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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Leah will be thrilled to know that Chimeras are now real

Scientists have begun to create animals infused with human cells. Doesn't that sound like fun. Best of all, there is no federal regulations yet. Pros: we get to see real effects of stem cells on living creatures, we can have hosts for vital human organs, and we can recreate mythical beasts. Cons: WE'RE SPLICING ANIMAL GENES WITH HUMAN GENES! Sure they put animal DNA in plants, but that does not defile the sanctity of the human species (no offense to the other animals). It could get to the point where these "chimeras" as they have been dubbed, are so human that a murder charge could be justified.


Blogger crias said...

Is it not "playing God" to use a condom or be on the pill? How about going to the doctor when you get sick. What about the Government executing its own citizens who have been convicted of murder (even though 1 out of 7 are innocent)? Think of it. That's interferring with the way it was intended.

1:20 AM  

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