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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Ranting, New Clothes, Hell, and a Pizza

No, its not a new sitcom, its my Saturday...............
..................I spent the night at Cain's in my dress clothes from the banquet. We played dance dance revolution and partook of some Bath & Body Works Pleasures. I spent most of today with the Hankes, starting first with a trip to Target so I could change out of my dress clothes, and many games of Hell (the greatest card game ever--its like spoons on speed--aptly named for Cain). After this, I went over to Parris's and made pizza (a very good pizza, I might add) and left. I felt like a caterer--I set the table and folded napkins and everything.
One of the sorrowful mysteries surrounding the creation of this blog was the question of what to make of my life. Well, today, I have been guided by a mother and a philosopher, and I feel much better about the choices I'm making for my high school career.

Last, but not least, a petite rant. Since when has Keyes done a good job with his office?? He's always late with the minutes (and they aren't done correctly), I did the lap book, our general filing system is a mess and is riddles with incontinuities and erroneous material, when we moved from the admin. building to the new band hall, all Keyes did was build stacks of wooden markers and knock them down. When he was "helping me," I did work while he got into as many things as possible in the choir room and threw a ball around (he's lucky he didn't break anything). My mom has actually done more to help with the library. Brian and Becky have done more. His work ethic is apalling, and I consider his contributions as an officer to be more of a liability than an asset. And about Mr. Rutherfords "no higher office" policy, how is it possible to have a board based upon a system of hierarchy without a differentation in rank?

As a side note, its amazing how much your friends change. Not the personalities, but a change in the people that you hang out with. And on that note, friends you have can, themselves, change so much in so little time. Where are we headed?


Blogger Brian said...

A) I agree with the Keyes thing whole-heartedly.
B) I seriously think you should have gotten either the "work-horse" award or some other award for the endless hours you've spent fixing and building the library. You've done more work this year than any two officers combined. I guess it's just that I do the physical stuff with equipment and sound stuff.
*Snaps for Andrew*

12:47 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I don't mind that you got the "work-horse" award, and before he announced it I knew that it would be you because you work more for the band program all around.

1:34 PM  

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