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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Wild Night in the Woods

It wasn't really all that wild, but it was hot!!!! There has never been a band campout in history that has been this freaking hot. Today was 99 only. I am just now discovering all the bug bites I got, and I am pretty sure that I have contracted some type of disease caused by the mixing of all the different salivas of every North Texas insect.

I saw the 3rd Star Wars on Thursday. It could be the best of the new trilogy, but I liked the 2nd one better, myself. I also liked the second film in the old trilogy. Besides a few cheesy/ romantic lines put in to play upon the troubled romance and the main characters' apparent loss of all acting talent between The Attack of the Clones and The Revenge of the Sith, it was very good.


Blogger Unknown said...

awww poor julia and andrew. its like a pity party! haha

11:51 AM  

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