s hard to be exposed to that many people who a drones to the masses. It was soooo radically different from a band trip.
We had a 12:00 curfew, we didn’t have to be up at 5:00am and nobody monitored the halls to make sure we stayed in our room. We could sing and stand up on the bus. And since Ms. AdaFay wasn’t driving, we didn’t have a feeling of sudden death upon us.
San Antonio is a great city. I have a lot of pictures that will be posted ASAP (check the sidebar for a link) with captions so all ya’ll North Texas Honor Band fools know what’s going on.


Blogger Brian said...

I take offense at that foo!
NTHB pretty much sucked. Concert tried to play music they couldn't play, like, and I don't know if you remember this one, "American River Songs." The Symphonic Region band played that with Holsinger (Abram's Pursuit). Symphonic played the Tichelli "Amazing Grace" and Circus Days, the march from the Holsinger year. Everything could have been better, but NTHB is always like that - it's not region.
I've never been to SA, but I will be going soon. Yay!

9:52 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

That comment was almost as hard to follow as your paper:-)

11:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ANDREW COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9:37 PM  

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